Rui Soares Barbosa

Rui Miguel de Sousa Martinho Soares Barbosa
My interests lie on the border between Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics. Overall, my research combines methods from theoretical computer science, sophisticated mathematical techniques, and foundations of quantum mechanics to bear on the study of quantum computation and information processing.
It aims to achieve a structural understanding of the characteristically non-classical features of quantum systems and of their potential (and limitations) as informatic or computational resources providing advantage over their classical counterparts, in order to develop systematic methods for utilising them.
In particular, my research has focussed on the study non-localilty and contextuality, phenomena that set quantum theory apart from classical physical theories. In contrast with the classical case, not all observables of a quantum system can be measured and be assigned values simultaneously. Contexts of jointly measurable observables provide multiple partial, classical perspectives on a quantum system. But while any two of these contexts fit nicely together, they cannot all be pasted consistently into a global perspective. This gap between local consistency and global inconsistency is what constitutes contextuality, a concept that can be elegantly expressed in the language of sheaf theory.
- Jan 2015 –
- Research Assistant in the Quantum Group
- Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
- Jan 2016 –
- Junior Research Fellow
- Wolfson College, Oxford
- Aug 2016 – Dec 2016
- Simons–Berkeley Research Fellow
- Programme: Logical Structures in Computation
- Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, University of California, Berkeley
- Oct 2010 – Jul 2015
- DPhil in Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
- under the supervision of Samson Abramsky and Andreas Döring.
- Oct 2010 – Sep 2013: ESR fellow of the MALOA project.
- Jan 2014 – Dec 2014: funded by FCT
- Oct 2009 – Sep 2010
- MSc in Mathematics and the Foundations of Compter Science (aka MFoCS)
- Mathematical Institute and Computing Laboratory (now Dept. of Computer Science), University of Oxford
- My dissertation supervisor was Andreas Döring.
- Sep 2006 – Jul 2009
- Licenciatura (BSc) in Computer Science
- Departments of Mathematics and Informatics, Universidade do Minho, Braga.
- Feb 2009 – Jun 2009: Semester Erasmus programme at Center for Software Technology, Utrecht Universiteit
Selected Publications
A comonadic view of simulations and quantum resources
Samson Abramsky‚ Rui Soares Barbosa‚ Martti Karvonen and Shane Mansfield
June, 2019.
E−print: arXiv:1904.10035 [quant−ph]
Details about A comonadic view of simulations and quantum resources | BibTeX data for A comonadic view of simulations and quantum resources
Contextuality and noncommutative geometry in quantum mechanics
Nadish de Silva and Rui Soares Barbosa
In Communications in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 365. No. 2. Pages 375–429. January, 2019.
Earlier partial version (“Partial and total ideals of von Neumann algebras”) available as arXiv:1408.1172 [math.OA]
Details about Contextuality and noncommutative geometry in quantum mechanics | BibTeX data for Contextuality and noncommutative geometry in quantum mechanics | DOI (10.1007/s00220-018-3222-9)
Minimum quantum resources for strong non−locality
Samson Abramsky‚ Rui Soares Barbosa‚ Giovanni Carù‚ Nadish de Silva‚ Kohei Kishida and Shane Mansfield
In Mark M. Wilde, editor, Proceedings of 12th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation‚ Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2017). Vol. 73 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Pages 9:1–9:20. Dagstuhl‚ Germany. 2018. Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz−Zentrum fuer Informatik.
Accepted for communication at 14th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2017); E−print: arXiv:1705.09312 [quant−ph]
Details about Minimum quantum resources for strong non−locality | BibTeX data for Minimum quantum resources for strong non−locality | DOI (10.4230/LIPIcs.TQC.2017.9) | Link to Minimum quantum resources for strong non−locality