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Simon Birnbach

Personal photo - Simon Birnbach

Dr Simon Birnbach

Senior Research Associate

Junior Research Fellow, Kellogg College

Department of Computer Science,
Robert Hooke Building
Directions Postal Address



Simon is a Senior Research Associate and a Royal Academy of Engineering UK IC Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Systems Security Lab of Professor Ivan Martinovic in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. He specialises in the security of cyber-physical systems, with a focus on smart home, aviation, and aerospace security.

In the past, Simon has researched topics such as how to detect drone privacy invasion attacks with a single, non-dedicated receiver, and how the occurrence of physical events in smart homes can be verified through collaborating sensors. Additionally, he has developed a transferable fingerprinting scheme to protect legacy data links and onboard data buses used in aviation. For his Fellowship, he is investigating how to securely fuse satellite imagery with self-reported ship locations and wireless signal data. By combining these data sources in a secure manner, maritime surveillance systems will be better equipped to uncover advanced attacks and irregular activities at sea.

Simon has extensive experience in systems security research and has co-supervised two MSc and six PhD students working on related topics, including satellite security, IoT and wearables security, behavioural biometrics, and network malware detection.

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