Subhayan Roy Moulik

I am broadly interested in the foundations of quantum theory, quantum cryptography, and quantum computing. In general, there are three facets of my research. I am interested to understand the fundamental limits of information processing as imposed by the laws of physics - particularly, quantum theory and relativity. Second, given the ultimate limits of information processing in nature, how can we harness them to realise computational, communication, and cryptographic tasks of interest. And finally given possibilities and impossibilities of information processing, what does it tell us about nature. See my Google Scholar for the projects I have finished.
More recently, I got interested in analysis of Boolean functions, spectral graph theory and high dimensional statistics.
I am the Teaching Assistant and Tutor for the Quantum Information courses offered in the Hillary Term of 2020, at Maths (taught by Artur Ekert) and at Computer Science (taught by Giulio Chiribella & Aleks Kissinger) respectively.
I lectured and taught Linear Algebra in Michaelmas 2018-19, and lectured and co-taught (with Vojtěch Havlíček) Probability Theory in Hillary 2018-2019 to exchange students at Keble College.
I delivered a minicourse on Quantum Entanglement at NIUS-Physics Camp to undergraduate students in 2016.
Announcements [2019-2020]
[DPhil] I completed my DPhil and moved to UC Berkeley as a postdoctoral scholar.
[Organisation] I organised the Quantum Lunch Seminar Series (with Stefano Gogioso).
[Talk] I am talking about Quantum Proofs of Proximity at the University of California, Berkeley on 14th August.
[Talk] I will give a guest lecture on Quantum Cryptography, in Tom Gur's Quantum Computing Course in DCS at the University of Warwick on 6th February.
[Event] There is a Research Term on Quantum Information Theory at ICMAT, Madrid. I will be there during 7th-11th October for the focus week for quantum computation for discussions.
[Talk] Check out Lattice Coding & Crypto Meeting at Imperial College on 18th September I will be giving a talk as well on Quantum Algorithms for Sieving Lattices.
I am a final year doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science. Here I hold a Clarendon Scholarship along with Google-Deepmind Scholarship and Keble Sloane Robinson Award.