
Lecturer Varun Kanade
Hours (Week 4) 10:30am-12:30pm (Monday-Thursday)
Location LR7

Note 1. There will be parts of the chapters suggested as reading that you struggle with or may seem not directly related to what we covered in the lecture. I suggest you skip these sections and then only return to them once you've understood the material covered in the lecture and want to increase your understanding further.

Note 2. Many thanks to Miroslav Gasparek who has diligently scribed during the lectures. These are typed in real time and have not been reviewed, so please read them very carefully and use as appropriate. (Lecture Notes)

Lecture Schedule

Date Topic Reading

04/11/2019 Stochastic Multi-armed Bandit Algorithms Chapter 1 (Slivkins)

05/11/2019 Bandit Lower Bounds; Learning with Experts Chapter 2 (Slivkins)

06/11/2019 Learning with Experts; Adversarial Bandits Chapter 5, 6 (Slivkins)

07/11/2019 Online Learning (FTL, FTRL, FTPL)