Interview Question 4
- Consider the following ten-digit number:
\( 7~1~0~6~4~1~9~9~0~2\). You should remove three of the digits so as to get the largest possible seven digit number. As a first step, you may want to try to delete two digits from the following five digit number to get the largest possible three digit number:
\(7~1~9~3~4\). - Now consider the more general question when you are given an \(n\) digit number and asked to delete \(k < n\) out of the \(n\) digits, so as to leave the largest possible \(n - k\) digit number. Explain your general strategy. Evaluate the number of steps requried to perform your strategy and try to minimise this number as much as you can.
Tags: oxford, cs, maths, interview
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