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Built-In Definitions


constant Bool :: {Bool}

The set of all booleans, i.e. Bool = {True, False}.

constant Char :: Char

The set of all characters. See Char for more details on the range of characters supported.

constant Events :: {Event}

The set of all events that are currently defined. For example, if a CSPM file included the following definitions:

channel a : {0, 1}
channel b

then Events would evaluate to {a.0, a.1, b}.

constant Int :: {Int}

The set of all integers. See Int for more details on the range of integers supported.

constant Proc :: Proc

The set of all processes that are defined. This set may not be manipulated in any way, but is provided to allow processes to be used in datatypes:

datatype X = C.Proc

f = C.STOP
constant False :: Bool

Evaluates to the literal false.

constant True :: Bool

Evaluates to the literal true.

Set Functions

function card :: (Eq a) => ({a}) -> Int

Returns the cardinality, or size, of the given set. For example, card({}) = 0 and card({0}) = 1.

function diff :: (Set a) => ({a}, {a}) -> {a}

Returns the relative complement of two sets (i.e. XY is written as diff(X,Y)). For example, diff({1}, {1}) = {} and diff({1,2}, {1}) = {2}.

function empty :: (Eq a) => ({a}) -> Bool

Returns true if the set is empty.

function inter :: (Set a) => ({a}, {a}) -> {a}

Returns the intersection of the two sets.

function Inter :: (Set a) => ({{a}}) -> {a}

Given a set of sets, returns the intersection of all of the sets. For example, Inter({{1}, {1,2}, {1,2,3}}) = {1}.

function member :: (Eq a) => (a, {a}) -> Bool

Returns true if the given element is a member of the given set.

function seq :: (Eq a) => ({a}) -> <a>

Returns a sequence consisting of all the elements in the given set. The ordering is undefined, although equal sets will return their elements in the same order.

New in version 2.91.

function Seq :: (Set a) => ({a}) -> {<a>}.

Given a set, returns the set of all finite sequences of elements from the set. If the input set is non-empty, then the output of this function is always infinite.

function Set :: (Set a) => ({a}) -> {{a}}

Returns the powerset of the input set.

function union :: (Set a) => ({a}, {a}) -> {a}

Returns the union of the two sets.

function Union :: (Set a) => ({{a}}) -> {a}

Given a set of sets, returns the union of all the sets. For example, Union({{1}, {2}}) = {1, 2}.

Sequence Functions

function concat :: (<<a>>) -> <a>

Given a sequence of sequence, concatenates all the sequences into one. For example, concat(<<1>, <2>, <3>>) = <1, 2, 3>.

function elem :: (Eq a) => (a, <a>) -> <a>

Returns true if the first argument occurs anywhere in the given list.

function head :: (<a>) -> a

Returns the first element of the given list, throwing an error if the list is empty.

function length :: (<a>) -> Int

Returns the length of list.

function null :: (<a>) -> Bool

True if the list is empty.

function set :: (Set a) => (<a>) -> {a}

Converts the given list into a set.

function tail :: (<a>) -> <a>

Returns the tail of the list starting at the second element, throwing an error if the list is empty. Thus, xs = <head(xs)>^tail(xs).

Map Functions

function emptyMap :: (Set k) => Map k v

Returns an empty map. O(1).

New in version 3.0.

function mapDelete :: (Set k) => (Map k v, k) -> Map k v

Removes the specified key from the map if it is present. O(log n).

New in version 3.2.

function mapFromList :: (Set k) => (<(k, v)>) -> Map k v

Constructs a map given a sequence of associative pairs. If the same key appears more than once, then the last value in the list will be used (i.e. later entries will overwrite earlier entries). O(n log n).

New in version 3.0.

function mapLookup :: (Set k) => (Map k v, k) -> v

Returns the value associated with the specified key in the map. If the key is not in the domain of the map then an error is thrown. O(log n)

New in version 3.0.

function mapMember :: (Set k) => (Map k v, k) -> Bool

Returns true if the key is in the map. O(log n).

New in version 3.0.

function mapToList :: (Set k) => (Map k v) -> <(k, v)>

Converts a map to a sequence of associative pairs. O(n).

New in version 3.0.

function mapUpdate :: (Set k) => (Map k v, k, v) -> Map k v

Inserts the specified key value pair into the map, overwriting the current value if the specified key is already in the map. O(log n).

New in version 3.0.

function mapUpdateMultiple :: (Set k) => (Map k v, <(k, v)>) -> Map k v

Inserts each key-value pair into the map (as per mapUpdate). If the same key appears more than once, then the last value in the list will be used (i.e. later entries will overwrite earlier entries). O(m log n), where m is the length of the list to be inserted.

New in version 3.0.

function Map :: (Set k, Set v) => ({k}, {v}) -> {Map k v}

Returns the set of all maps from the given domain to the given image.

New in version 3.0.

Error Handling

function error :: (<Char>) -> a

Displays the specified string as an error message. For exmaple:

f(0) = error("f is not defined for 0.")
f(n) = n-1

New in version 3.0.

function show :: (a) -> <Char>

Converts the specified object to a string in a human-readable format. For example:

f(x) = show(x)^" % 2 == "^show(x % 2)

would print 4 %2 == 0 when f(4) is called.

New in version 3.0.


function CHAOS :: ({Event}) -> Proc

CHAOS(A) offers the non-deterministic choice over all events in A, but may also deadlock at any point.

function DIV :: Proc

DIV immediately diverges. It is equivalent to DIV = STOP [> DIV, or DIV = |~| _ : {0} @ DIV.

external function loop :: (Proc) -> Proc

loop(P) computes a process that repeatedly runs the given process using Sequential Composition. In particular, loop(P) is equal to X, where X = P ; X.


This function was required in prior versions of FDR to enable a more optimised representation for certain processes. The new compiler included in 3.0 automatically recognises and optimises definitions of the form X = P ; X, negating the need for this function to be used.

function RUN :: ({Event}) -> Proc

RUN(A) offers the choice over all events in A, perpetually.

constant SKIP :: Proc

The process that immediately terminates. Thus, SKIP ; P = P, for all P.

constant STOP :: Proc

The process that offers no events and therefore represents a deadlocked process. It is equivalent to [] _ : {} @ error("This is not called.").

function WAIT :: (Int) -> Proc

WAIT(n) performs precisely n tock events and then behaves like SKIP. Note that this function is only in scope within timed sections.

Compression Functions

FDR has a number of compression functions that can be applied to processes to either attempt to reduce the number of states that a process has (and thus make refinement checking faster), or to change the semantics in useful ways (cf. chase or prioritise).

Generally, compressions that are designed to reduce the number of states a process has are best applied to the arguments of parallel compositions, or other similar operators. There is no point applying one of the semantics-preserving compressions to the top-level of a process since the compression will need to visit every state of the inner process in order to calculate the compressed machine. Clearly this is precisely what the original refinement check would have done. For example:

-- Potentially a useful compression
assert normal(Q) ||| normal(R)
-- Not a useful compression
assert normal(Q ||| R) :[deadlock free]

Further, note that by default FDR applies compressions to the arguments of parallel compositions, meaning there is no need to apply compression to such processes. By default, FDR uses sbisim to compress the leaf machines, but the compression used can be configured using compiler.leaf_compression.

The best method of assessing the effectiveness of compressions is to use the machine structure viewer, which can display details regarding the number of states and transitions that are saved by compression. In general, when attempting to reduce the state space of a process, the best compression functions to try are dbisim, diamond (followed by sbisim), normal, and wbisim. It is often hard to predict which compression function will perform well on a given process: in general, it is best to perform several experiments to determine which results in the best reduction in the state space size. In general, diamond followed by sbisim is the fastest of the compressions to perform. On most systems, wbisim only gives a small extra reduction in the number of states versus dbisim, which is a very effective compression. When normal works efficiently it generally achieves very good compression ratios, but unlike the other compressions, it can actually cause the number of states to increase.

The compression functions functions are all transparent or external functions, and thus need to be explicitly imported. See Transparent and External Functions for more information. Compressions that are semantics preserving are transparent, whilst compressions that alter the semantics and are thus unsafe are marked as external.

The algorithms that are used to compute the compressions detailed below are described in Understanding Concurrent Systems.

external function chase :: (Proc) -> Proc

Not semantics preserving - this should only be used when it has been proven that its application is safe, or if the behaviour is desired.

chase(P) is best defined by considering how to chase an individual state s of P. If s can perform a tau to some state s', then chase(s) = chase(s'). If there are multiple tau transitions, then the tau transition that is picked is not defined: it is picked according to internal implementation details. If s cannot perform a tau, then chase(s) = s. For example, if P = a -> STOP |~| b -> STOP then chase(P) could either equal a -> STOP or b -> STOP. Thus, chase is a form of manual partial order reduction on invisible events.

chase is primarily useful when the result of performing one tau is known to not cause other taus to become unavailable. For example, consider chase((a -> STOP ||| b -> STOP) \ {a, b}): applying chase to this system does not change the semantics, since whenever a hidden a or b occurs the other action is still allowed in the resulting state.

This compression is lazy, in that it is computed on-the-fly as the process is explored. It can therefore be sensibly applied at the top-level of a system.


Applying chase to divergent processes is unsafe any may cause FDR to crash (it will certainly cause checking not to terminate if a divergent state is reached by chase).


As with chase, this function will not perform well once the bounds of RAM have been exceeded. This will be addressed in a future release of FDR3.

external function chase_nocache :: (Proc) -> Proc

Not semantics preserving - this should only be used when it has been proven that its application is safe.

This behaves exactly as per chase, but optimises the internal representation to cache less information and thus consume less memory (and will give a small speed up). This should only be used if it is relatively unlikely that a state of the chased machine will be visited twice.

external function deter :: (Proc) -> Proc

Not semantics preserving - this should only be used when it has been proven that its application is safe, or if the behaviour is desired.

This is only valid in the failures-divergences model, and returns a deterministic version of the process using the algorithm specified in Understanding Concurrent Systems. This is used internally by FDR to implement determinism checking in the failures-divergences model, and is unlikely to be of more general use.

transparent function diamond :: (Proc) -> Proc

diamond returns a new process where essentially, given a state s of the original process, as many as possible of the transitions of states that are reachable via a series of taus from s are added to s itself. The idea behind this is that it will potentially allow states that are reachable via chains of taus to be elided.

It is a useful compression to apply since it can never increase the size of a compressed process (unlike normal), results in a LTS that contains no taus (which can be a useful property), and is often quick to compute. Further, the output of diamond is guaranteed to contain no taus.

diamond can only be used in the traces, failures and failures-divergences models. It applies tau_loop_factor and explicate as preprocessing steps.

The output of this often benefits from being strongly bisimulated. In particular, it may be useful to define the function sbdia(P) = sbisim(diamond(P)) to use as a compression function.

transparent function dbisim :: (Proc) -> Proc

dbisim(P) computes the maximal delay bisimulation of P and then returns and LTS that has been reduced using this. In particular, it identifies any states of P that can perform the same visible events after performing zero or more taus, and such that performing any such event leads to states, that are also delay bisimilar. This differs from wbisim in that it does not require the states immediately reached after performing the visible event to be bisimilar, but instead allows zero or more taus to occur.

dbisim is slower than sbisim to compute, but can achieve substantially more compression than sbisim on some processes. It is faster than wbisim to compute, but wbisim can achieve a small amount of extra compression on some processes.

New in version 3.0.

transparent function explicate :: (Proc) -> Proc

If the provided machine is a high-level machine, converts it to a low-level machine. Whilst the transitions of this machine will be accessible more quickly, the resulting machine will usually use up far more memory and the time taken to do the explication will exceed the time taken to simply access the original machine’s transitions. Therefore, this is only of use when FDR’s compilation algorithm incorrectly selects the level to compile a machine at. It is also used as a preprocessing stage for a number of the other compressions.

transparent function lazyenumerate :: (Proc) -> Proc

This behaves like explicate, but lazily computes the low-level transition as it is being used, rather than up-front. It is not normally necessary to use this compression function, but it is used internally by a number of compression functions.

external function failure_watchdog :: (Proc, {Event}, Event) -> Proc

This function returns the failures watchdog of the given process, as specified in Watchdog Transformations for Property-Oriented Model-Checking. In particular, failure_watchdog(P, evs, bark) alters P and returns a process P' such that, in any state s of P that offers events inits, instead offers evsinits and, if any event in evsinits is performed, transitions to a process equivalent to bark -> STOP. Further, the watchdog will also monitor the failures of the process it is put in parallel with, and will deadlock if the process has a disallowed failure.

This transformation can be used to turn a refinement check of the form:

assert Spec [F= Impl

into a check:

assert failure_watchdog(Spec, A, bark) [| A |] Impl :[deadlock free [F]]

assuming that A is the alphabet of Impl. The usefulness of this is as per trace_watchdog. However, note that unlike trace_watchdog, failure_watchdog can cause the size of the specification to dramatically increase and therefore the resulting check can be slower. In particular, specifications that require lots of events to be simultaneously offered will be less efficient (conversely, specifications that are very nondeterministic will be more efficient).

New in version 3.1.

transparent function normal :: (Proc) -> Proc

normal(P) returns a normalised version of P in which there are no taus and such that each state contains at most one transition labelled with a particular event. For example, the process:

P = a -> P |~| a -> STOP

is normalised to the process P' where:

P' = a -> Q'
Q' = a -> Q'

where Q' is labelled with the refusals {}, {a} (i.e. either Q' refuses nothing, or it refuses a).

The output of normal automatically has sbisim applied to it.

external function prioritise :: (Proc, <{Event}>) -> Proc

Not semantics preserving - this should only be used when it has been proven that its application is safe, or if the behaviour is desired.

prioritise(P, <S1, ..., SN>) takes a process and a non-empty sequence of disjoint sets of events (note that the latter condition is not checked). It returns a machine whose operational semantics have been altered to only allow actions from Si providing no event from Sj is offered for all j < i. Note that tau and tick are implicitly added to S1. Any event that is not in any of the Si is unaffected by this transformation. For example, in the following each Pi is equivalent to Qi:

P1 = prioritise(a -> STOP [] b -> STOP, <{a}, {b}>)
Q1 = a -> STOP

P2 = prioritise(a -> STOP |~| b -> STOP, <{a}, {b}>)
Q2 = a -> STOP |~| b -> STOP

P3 = prioritise(a -> STOP [> b -> STOP, <{}, {a}>)
Q3 = b -> STOP

Note that this compression is lazy and can therefore be applied to the outer level of a system (indeed, this is the most common usage). If there is only one set of events specified then the above function is the identity function.

This function is most commonly used when modelling timed systems using tock CSP since prioritise(P,{},{tock}) ensures that tock cannot occur when tau or tick are available.

Note that prioritise(P, ...) cannot be applied to processes P that contain certain compressions that are not prioritise safe. The only compressions that are prioritise safe are dbisim, sbisim and wbisim. FDR will detect unsafe applications of compressions and report these as errors when necessary.

New in version 2.94.

Changed in version 3.0: In FDR2, this function took either a variable number of arguments or a sequence of sets. In FDR3 this function has been changed to only allow a sequence of sets to be passed.


As with chase, this function will not perform well once the bounds of RAM have been exceeded. This will be addressed in a future release of FDR3.

external function prioritise_nocache :: (Proc, <{Event}>) -> Proc

Not semantics preserving - this should only be used when it has been proven that its application is safe, or if the behaviour is desired.

This behaves exactly as per prioritise, but optimises the internal representation to cache less information and thus consume less memory (and will give a small speed up). This should only be used if it is relatively unlikely that a state of the chased machine will be visited twice.

New in version 2.94.

Changed in version 3.0: In FDR2, this function took either a variable number of arguments or a sequence of sets. In FDR3 this function has been changed to only allow a sequence of sets to be passed.

external function prioritisepo :: (Proc, {Event}, {(Event, Event)}, {Event}) -> Proc

Not semantics preserving - this should only be used when it has been proven that its application is safe, or if the behaviour is desired.

prioritisepo(P, E, O, M) takes a process and a specification of a partial order (the format of which is defined below). It returns a machine whose operational semantics have been altered to only events e providing no event above e in the specified partial order is offered. This is essentially a more advanced version of prioritise that permits additional control.

The partial order is specified by three sets: E, O, and M. E is the set of set of all events that should be prioritised: events not in E will be unaffected by prioritisepo. O is a set of pairs such that if (u, l) is present in O, then l is defined as being below u in the ordering (i.e. u > l, and thus u would be prioritised over l). The actual order used is the transitive closure of the order O. Any event in E is assumed to be below tau and tick, but the set M can be used to specify which events should be considered equal to tau and tick in the ordering. For example, in the following each Pi is equivalent to Qi:

P1 = prioritisepo(a -> STOP [] b -> STOP, {a,b}, {(a, b)}, {})
Q1 = a -> STOP

P2 = prioritisepo(a -> STOP |~| b -> STOP, {a, b}, {(a, b)}, {})
Q2 = a -> STOP |~| b -> STOP

P3 = prioritisepo(a -> STOP [> b -> STOP, {a}, {}, {})
Q3 = b -> STOP

P4 = prioritisepo(a -> STOP [> b -> STOP, {a}, {}, {a})
Q4 = a -> STOP [> b -> STOP

As per prioritise, this compression is lazy and can therefore be applied to the outer level of a system (indeed, this is the most common usage). If there is only one set of events specified then the above function is the identity function.

As per prioritise, prioritisepo(P, ...) cannot be applied to processes P that contain certain compressions that are not prioritise safe. The only compressions that are prioritise safe are dbisim, sbisim and wbisim. FDR will detect unsafe applications of compressions and report these as errors when necessary.

New in version 3.2.


As with chase, this function will not perform well once the bounds of RAM have been exceeded. This will be addressed in a future release of FDR3.

transparent function sbisim :: (Proc) -> Proc

sbisim(P) computes the maximal strong bisimulation of P and then returns and LTS that has been reduced using this. In particular, this means that it identifies states that have identical behaviour. In particular, it identifies any states of P that can perform the same events and such that performing them leads to states that are also strongly bisimilar.

Generally, sbisim is able to compress a process very quickly, but will often not reduce the number of states that much compared to other compressions. It is automatically applied to the result of normal, is often useful to apply to the result of diamond, and is the default compression used by FDR on leaf machines (see compiler.leaf_compression).

transparent function tau_loop_factor :: (Proc) -> Proc

tau_loop_factor(P) identifies any states that are on a tau loop (i.e. it identifies any two states s and s’ such that s can reach s’ via a sequence of taus and s’ can reach s via a sequence of taus).

Generally this compression is not that useful on its own, but it is used as a preprocessing step by a number of other compressions.

external function trace_watchdog :: (Proc, {Event}, Event) -> Proc

This function returns the traces watchdog of the given process, as specified in Watchdog Transformations for Property-Oriented Model-Checking. In particular, trace_watchdog(P, evs, bark) alters P and returns a process P' such that, in any state s of P that offers events inits, instead offers evsinits and, if any event in evsinits is performed, transitions to a process equivalent to bark -> STOP. For example, trace_watchdog(a -> STOP, {a, b}, bark) is equivalent to the process:

a -> (a -> bark -> STOP [] b -> bark -> STOP)
[] b -> bark -> STOP

This transformation can be used to turn a refinement check of the form:

assert Spec [T= Impl

into a check:

assert STOP [T= (trace_watchdog(Spec, A, bark) [| A |] Impl) \ A

assuming that A is the alphabet of Impl. There are two reasons why this may be useful. Firstly, it allows various hierarchical compression techniques to be applied to the combination of the specification and the implementation. Further, if FDR finds a counterexample to the transformed assertion then, providing Spec is deterministic, it will be possible to divide this into behaviours of both the specification and the implementation, thus allowing a limited form of specification debugging to occur.


Counterexample can only be divided through trace_watchdog when the check is being done in the traces model. Counterexamples for stronger models cannot be divided through trace_watchdog since there is no guarantee that the behaviour is indeed a behaviour of the old machine.

New in version 3.1.

function timed_priority :: (Proc) -> Proc

Not semantics preserving - this should only be used when it has been proven that its application is safe, or when the behaviour is desired.

timed_priority(P) is equivalent to prioritise(P, <{}, {tock}>) and thus gives priority to tau and tick over tock. Note that this function is only in scope within timed sections and, in contrast to the other compression functions, does not need to be imported using transparent or external.

New in version 2.94.

Changed in version 3.0: In FDR2, this function was available anywhere in a file that used the timed section syntax. In FDR3, this is only available within a timed section itself.

transparent function wbisim :: (Proc) -> Proc

wbisim(P) computes the maximal weak bisimulation of P and then returns and LTS that has been reduced using this. In particular, it identifies any states of P that can perform the same visible events after performing zero or more taus, and such that performing any such event leads to states, again after possibly performing some more taus, that are also weakly bisimilar. This differs from dbisim in that it does not require the states immediately reached after performing the visible event to be bisimilar, but instead allows zero or more taus to occur.

wbisim is slower than both dbisim and sbisim, but is able to achieve a small amount of extra compression compared to dbisim (which in turn can achieve more compression that sbisim). In the worst case, it will take twice as long as dbisim to compute.

New in version 2.94.

Relation Functions

external function mtransclose :: (Eq a) => ({(a, a)}, {a}) -> {(a, a)}

Given a relation R, expressed as a set of pairs, computes the symmetric transitive closure of the relation. Then, for each element of the second set S it computes a representative member of its equivalence class (under the symmetric transitive closure). It returns a set of tuples consisting of each element from S along with its representative (nb. the representative is the first element of the pair), providing the element is not equal to its representative, in which case it is omitted.

external function relational_image :: (Eq a, Set b) => ({(a, b)}) -> (a) -> {b}

Given a relation, expressed as a set of pairs, returns a function that takes an element of the domain of the relation and returns the set of all elements of the image that it is related to. For example, relational_image({(1,2), (1,3)})(1) = {2,3}.

This function benefits from being partially applied to its first argument.

external function relational_inverse_image :: (Set a, Eq b) => ({(a, b)}) -> (b) -> {a}

This function is the opposite to relational_image. In particular, given a relation, expressed as a set of pairs, it returns a function that takes an element of the image of the relation and returns the set of all elements of the domain that it is related to. For example, relational_inverse_image({(2,1), (3,1)})(1) = {2,3}.

external function transpose :: (Set a, Set b) => ({(a, b)}) -> {(b, a)}

Given a relation, expressed as a set of tuples, returns the transpose of the relation. For example, transpose({(1,2)}) = {(2,1)}.