@inproceedings{10.1145/3589334.3645584, title = "Taxonomy Completion via Implicit Concept Insertion", author = "Shi, Jingchuan and Dong, Hang and Chen, Jiaoyan and Wu, Zhe and Horrocks, Ian", year = "2024", address = "New York, NY, USA", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024", isbn = "9798400701719", keywords = "ontology engineering, pre-trained language model, taxonomy completion, taxonomy enrichment, text summarisation", location = ", Singapore, Singapore, ", pages = "2159–2169", publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery", series = "WWW '24", url = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3589334.3645584", doi = "10.1145/3589334.3645584", }