Ian Hayes
This monograph contains papers produced as part of a joint project between IBM (UK) Laboratories at Hursley, England and the Programming Research Group of Oxford University into the application of formal software specification techniques to industrial problems. The work documented con8ists of 8pedfication of parts of the IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS). The first paper conta.in8 a description of the work carried out this paper has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (February 1985). A number of modules of the CICS command level application programmer's interface were specified; these include the CICS Exception Handling which is documented in the first paper and CICS Temporary Storage and Interval Control which are described in separate papers. The paper on the CICS Message System was later work Dot directly related to the other papers. The work documented here was supported by research contract between IBM and Oxford University and is published by kind permission of the Company.