- ACE-OPS From Autonomy to Cognitive assistance in Emergency Operations
- Adolescent Mental Health and Development in the Digital World Adolescent Mental Health and Development in the Digital World: From understanding risk and resilience to preventative and personalised digital interventions
- AI Hub Mathematical Foundations of Intelligence: An "Erlangen Programme" for AI
- Artificial intelligence for deep phenotyping and target discovery in Heart Failure
- Beyond Linear Dynamical Systems
- BLAST Better Languages for Statistics
- BMW Driving Behaviour in Multi-Winner Elections
- Chaste Chaste - Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment
- Compilation and Verification of Quantum Software in the Noisy and Approximate Regime
- ConCur ConCur: Knowledge Base Construction and Curation
- CRANE CRANE NetworkPlus in Cyber Security
- DeQS (De)constructing Quantum Software - DeQS
- ELSA ELSA: European Lighthouse for Safe and Secure AI
- Employing Categorical Probability Towards Safe AI
- Enzyme e-map Modernising Electrochemical Enzymology to Map Electron Transfer (Enzyme e-map)
- ERC AdG WhiteMech White-box Self-Programming Mechanisms
- EWADA The Ethical Web and Data Architecture in the Age of AI
- FAIR FAIR: Framework for Responsible Innovation for Responsible Adoption of AI in the Financial Services Industry
- Foundational AI Research
- FUN2MODEL From FUNction-based TO MOdel-based automated probabilistic reasoning for DEep Learning
- GCSCC Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre
- NAASP New Approaches to Approximability of Satisfiable Problems
- PARIS-DE Design Principles and Responsible Innovation for a Sustainable Digital Economy
- Physical-Layer Security in the Next Generation of Power Grids
- Proof complexity and circuit complexity: a unified approach
- Protocols, Observabilities and Session Types
- QISS The Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime
- Quantum programming via algebraic effects Quantum programming via algebraic effects: cross-fertilization between quantum and probabilistic programming
- Rapid prototyping lab for conservation technology
- Real World Benchmarks for Deep Probabilistic AI
- Reasoning about control
- ReCount -- Prototype
- Responsible Technology Institute
- RoaRQ RoarQ - Robust and Reliable Quantum Computing
- RoboTIPS RoboTIPS: Developing Responsible Robots for the Digital Economy
- SCULI SCULI - Securing Convergent Ultra-large Scale Infrastructures
- Securely Fusing Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Data Securely Fusing Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Data for Maritime Domain Awareness
- ST-SML Spatiotemporal statistical machine learning (ST-SML): theory, methods, and applications
- STARDUST Session Types for Reliable Distributed Systems (STARDUST)
- TaRDIS Trustworthy and Resilient Decentralised Intelligence for Edge Systems (TaRDIS)
- Target safety and efficacy evaluation in chronic heart failure using human-based modelling and simulation
- The Automatic Computer Scientist
- Turing AI Fellowship The Large Agent Collider
- Turing AI Fellowship Geometric and Topological ML for Next-generation Drugs and Food
- UK FIRES UK FIRES: Locating Resource Efficiency at the heart of Future Industrial Strategy
- Uncertainty Propagation from Perception to Decision Making
- VSL-Q Verified Simulation for Large Quantum Systems (VSL-Q)
- WOEST WesCon – Observing the Evolving Structures of Turbulence (WOEST)
- A theory of nondeterministic databases
- AA-SAFE AA-SAFE: Securing Against Actuator Facing Electromagnetic Attacks
- Accelerating Cancer Research Using Semantics-Driven Technology
- ACE-OPS ACE-OPS: From Autonomy to Cognitive assistance in Emergency OPerationS
- Acoustic Actuated Sensor Networks for Industrial Processes (AASN4IP)
- Adaptive finite element computations of nonlinear elasticity problems
- Advanced Fetal Brain Imaging using MRI-informed Ultrasound
- Advanced Formal Verification Techniques for Heterogeneous Multi-core Programming
- AFFECTech AFFECTech: Personal Technologies for Affective Health
- Agent-based Area Exploration and Event Detection in Emergency Scenarios
- AirPROM Airway Disease Predicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational Modelling
- ALGAME Algorithms, Games, Mechanisms, and the Price of Anarchy
- Algebraic and Coalgebraic Semantics for Knowledge Acquisition Algebraic and coalgebraic semantics for knowledge acquisition: foundations, applications, and tool support
- ALIGNED ALIGNED: Quality-Centric Software and Data Engineering
- AMHDM AMHDM (Adolescence, Mental Health and the Developing Mind)
- AnaLOG Datalog Extensions for the Analysis of Static and Streaming Data
- Analysing Cyber Value-at-Risk
- Analysis of evaluation and satisfiability problems Structural and game-based analysis of evaluation and satisfiability problems
- AppControl AppControl: Enforcing Application Behaviour through Type-Based Constraints
- AppTRE
- ARCHER RAP Novel risk-stratification biomarkers from HPC simulations in patients with inherited diseased conditions
- Architectures for Trusted Utility Computing
- ARiAT ARiAT - Advance Reasoning in Arithmetic Theories
- ArtForm
- Aspect Refactoring Tools
- Aspect-Oriented Programming Languages Design and Implementation of Aspect-Oriented Programming Languages
- Automated quantitative software verification with PRISM
- Automated Verification of Probabilistic Programs
- Automating quantum circuit transformations Automating quantum circuit transformations for optimisation and fault-tolerance
- Autonomous Ubiquitous Sensing
- Bayesian Optimization Bayesian Optimization and Bandits
- Bidirectional Transformations A Theory of Least Change for Bidirectional Transformations
- British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellowship In-silico investigation of structural and electrophysiological substrates for sudden cardiac death in human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Cancer Bioinformatics International collaboration in data standards & software engineering for cancer bioinformatics
- CancerGrid CancerGrid: A consortium to develop open standards for clinical cancer informatics
- CESAR Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systems
- Chaste Chaste: Developing software for realistic heart simulations
- Choreographing Complex Services
- Cloud Internal Threat Detection Insider threat detection
- CompBioMed CompBiomed High Performance Centre of Research Excellence in Computational Biomedicine
- CompBioMed-X Computational Biomedicine at the Exascale (CompBioMed-X)
- CompBioMed2
- CompGameTheory A compositional approach to game-theoretic economic modelling
- Complexity of Valued Constraints The Complexity of Valued Constraints
- Computational Counting
- Computational Entity-Level Sentiment Analysis
- Computer to Clinic: Personalised Fluid-Mechanical Models Applied to Heart Failure
- Computer Vision Image search and recognition
- ConDOR Consequence-Driven Ontology Reasoning
- CONNECT-IP CONNECT-IP: Emergent Connectors for Eternal Software Intensive Networked Systems
- Constraint Network Tractability Constraint Network Tractability: Beyond Structure and Language
- Constraint Satisfaction for Configuration: Logical Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Complexity
- ConstructionSiteTracking Agile Asset Monitoring for Construction Sites
- Corporate Insider Threat Detection Corporate Insider Threat Detection: Cyber Security Inside and Out
- Counting of separable functions
- CPROVER Validation of Concurrent Software Across Abstraction Layers
- CSP Model Checking CSP Model Checking: New Technology and Techniques
- CyberVis
- Datatype-Generic Programming
- DBOnto DBOnto: Bridging Databases and Ontologies
- Deep Learning
- Democratising Safe and Robust AI through Public Challenges in Bayesian Deep Learning
- DIADEM DIADEM: Domain-centric Intelligent Automated Data Extraction Methodology
- Digital Wildfire
- Discrete Domains
- Dissecting heart failure mechanisms Dissecting heart failure mechanisms by integrating in vivo and in vitro data within customised in silico models
- Dynamics and Security in Evolutionary Network Computation
- e-Infrastructure Use Cases and Usage Models eIUS: e-Infrastructure Use Cases and Service Usage Models
- EAMDWMT Efficient Algorithms for Mechanism Design Without Monetary Transfer
- ED3 Enabling analytics over Diverse Distributed Datasources
- Edge CSPs Edge Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Effective Validation of Firmware
- Efficient Verification of Software with Replicated Components
- eHorizons eHorizons Project
- Embedding e-Science Applications Embedding e-Science Applications - Designing and Managing for Usability
- Emercency Responders Pervasive, Accurate and Reliable Location Based Services for Emergency Responders
- EnCoRe Ensuring Consent and Revocation
- ENFRame ENFrame: A Programming Framework for Probabilistic Data
- Entanglement in Quantum Computing An Abstract Approach to Entanglement in Quantum Computing
- EPSRC UAV Autonomy New Foundational Structures for Engineering Verified multi-UAVs
- euHeart euHeart: Integration of Cardiovascular Models for the Improved Management of In Silico Disease
- Europa European Robotic Pedestrian Assistant
- EUSTACE Evaluating Usability, Security, and Trustworthiness of Ad-hoc Collaborative Environments
- Evolving Health Informatics Evolving Health Informatics: semantic frameworks and metadata-driven architectures
- ExODA ExODA: Integrating Description Logics and Database Technologies for Expressive Ontology-Based Data Access
- ExtraLytics ExtraLytics: Big Data Analytics for Real Estate
- FDB FDB: Factorised Databases
- Fly2Plan Fly2Plan: Enabling a new model aviation data system-of-systems
- FoSH - Future of Smart Homes Informing the Future of Data Protection by Design and by Default in Smart Homes
- Foundational Structures for Compositional Meaning
- Foundational Structures and Methods for Quantum Informatics
- Foundations of Trustworthy AI Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimisation
- FOX FOX: Foundations of XML - Safe Processing of Dynamic Data over the Internet
- FRESNEL Federated Secure Sensor Network Laboratory
- From Uncertainty in Deep Learning to Data Efficient AI
- FRRIICT Framework for Responsible Research & Innovation in ICT
- Future Home Networks and Services
- FuturICT Unleashing the power of information for a sustainable future
- Game Semantics of Concurrency, Objects and Mobility Towards a Game Semantics of Concurrency, Objects and Mobility
- GAMES GAMES: Games for Design and Verification
- Gauge
- Generalisation Operators for Abstraction-Refinement
- Generative Formal Templates And Relational Databases
- Generic and Indexed Programming
- Generic Infrastructure for Medical Informatics GIMI: Generic Infrastructure for Medical Informatics
- GREAT Governance for Responsible Innovation
- Groebner Basis Techniques for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- HARPS Being There: Humans and Robots in Public Spaces
- HermiT HermiT: Reasoning with Large Ontologies
- Higher-order Constrained Horn Clauses Higher-order Constrained Horn Clauses: A New Approach to Verifying Higher-order Programs
- Higher-order Constrained Horn Clauses Higher-order Constrained Horn Clauses: A New Approach to Verifying Higher-order Programs
- HiPerDNO High Performance Computing Technologies for Smart Distribution Network Operation
- Hospital of the Future Hospital of the Future: Integrated Patient Management in the Digital Hospital
- HOTSPOT 2017 HOTSPOT 2017 workshop
- Human in silico clinical trials in post myocardial infarction Human in silico clinical trials in post myocardial infarction: mechanistic investigations into phenotypic electromechanical variability and response to treatment
- Identity Security in Cyberspace
- Image Segmentation Hierarchical Segmentations with Watershed and Waterfall
- IndoorPos Lightweight and robust indoor positioning
- Industrial IoT security Cyber Security for the Industrial IoT
- Information Flow: Foundations and Applications to Security
- Information Hiding
- InfoSec Information Security
- Integrated Mobile Security Kit
- Integrating Biological Simulations
- Integrative 3D modelling of ion and proton transport in a heart cell
- Integrative Biology
- Internet Science Network of Excellence in Internet Science
- ISBP Information Security Best Practice
- Knee MRI segmentation Unsupervised 3D segmentation of knee MRI
- KOALA Kids Online Anonymity & Lifelong Autonomy
- LabHackathon Zimbabwe Ethical hackathon for improved R&D capacity
- LEMAN Deep LEarning on MANifolds and graphs
- LINT Logic of Interaction and Information Flow
- LogMap LogMap: Logic-based Methods for Ontology Mapping
- LOGO Logics for Ontologies (EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship)
- Lung Imaging
- ManySecured ManySecured Router And Gateway Secure IOT Networking
- MaSI3 A Massively Scalable Intelligent Information Infrastructure
- MayBMS MayBMS: A Database Management System for Uncertain and Probabilistic Data
- MCC Mapping the Complexity of Counting
- Mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis and defibrillation in ischaemia Integrative computational and experimental study of arrhythmogenesis and defibrillation in acute myocardial ischaemia
- Metacomputation Centre for Metacomputation
- MetaVis Research and Development into METAVIS Bio and man-made environmental visual metaphors for insider threat detection in digital systems
- millipede A Decision-Support System for (Renal) Cancer Imaging
- Minderoo Minderoo-Oxford Challenge Fund in AI Governance
- Mobile and Sensor Nodes for Wildlife Monitoring WILDSENSING: A Hybrid Framework of Mobile and Sensor Nodes for Wildlife Monitoring
- Mobile Robotics Mobile Autonomy Programme Grant: Safety, Trust and Integrity
- Model Checking Partially Ordered State Spaces Abstraction Discovery and Refinement for Model Checking Partially Ordered State Spaces
- Model Checking Timed Systems with Restricted Resources: Algorithms and Complexity
- Model-based test generation for embedded systems Model-based Generation of Tests for Dependable Embedded Systems
- Model-Checking for Timed Systems Model-Checking Algorithms for Timed Systems
- Model-driven software development Booster: Model-driven software development
- Modelling the Cellular Cardiac-Neural Axis in the control of Myocardial Excitability
- Models and technologies for assured, context-sensitive access control
- Molecular modelling Stratagems for Effective Function Evaluation in Computational Chemistry
- Morello-HAT Morello-HAT: Morello High-Level API and Tooling
- myTrustedCloud
- NC3Rs Infrastructure for Impact Award In Silico human-based methodologies for evaluation of drug safety and efficacy
- Network Security
- NeuroGrid
- New Approaches to Security and Model Checking
- Non-Standard Authentication The foundations of non-standard authentication
- Noninterference and covert channel analysis
- Notions of width for directed graphs and hypergraphs Notions of width for directed graphs and hypergraphs: foundations and applications
- NQITRRI Responsible Research and Innovation in Networked Quantum IT
- Optimisation of Separable Functions
- Optique Optique: Scalable End-user Access to Big Data
- Oxford eSocial Science Oxford eSocial Science Project: ethical, legal and institutional dynamics of grid enabled eSciences
- OxMedIS Oxford Medical Image Segmentation
- Parametrising biological models with PINTS
- Parsing of Biomedical Text Accurate and Efficient Parsing of Biomedical Text
- PDQ Proof-Driven Querying
- Perfusion control mechanisms in the pulmonary circulation Investigation of perfusion control mechanisms in the pulmonary circulation via a computational model
- PersonalizeAF PersonalizeAF - Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach
- Personalized Search on the Social Web
- Physical attack containment
- PIC Personalised in Silico Cardiology
- PINCETTE Validating Changes and Upgrades in Networked Software
- Point Cloud Analysis
- PowAlgDO Power of Algorithms in Discrete Optimisation
- PRACE Project Access In silico drug trials in the beating ischaemic human heart
- preDiCT Computational prediction of drug cardiac toxicity
- Predictable Software Systems
- PrefMPS Preference Mining for Personalised Search on the Social Semantic Web
- Principled Foundations for Programming Languages
- PRISMATIC PRISMATIC: Unified Hierarchical Probabilistic Verification Tool
- Privacy in Ontology-Based Information Systems
- Privacy Value Networks
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Probabilistic Semantic Query Answering on the Web
- PRODIMA PRODIMA: PRObabilistic Data and information Integration with provenance MAnagement
- PrOQAW PrOQAW: Probabilistic Ontological Query Answering on the Web
- Pushdown Automata and Game Semantics
- QICS Foundational Structures for Quantum Information and Computation
- Quantitative Logic-based Games Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning for Logic-based Games
- Quantitative Systems Toxicology Quantitative Systems Toxicology: Modelling and simulation of cardiac contractility - Development and validation of a computational tool to replace Langendorff isolated heart experiments
- Quantitative Verification: From Model Checking to Model Measuring
- Quantum Information and its Ramifications for IT The Structure of Quantum Information and its Ramifications for IT
- QueRe Query Rewriting for Expressive Ontology Languages
- Query-driven Data Acquisition from Web-based Data Sources
- QUINTON QUINTON - QUerying and INTegrating Over Nested data
- RACE Reasoning about Computational Economies
- RAILS (Responsible AI for Long-term Trustworthy Autonomous Systems)
- RAISON DATA RAISON DATA - Rule-Based AI Systems for Reasoning on Massive Data
- RealPDBs Realistic Data Models and Query Compilation for Large-Scale Probabilistic Databases
- ReEnTrust ReEnTrust: Rebuilding and Enhancing Trust in Algorithms
- Refinement-friendly bigraphs
- Reinforcement Learning Sequential decision making and reinforcement learning
- REOL Reasoning for Expressive Ontology Languages
- REQUIEM REQUIEM: Resolution-based Query rewrIting for Expressive Models
- Research software engineering to facilitate knowledge transfer Case Study. Providing research software engineering to facilitate knowledge transfer: analysis of need and a test case
- RESPONSIBILITY Global Model and Observatory for International Responsible Research and Innovation Coordination
- ResQCCom Responsible Quantum Computing Communications
- ReTiPS Respectful Things in Private Spaces
- Reusability and Dependent Types
- RicherPicture Automated network defence through business and threat-led machine learning
- RInO Reasoning Infrastructure for Ontologies and Instances
- RoAD RoAD (Responsible AV Data)
- RoboCup RoboCup International Robot Competitions
- Robot Football OxBlue, Oxford's Robot Football teams at RoboCup
- Robotic Search and Rescue
- SAFeSEA Supportive Automated Feedback for Short Essay Answers
- SATURN Self-organizing Adaptive Technology underlying Resilient Networks
- Schema Mappings and Automated Services for Data Integration and Exchange
- SCorCH SCorCH: Secure Code for Capability Hardware
- Score! Score!: Scalable and Complete Reasoning with Incomplete Ontology Reasoners
- SEALS SEALS: Semantic Evaluation at Large Scale
- Secure Networking by Design
- Secure Web Services Secure and Trustworthy Web Services
- Security of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
- Security of Satellite Communication Links
- Security Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks
- Semantic Frameworks Semantic Frameworks for e-Government
- Sensing, Unmanned, Autonomous Aerial VEhicles
- Siemens Obfuscation Project Intellectual Property Protection using Obfuscation
- sif service-oriented interoperability framework
- SmartSociety SmartSociety: hybrid and diversity-aware collective adaptive systems: where people meet machines to build a smarter society
- SNbD Secure Networking by Design (SNbD)
- SOCIAM SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines
- SOFA Service-Oriented Federated Authorization
- Soteria Soteria - Demonstrating the Security Capabilities of the Morello System in the e-commerce Vertical Industrial Segment
- Sponstaneous Security Trustworthy Digital Systems
- SPROUT Scalable Query Processing in Probabilistic Databases
- Structures at the Interface of Physics and Computer Science
- Super Identity
- Switched Lightpaths for e-Science Applications Exploitation of Switched Lightpaths for e-Science Applications
- Synergy – COPD Modelling and simulation environment for systems medicine (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -COPD- as a use case)
- TCLOUDS Trustworthy Clouds - Privacy and Resilience for Internet-scale Critical Infrastructure
- The Cardiac Electrophysiology Web Lab
- The Road to a New Quantum Formalism The Road to a New Quantum Formalism - Categories as a Canvas for Quantum Foundations
- The Social Machine of Mathematics
- TIME-EACM TIME-EACM: Transport Information Monitoring Environment - Event Architecture and Context Management
- Towards comprehensive verification of stochastic systems
- Towards Explainable AI - Trustworthy Super-Resolution (OpenSR)
- TrackSafe TrackSafe:Trackworker Safety
- Transducer-based approach to infinite-state verification A generic transducer-based approach to modelling and verifying infinite systems
- Translating Biochemical Modelling into the Heart of the Clinic
- TransQST Translational quantitative systems toxicology
- Trust Domains
- Trust Metrics for SPKI/SDSI
- Trustworthy Logging for Distributed Virtual Organisations
- TUMOR Transatlantic TUmour MOdel Repositories
- Ubiquitous Computing Shaping an International Grand Challenge Community for Ubiquitous Computing
- UbiVal UbiVal: Fundamental Approaches to Validation of Ubiquitous Computing Applications and Infrastructures
- ULICE ULICE: Union of Light-Ion Centres in Europe
- UnBias UnBias: Emancipating Users Against Algorithmic Biases for a Trusted Digital Economy
- UnderTracker Underground Animal Tracking & Mapping in 3D
- Unifying Theories of Generic Programming
- Unifying Theories of Objects
- Vaccines Data Management
- VADA VADA: Value Added Data Systems -- Principles and Architecture
- Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrent Software
- Verified Communication Protocols for Multicore/SoC Architectures
- Verifying Properties of the ML Family of Languages
- VERIPACE VERIPACE: Design, Analysis and Synthesis Tools for Cardiac Pacemaker Software
- VERIWARE VERIWARE: From Software Verification to Everyware Verification
- VPH NoE Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence
- VRE A Virtual Research Environment for the Study of Documents and Manuscripts.
- webinos Project webinos: Secure WebOS Application Delivery Environment
- Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship Safety and efficacy of anti-arrhythmic drug therapy in acute myocardial ischaemia in human. An integrative, multiscale and mechanistic investigation
- WiFire Wireless firewall
- Wireless key generation
- Wolfson Award Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award
- Workflow interoperability A framework for workflow interoperability