The main component of each course is the teaching week: five days of classes and practical sessions at our purpose-built teaching centres in the heart of Oxford. We'll send out detailed travel instructions, and reading material, three weeks before the start of the teaching week.
The week will normally run from 9.00 5.00 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and then 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Friday, with a lunch break of approximately one hour, and refreshment breaks during the morning and afternoon. Lunches and refreshments are included in the course fee. Accommodation may be available in the Residential Centre in Wellington Square—you can book this via the Programme Office. Alternatively, we can recommend a number of local hotels and guest houses.
After the week, you can take home an assignment. This will help you with further study, and allow you to check that you have understood the course material. If you complete it within six weeks, then your submission can be used as credit towards a postgraduate qualification from the University of Oxford. The assignments and the teaching weeks are designed for those with experience of the software development process: designers, programmers, managers, and informed customers. For each subject, there is a list of requirements; you should check these before registering for a course.
We teach courses in 30 different subjects: from Requirements Engineering to Object-Oriented Programming; from Security Principles to the Management of Risk and Quality; from Software Engineering Mathematics to Database Design. Most subjects are offered at least twice a year.