Part C, Computer Science and Philosophy
In Part C, Computer Science and Philosophy students take courses according to the following rules.
- Each Philosophy course or thesis is worth 8 units;
- Each Computer Science course is worth 3 units;
- A Computer Science project is worth 9 units.
You must complete between 24 and 26 units, subject to the following constraints:
- You may take at most six Computer Science courses;
- You may not take both a Philosophy thesis and a Computer Science project.
The effect of these rules is that you should take one of the following combinations:
- Three Philosophy papers (maybe including a thesis) (24 units);
- Two Philosophy papers (maybe including a thesis) and either three CS papers or a CS project (25 units);
- One Philosophy paper (or thesis), and six CS papers (26 units);
- One Philosophy paper, three CS papers and a CS project (26 units);
- Five CS papers and a CS project (24 units).
Computer Science courses are chosen from Schedule C1. Most of these subjects will be examined by a take-home mini-project, though some will be examined by a sit-down paper of three hours' duration. Mini-projects will be handed out to candidates on the last Friday of the term in which the subject is being taught and have to be submitted in week -1 of the following term.
Philosophy courses are chosen from courses 101-120, 122, 124, 125, 127-129, 137-139, 198 and 199, as described on the Philosophy Faculty website. Each Philosophy course will be assessed by a 3-hour written examination together with an essay of at most 5,000 words. Rules for Philosophy theses are described in the Examination Regulations here, except that the word limit is 20,000 words.
Please note that the Computer Science courses in Part C are 50% larger than those in earlier years, i.e. for each course in the 3rd year undergraduates are expected to undertake about 10 hours of study per week, but 4th year courses will each require about 15 hours a week of study. Computer Science lecturers are providing this extra work in a variety of ways, e.g. some will give 20 lectures but will require you to undertake extra reading, classes and/or practicals, whereas others will be giving 24 lectures, and others still will be doing something in between. Please look at each synopsis for details on this.
Schedule C1 (CS&P)
- Godel's Incompleteness Theorem (C1.2)
- SC8 Topics In Computational Biology 16 Lectures,
- Bayesian Statistical Probabilistic Programming 20 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Combinatorial Optimisation 20 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Computational Biology 20 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Computational Game Theory 20 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Computational Learning Theory 24 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Concurrent Algorithms and Data Structures 20 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Distributed Processes, Types and Programming 20 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Graph Representation Learning 20 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Law and Computer Science 16/16, Michaelmas Term 2024, Hilary Term 2025
- Probabilistic Model Checking 20 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Quantum Processes and Computation 24 Lectures, Michaelmas Term 2024
- Advanced Security 22 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025
- Automata, Logic and Games 24 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025
- Categories, Proofs and Processes 20 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025
- Computational Medicine 20 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025
- Computer Vision 20 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025
- Foundations of Self-Programming Agents 20 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025
- Geometric Deep Learning 18 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025
- Knowledge Representation & Reasoning 24 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025
- Uncertainty in Deep Learning 20 Lectures, Hilary Term 2025