Concurrency: Publications
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@inproceedings{Bate13, title = "{Scalable Performance for Scala Message-Passing Concurrency}", author = "Bate, Andrew", year = "2013", booktitle = "{Communicating Process Architectures 2013}", editor = "Welch, Peter H. and Barnes, Frederick R. M. and Broenink, Jan F. and Chalmers, Kevin and Pedersen, Jan B{\ae}kgaard and Sampson, Adam T.", isbn = "978-0-9565409-7-3", month = "nov", pages = "113--132", }
@inproceedings{BateLowe12, title = "{A Debugger for Communicating Scala Objects}", author = "Andrew Bate and Gavin Lowe", year = "2012", booktitle = "{Communicating Process Architectures 2012}", editor = "Welch, Peter H. and Barnes, Frederick R. M. and Chalmers, Kevin and Pedersen, Jan B{\ae}kgaard and Sampson, Adam T.", isbn = "978-0-9565409-5-9", month = "aug", pages = "135--154", }
@article{exprcsp, title = "On the expressiveness of CSP", author = "A.W. Roscoe", year = "2011", note = "Draft of February 2011, which is very different from previous draft (2008).", }
@unpublished{Revivals, title = "{Revivals,stuckness and the hierarchy of CSP Models}", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "2008", journal = "JLAP", month = "December", note = "to appear (revision of 2005 and 2007 drafts)", }
@article{temporal-logic, title = "Specification of communicating processes: temporal logic versus refusals-based refinement", author = "Gavin Lowe", year = "2008", journal = "Formal Aspects of Computing", }
@inproceedings{sym08, title = "A representative function approach to symmetry exploitation for CSP refinement checking", author = "N Moffat and M.H. Goldsmith and A.W. Roscoe", year = "2008", booktitle = "Proceedings of IFCEM 2008", }
@inproceedings{biro121, title = "The three Platonic models of divergence-strict CSP", author = "A.W. Roscoe", year = "2008", booktitle = "Proceedings of ICTAC '08", }
@inproceedings{mazur:2008, title = "Formal verification of not fully symmetric systems using counter abstraction", author = "Tomasz Mazur", year = "2008", booktitle = "Proceedings of the MOdelling and VErifying Process (MOVEP'08)", url = "", }
@article{StableRevivals, title = "Responsiveness and stable revivals", author = "A. W. Roscoe and J. N. Reed and J. E. Sinclair", year = "2007", journal = "{Formal Aspects of Computing}", month = "August", number = "3", url = "", volume = "19", }
@incollection{ckr2007, title = "Static Analysis to Enhance the Power of Model Checking for Concurrent Software", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel and Reps, Thomas", year = "2007", booktitle = "Department of Defense Sponsored Information Security Research", isbn = "0-471-78756-6", month = "July", pages = "349--360", publisher = "Wiley", }
@article{NetsWithTokens, title = "Nets with Tokens Which Carry Data", author = "A. W. Roscoe and Ranko Lazic and Tom Newcomb and Joel Ouaknine and James Worrell", year = "2007", journal = "{Springer LNCS 3349}", url = "", }
@article{cks2007-tcs, title = "Verification of {Boolean} Programs with Unbounded Thread Creation", author = "Cook, Byron and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2007", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)", pages = "227--242", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "388", }
@inproceedings{wbwk2007, title = "Model Checking Concurrent {Linux} Device Drivers", author = "Witkowski, Thomas and Blanc, Nicolas and Weissenbacher, Georg and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2007", booktitle = "22nd IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)", isbn = "978-1-59593-882-4", pages = "501--504", publisher = "IEEE", url = "", doi = "10.1145/1321631.1321719", }
@inproceedings{SVA, title = "{SVA, a tool for analysing shared-variable programms}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and David Hopkins", year = "2007", booktitle = "{Proceedings of AVoCS 2007}", note = "to appear", pages = "177--183", url = "", }
@inproceedings{mazur:2007, title = "Counter Abstraction in the CSP/FDR setting", author = "Tomasz Mazur and Gavin Lowe", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS'07)", url = "", }
@conference{harness, title = "On CSP refinement tests that run multiple copies of a process", author = "Gavin Lowe", year = "2007", journal = "Proceedings of Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2007)", }
@article{journals/entcs/LoweO06, title = "On Timed Models and Full Abstraction", author = "Gavin Lowe and Jo{\"e}l Ouaknine", year = "2006", journal = "Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci.", pages = "497-519", url = "", volume = "155", doi = "10.1016/j.entcs.2005.11.070", }
@inproceedings{VerifyingStalemate, title = "{Verifying Statemate Statecharts Using CSP and FDR}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and Zhenzhong Wu", year = "2006", booktitle = "{Proceedings of ICFEM 2006}", url = "", }
@unpublished{modellingUnbounded, title = "Modelling unbounded parallel sessions of security protocols in {CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and E. Kleiner", year = "2006", url = "", }
@inproceedings{ConfluenceThanks, title = "Confluence thanks to extensional determinism", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "2005", booktitle = "{Proceedings of Bertinoro meeting on Concurrency, BRICS 2005}", month = "May", note = "{Revised version, publication reference ENTCS 1336, 2006}", url = "", }
@unpublished{Pursuit, title = "The pursuit of buffer tolerance", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "2005", month = "May", note = "unpublished draft", url = "", }
@article{journals/tcs/BoltonL05, title = "A hierarchy of failures-based models: theory and application", author = "Christie Bolton and Gavin Lowe", year = "2005", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", number = "3", pages = "407-438", url = "", volume = "330", doi = "10.1016/j.tcs.2004.10.004", }
@inproceedings{WebServiceTaxonomy, title = "A taxonomy of web services in {CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and A. Martin and L. Momtahan", year = "2005", booktitle = "{Proceedings of Web Languages and Formal Methods 2005}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{MachineVerifiableResponsiveness, title = "Machine-Verifiable Responsiveness", author = "A. W. Roscoe and J. N Reed and J. E Sinclair", year = "2005", booktitle = "{Proceedings of AVOCS 2005}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{Whole-Array, title = "On Model checking data-independent systems with arrays with whole-array operations", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R. S. Lazic and Tom Newcomb", year = "2005", booktitle = "{Communicating Sequential Processes}", number = "3525", publisher = "Springer {LNCS}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{SeeingBeyondDivergence, title = "Seeing beyond divergence", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "2005", booktitle = "{Communicating Sequential Processes, the first 25 years}", number = "3525", publisher = "{Springer LNCS}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{Finitaryrefinementchecks, title = "Finitary refinement checks for infinitary specifications", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "2004", booktitle = "{Proceedings of CPA 2004}", month = "June", url = "", }
@techreport{RR-04-22, title = "A taxonomy of web services using CSP", author = "Lee Momtahan and Andrew Martin and A. W. Roscoe", year = "2004", institution = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory", month = "October", number = "RR-04-22", }
@article{journals/entcs/BoltonL04, title = "A Hierarchy of Failures-Based Models", author = "Christie Bolton and Gavin Lowe", year = "2004", journal = "Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci.", pages = "129-152", volume = "96", doi = "10.1016/j.entcs.2004.04.025", }
@article{Responsiveness, title = "Responsiveness of Interoperating Components", author = "A. W. Roscoe and J. N. Reed and J. E. Sinclair", year = "2004", journal = "Formal Aspects of Computing", pages = "394--411", url = "", volume = "16", }
@article{ArraysWithoutReset, title = "On Model Checking Data-independent Systems with Arrays without Reset", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R. S. Lazic and T. C. Newcomb", year = "2004", journal = "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming", number = "5 & 6", pages = "659-693", url = "", volume = "4", }
@inproceedings{inproc/avis, title = "On the Application of Counterexample-Guided Abstraction refinement and data independence to the parameterised model checking problem", author = "Gavin Lowe", year = "2004", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Automatic Verification of Infinite-State Systems, (AVIS 2004)}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{PolymorphicSystemsWithArrays, title = "Polymorphic Systems with Arrays, 2-Counter Machines and Multiset Rewriting", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R. S. Lazic and Tom Newcomb", year = "2004", booktitle = "{Proceedings of INFINITY 2004}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{NormalityAssumption, title = "{Relating Data Independent Trace Checks in CSP with UNITY Reachability under a Normality Assumption}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and Xu Wang and R. S. Lazic", year = "2004", booktitle = "{Proceedings of IFM 2004}", publisher = "{Springer LNCS}", url = "", volume = "2999", }
@inproceedings{PolymorphicSystems, title = "Polymorphic systems with arrays: decidability and undecidability", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R. S. Lazic and T. C. Newcomb", year = "2003", booktitle = "{Proceedings of South-East Europe Workshop on Formal Methods}", month = "August", note = "Extended abstract", url = "", }
@techreport{UNITYunreachability, title = "{Translating CSP trace refinement to UNITY unreachability : a study in data independence}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and Xu Wang and R.S. Lazic", year = "2003", institution = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory", month = "April", number = "RR-03-08", url = "", }
@unpublished{CompilingStalemateStatecharts, title = "{Compiling Statemate Statecharts into CSP and verifying them using FDR}", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "2003", month = "January", note = "Extended Abstract", url = "", }
@article{ExpressivePower, title = "{On the expressive power of CSP refinement}", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "2003", journal = "{Formal Aspects of Computing}", note = "{Preliminary version in Proceedings of AVoCS03, Southampton University Technical Report, April 2003}", pages = "93--112", series = "2", url = "", volume = "17", }
@inproceedings{WatchdogTransformations, title = "Watchdog transformations for property-oriented model checking", author = "A. W. Roscoe and M.H. Goldsmith and N.Moffat and T. Whitworth and I. Zakiuddin", year = "2003", booktitle = "{Proceedings of FME 2003}", url = "", }
@techreport{Bisimulation, title = "Bisimulation and refinement reconciled", author = "A. W. Roscoe and C.A.R. Hoare and C. Fournet and P.H.B. Gardiner and R. Milner and S.Rajamani and J. Rehof", year = "2003", institution = "Microsoft", }
@inproceedings{CapturingParallelAttacks, title = "Capturing parallel attacks within the data independence framework", author = "A. W. Roscoe and P. J. Broadfoot", year = "2002", booktitle = "{Proceedings of CSFW 15}", publisher = "{IEEE Press}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{InternalisingAgents, title = "{Internalising Agents in CSP Protocol Models}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and P. J. Broadfoot", year = "2002", booktitle = "{Proceedings of WITS 2002}", note = "Extended Abstract", url = "", }
@inproceedings{WithoutReset, title = "On Model Checking Data-independent Systems with Arrays without Reset", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R. S. Lazic and T. C. Newcomb", year = "2001", booktitle = "{Proceedings of VCL 2001}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{WhatCanYouDecide, title = "What can you Decide about Resetable Arrays?", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R. S. Lazic", year = "2001", booktitle = "{Proceedings of VCL 2001}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{Compiling, title = "{Compiling Shared Variable Programs into CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "2001", booktitle = "{Proceedings of PROGRESS workshop 2001}", }
@inbook{SuccessesAndFailures, title = "The successes and failures of behavioural models", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R. Forster and G.M. Reed", year = "2000", booktitle = "Millennial Perspectives in Computer Science", publisher = "Palgrave", url = "", }
@inproceedings{conf/esorics/BroadfootLR00, title = "Automating Data Independence", author = "Philippa J. Broadfoot and Gavin Lowe and A. W. Roscoe", year = "2000", booktitle = "Computer Security - ESORICS 2000, 6th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Toulouse, France, October 4-6, 2000, Proceedings", editor = "Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Cuppens and Yves Deswarte and Dieter Gollmann and Michael Waidner", isbn = "3-540-41031-7", pages = "175-190", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", url = "", volume = "1895", doi = "10.1007/10722599_11", }
@inproceedings{AutomatingDataIndependence, title = "Automating Data Independence", author = "A. W. Roscoe and P.J. Broadfoot and G. Lowe", year = "2000", booktitle = "{Proceedings of ESORICS2000}", publisher = "LNCS", url = "", volume = "1895", }
@inproceedings{StructuredNetworks, title = "Data independent induction over structured networks", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.J. Creese", year = "2000", booktitle = "{Proceedings of PDPTA2000}", url = "", }
@article{dataIndependenceTechniques, title = "Proving security protocols with model checkers by data independence techniques", author = "A. W. Roscoe and P.J. Broadfoot", year = "1999", journal = "{Journal of Computer Security}", url = "", volume = "7", }
@inproceedings{PredicateSymbols, title = "Data independence with predicate symbols", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R.S. Lazic", year = "1999", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'99)}", publisher = "{CSREA Press}", url = "", volume = "I", }
@inproceedings{ArbitraryNetworkTopologies, title = "{Formal Verification of Arbitrary Network Topologies}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.J. Creese", year = "1999", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'99)}", publisher = "{CSREA Press}", url = "", volume = "II", }
@techreport{TTPCaseStudy, title = "{TTP: A case study in combining induction and data independence}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.J. Creese", year = "1999", institution = "{Oxford University Computing Laboratory}", number = "{PRG-TR-1-99}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{verifyingDeterminism, title = "{Verifying Determinism of Concurrent Systems Which Use Unbounded Arrays}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and R. Lazic", year = "1998", booktitle = "Proceedings of {INFINITY'98}", month = "July", note = "{extended version as Oxford University Computing Laboratory TR-2-98.}", url = "", }
@book{theoryAndPractice, title = "The theory and practice of concurrency", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1998", isbn = "0-13-6774409-5", note = "The text book teaching material can be found at \url{}", publisher = "{Prentice Hall}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{provingSecurityProtocols, title = "Proving security protocols with model checkers by data independence techniques", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1998", booktitle = "{Proceedings of CSFW 1998}", publisher = "{IEEE Press}", url = "", }
@inbook{specificationOfAParallelSystem, title = "{A Case Study of the Formal Specification of a Parallel System using CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S. Kiyamura", year = "1997", booktitle = "Correct Models of Parallel Computing", editor = "S. Noguchi and M. Ota", publisher = "{IOS Press}", }
@techreport{timed-failures-stability, title = "{The timed failures-stability model for Timed CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and G.M. Reed", year = "1996", institution = "{Oxford University Computing Laboratory}", note = "also appeared in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 211 (1999)", number = "{PRG-119}", url = "", }
@article{journals/tcs/Lowe95, title = "Probabilistic and Prioritized Models of Timed CSP", author = "Gavin Lowe", year = "1995", journal = "Theor. Comput. Sci.", number = "2", pages = "315-352", url = "", volume = "138", doi = "10.1016/0304-3975(94)00171-E", }
@article{journals/cj/Lowe95, title = "Scheduling-Oriented Models for Real-Time Systems", author = "Gavin Lowe", year = "1995", journal = "The Computer Journal", number = "6", pages = "443-456", url = "", volume = "38", }
@article{journals/cj/LoweZ95, title = "Refinement of Complex Systems: A Case Study", author = "Gavin Lowe and Hussein Zedan", year = "1995", journal = "The Computer Journal", number = "10", pages = "785-800", url = "", volume = "38", }
@inproceedings{HierarchicalCompression, title = "{Hierarchical compression for model-checking CSP, or How to check 10^{20} dining philosophers for deadlock}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and P.H.B. Gardiner, M.H. Goldsmith, J.R. Hulance, D.M.Jackson and J.B. Scattergood", year = "1995", booktitle = "{Proceedings of TACAS 1995}", note = "also revised in a version of these proceedings published by {LNCS}", publisher = "{BRICS}", url = "", }
@book{ClassicalMindBook, title = "{A Classical Mind: essays in Honour of C.A.R. Hoare}", year = "1994", editor = "A. W. Roscoe", isbn = "0132948443", publisher = "{Prentice-Hall}", }
@inbook{ClassicalMindChapter, title = "Model-checking {CSP}", author = "{A. W. Roscoe}", year = "1994", booktitle = "{A Classical Mind: essays in Honour of C.A.R. Hoare}", chapter = "21", publisher = "{Prentice-Hall}", url = "", }
@article{occam2-2, title = "Denotational semantics for occam2, Part 2", author = "A. W. Roscoe and M.H. Goldsmith and B.G.O. Scott", year = "1994", journal = "{Transputer Communications}", pages = "25--67", series = "1", volume = "2", }
@article{occam2-1, title = "Denotational semantics for occam2, Part 1", author = "A. W. Roscoe and M.H. Goldsmith and B.G.O. Scott", year = "1994", journal = "{Transputer Communications}", pages = "65--91", series = "2", volume = "1", }
@inproceedings{protocolsInCSP, title = "Developing and verifying protocols in {CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1993", booktitle = "Proceedings of {Mierlo} workshop on protocols", publisher = "{TU Eindhoven}", }
@techreport{occamdenotational, title = "{Denotational semantics for occam II}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and M.H. Goldsmith and B.G.O. Scott", year = "1993", institution = "{Oxford University Computing Laboratory}", number = "PRG-108", url = "", }
@phdthesis{/thesis/Lowe93, title = "{Probabilities and Priorities in Timed CSP}", author = "Gavin Lowe", year = "1993", school = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory", url = "", }
@article{occamMicroprocessors, title = "Occam in the specification and verification of microprocessors", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1992", journal = "Phil Trans R. Soc. Lond A", note = "{Also in Mechanised Reasoning and Hardware Design, M.J.C. Gordon and C.A.R. Hoare, eds (Prentice-Hall, 1992), extended version available at \url{} }", pages = "137-151", url = "", volume = "339", }
@inproceedings{timedCSPtheory, title = "{Timed CSP: theory and practice}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and J.Davies and D.Jackson and G.M.Reed and J.Reed and S.A. Schneider", year = "1992", booktitle = "Proceedings of {REX} Workshop", publisher = "LNCS", volume = "600", }
@article{AnalysingTMFS, title = "{Analysing TM_{FS}: a study of nondeterminism in real-time concurrency}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and G.M. Reed", year = "1991", editor = "Yonezawa and Ito", journal = "{Concurrency: Theory Language and Architecture}", publisher = "Springer LNCS", url = "", volume = "491", }
@article{occamsemantic, title = "{A semantic model for occam II}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and M.H. Goldsmith and B.G.O. Scott", year = "1991", journal = "Proceedings of Transputing", volume = "93", }
@article{DeadlockAnalysis2, title = "Deadlock analysis in networks of communicating processes", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.D. Brookes", year = "1991", journal = "Distributed Computing", number = "4", pages = "209--230", url = "", }
@inproceedings{timewiseRefinement, title = "{CSP} and timewise refinement", author = "A. W. Roscoe and G. M. Reed and S. A. Schneider", year = "1991", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the BCS-FACS Refinement Workshop}", publisher = "LNCS", }
@techreport{MaintainingConsistency, title = "Maintaining consistency in distributed databases", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1990", institution = "{Oxford University Computing Laboratory}", number = "{PRG-87}", url = "", }
@techreport{CommunicationAndCorrectness, title = "Communication and correctness in {Timed CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.A. Schneider and J.W. Davies and D.M. Jackson and G.M. Reed", year = "1990", institution = "Esprit SPEC project", }
@techreport{TemporalLogic, title = "A temporal logic for {Timed CSP}", author = "D.M. Jackson and J.W. Davies and G.M. Reed and S.A. Schneider", year = "1990", institution = "{Esprit SPEC project}", }
@inproceedings{UnboundedNondeterminism2, title = "Unbounded nondeterminism in {CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and G.Barrett", year = "1989", booktitle = "Proceedings of MFPS89", number = "298", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", url = "", }
@techreport{UnboundedNondeterminism1, title = "Unbounded nondeterminism in {CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1988", institution = "{Oxford University Computing Laboratory}", month = "July", note = "in \emph{Two papers on CSP}, Also appeared in Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol 3, No 2 pp131-172 (1993)", number = "PRG-67", url = "", }
@techreport{AlternativeOrder, title = "An alternative order for the failures model", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1988", institution = "{Oxford University Computing Laboratory}", month = "July", note = "in \emph{Two papers on CSP}, Also appeared in Journal of Logic and Computation 2, 5 pp557-577", number = "PRG-67", url = "", }
@article{ATimedModel, title = "A timed model for communicating sequential processes", author = "A. W. Roscoe and G.M. Reed", year = "1988", journal = "{Theoretical Computer Science}", pages = "249--261", url = "", volume = "58", }
@article{LawsOfOccamProgramming, title = "The laws of occam programming", author = "A. W. Roscoe and C.A.R. Hoare", year = "1988", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", note = "Previously appeared as Oxford University Computing Laboratory Technical Report PRG-53, 1986.", pages = "177--229", url = "", volume = "60", }
@inproceedings{TransformingOccamPrograms, title = "Transforming occam programs", author = "A. W. Roscoe and M.H. Goldsmith", year = "1988", booktitle = "{The Design and Application of Parallel Digital Processors}", number = "298", series = "{IEE Conference Publication}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{MetricSpaces, title = "Metric spaces as models for real-time concurrency", author = "A. W. Roscoe and G.M. Reed", year = "1988", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Third Workshop on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Language Semantics (New Orleans, 1987)}", editor = "Main et al", number = "298", pages = "331--343", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", url = "", }
@article{PursuitDeadlockFreedom, title = "The pursuit of deadlock freedom", author = "A. W. Roscoe and Naiem Dathi", year = "1987", journal = "{Information and Computation}", month = "December", number = "3", pages = "289--327", url = "", volume = "75", }
@inproceedings{RoutingMessages, title = "Routing messages through networks: an exercise in deadlock avoidance", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1987", address = "Amsterdam", booktitle = "{Programming of Transputer Based Machines: Proceedings of 7th occam User Group Technical Meeting}", editor = "Muntean et al.", publisher = "{IOS B.V.}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{TimedModel, title = "A timed model for communicating sequential processes", author = "A. W. Roscoe and G.M. Reed", year = "1986", booktitle = "{Proc.ICALP 86}", number = "226", pages = "314--323", publisher = "Springer", series = "{LNCS}", url = "", }
@techreport{OperationSemanticsCSP, title = "An Operational Semantics for {CSP}", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S. D. Brookes and D. J. Walker", year = "1986", institution = "{Oxford University Computing Laboratory}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{SpecifyingProblemOne, title = "Specifying problem one using the failures model for {CSP} and deriving {CSP} processes which meet this specification", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1985", booktitle = "{The Analysis of Concurrent Systems}", editor = "B.T. Denvir et al", number = "207", pages = "103--109", publisher = "Springer", series = "{LNCS}", url = "", }
@inproceedings{DenotationalSemanticsOccam, title = "Denotational semantics for occam", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1985", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {Pittsburgh} seminar on concurrency", number = "197", pages = "306--329", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", url = "", }
@inproceedings{DeadlockAnalysis, title = "Deadlock analysis in networks of communicating processes", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.D. Brookes", year = "1985", booktitle = "{Logics and Models of Concurrent Systems}", editor = "K.R. Apt", pages = "305--324", publisher = "Springer", series = "NATO ASI series F", volume = "13", }
@inproceedings{AnImprovedFailuresModel, title = "An improved failures model for communicating processes", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.D. Brookes", year = "1985", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {Pittsburgh} seminar on concurrency", number = "197", pages = "281--305", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", url = "", }
@inproceedings{Trains, title = "A {CSP} solution to the \emph{trains} problem", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1985", booktitle = "{The Analysis of Concurrent Systems}", editor = "B.T. Denvir et al", number = "207", pages = "384--388", publisher = "Springer", series = "{LNCS}", url = "", }
@proceedings{PittsburghSeminarConcurrency, title = "Proceedings of the {Pittsburgh} seminar on concurrency", year = "1985", editor = "A. W. Roscoe and S.D. Brookes and G. Winskel", number = "197", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", url = "", }
@article{ATheoryofCSP, title = "A theory of communicating sequential processes", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.D. Brookes and C.A.R. Hoare", year = "1984", journal = "{Journal of the ACM}", month = "July", number = "3", pages = "560--599", series = "31", url = "", }
@inproceedings{ExecutablePredicates, title = "Programs as executable predicates", author = "A. W. Roscoe and C.A.R. Hoare", year = "1984", booktitle = "{Proceedings of FGCS84 (ICOT, editors)}", pages = "220--228", url = "", }
@phdthesis{AMathematicalTheory, title = "A mathematical theory of communicating processes", author = "A. W. Roscoe", year = "1982", note = "Please note this is a 270 page, 118 Mb scanned file and will take some time to download.", school = "Oxford University", url = "", }
@techreport{ATheory, title = "A theory of communicating sequential processes", author = "A. W. Roscoe and S.D. Brookes and C. A. R. Hoare", year = "1981", institution = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory", month = "May", number = "{PRG-16}", url = "", }