Publications by Title
Security publications produced by members of the Security Research Group,
currently ordered by title.
Order by: [ Author | Date | Title ]
Analysing Object-Capability Security |
T. Murray |
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security, Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security (FCS-ARSPA-WITS'08)
Analysing Protocols Subject to Guessing Attacks |
G. Lowe |
Journal of Computer Security, Volume 12, Number 1, 2004
Analysing Protocols Subject to Guessing Attacks |
G. Lowe |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS '02), 2002
Analysing TLS in the Strand Spaces Model |
A. Kamil and G. Lowe |
Technical Report, Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Analysing a Stream Authentication Protocol using Model Checking |
P.J. Broadfoot and G. Lowe |
International Journal of Information Security, Volume 3, Number 1, pages 2--13, 2004
Analysing a Stream Authentication Protocol using Model Checking |
P.J. Broadfoot and G. Lowe |
Proceedings of ESORICS 2002, Zurich, October 2002
Analyzing a Library of Security Protocols using Casper and FDR |
B. Donovan, P. Norris and G. Lowe |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Methods and Security Protocols, 1999
Application of Data Independence Techniques to Security Protocols |
P.J. Broadfoot |
Master of Science Thesis, Oxford University, September 1998
Architectures for Secure Delegation Within Grids |
P.J. Broadfoot and G. Lowe |
Technical Report PRG-RR-03-19, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, September 2003
An Attack on the Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol |
G. Lowe |
Information Processing Letters, volume 56, number 3, pages 131-133.
The Attacker in Ubiquitous Computing Environments: Formalising the Threat Model |
A.W. Roscoe, M. Goldsmith, S.J. Creese and I. Zakiuddin |
Proceedings of FAST 2003, Pisa
Authenticating ad hoc networks by comparison of short digests |
L.H. Nguyen and A.W. Roscoe |
Information and Computation, Vol. 206, pages 250-271
Authentication for pervasive computing |
A.W. Roscoe, M. Goldsmith, S.J. Creese and I. Zakiuddin |
Proceedings of First International Conference on Pervasive Computing (March 2003), LNCS
Authentication in pervasive computing |
S.J. Creese, M. Goldsmith, A.W. Roscoe and I. Zakiuddin |
Proceedings of First International Conference on Pervasive Computing (March 2003), LNCS
Authority Analysis for Least Privilege Environments |
T. Murray and G. Lowe |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security and Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis (FCS-ARSPA'07)
Automating data independence |
P.J. Broadfoot, G. Lowe and A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of ESORICS 2000, volume 1895 of LNCS, pages 175-190. Springer-Verlag, 2000
Bootstrapping Multi-Party Ad-Hoc Security |
S.J. Creese, M. Goldsmith, A.W. Roscoe and M. Xiao |
Proceedings of SAC 2006
Breaking and Fixing the Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Protocol using FDR |
G. Lowe |
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, Margaria and Steffen (eds.), volume 1055 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, pages 147-166, 1996
CSP and determinism in security modelling |
A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE Computer Society Press)
Capturing parallel attacks within the data independence framework |
P.J. Broadfoot and A.W. Roscoe |
15th Computer Security Foundations Workshop, pages 147-159. IEEE Computer Society Press, June 2002
Casper: A Compiler for the Analysis of Security Protocols |
G. Lowe |
Proceedings of 10th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 1997. Also in Journal of Computer Security, Volume 6, pages 53-84, 1998
Chaining Secure Channels |
C. Dilloway |
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security, Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security (FCS-ARSPA-WITS'08)
Composing and decomposing systems under security properties |
A.W. Roscoe and L. Wulf |
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (IEEE Computer Society Press)
A Critical Survey of Grid Security Requirements and Technologies |
P.J. Broadfoot and A.P. Martin |
Technical Report PRG-RR-03-15, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, August 2003
Data independence in the model checking of security protocols |
P.J. Broadfoot |
Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Oxford University, September 2001
Defining Information Flow Quantity |
G. Lowe |
Journal of Computer Security, Volume 12, Numbers 3, 4, 2004
Defining Information Flow |
G. Lowe |
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical Report 1999/3, University of Leicester, 1999
Derivation of Error Distribution in Least Squares Steganalysis |
A.D. Ker |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, volume 2, number 2, June 2007
Efficient group authentication protocols based on human interaction |
L.H. Nguyen and A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of ARSPA 2006
Embedding agents within the intruder to detect parallel attacks |
P.J. Broadfoot and A.W. Roscoe |
To appear in the Journal of Computer Security, 2003
Exploiting Empirical Engagement in Authentication Protocol Design |
S.J. Creese, R. Harrison, M. Goldsmith, A.W. Roscoe and P.Zakiuddin Whittaker |
Proceedings of SPPC 2005
Extending noninterference properties to the timed world |
J. Huang and A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of SAC 2006
A Family of Attacks upon Authentication Protocols |
G. Lowe |
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical Report 1997/5, University of Leicester, 1997
Fault-Preserving Simplifying Transformations for Security Protocols |
M. Lin Hui and G. Lowe |
Journal of Computer Security, volume 9, pages 3-46, 2001
Fourth-order structural steganalysis and analysis of cover assumptions |
A.D. Ker |
Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of of Multimedia Contents VIII, Proc. SPIE 6072, pages 25-38. SPIE, 2006
A Hierarchy of Authentication Specifications |
G. Lowe |
Proceedings of 10th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 1997
How to Prevent Type Flaw Attacks on Security Protocols |
J. Heather, G. Lowe and S. Schneider |
To appear in Journal of Computer Security, 2002
How to Prevent Type Flaw Attacks on Security Protocols |
J. Heather, G. Lowe and S. Schneider |
Proceedings of 13th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, pages 255-268, 2000
An Idea for a Blind Watermarking Scheme Resistant to StirMark |
A.D. Ker |
Programming Research Group Technical Report RR-01-14. Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 2001
Improved detection of LSB steganography in grayscale images |
A.D. Ker |
Proc. 6th Information Hiding Workshop, LNCS 3200, pages 97-115. Springer, 2004
Intensional specifications of security protocols |
A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of 1996 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (IEEE Computer Society Press)
Internalising agents in CSP protocol models |
P.J. Broadfoot and A.W. Roscoe |
Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS '02), Portland Oregon, USA, 2002
Modelling and Analysis of Security Protocols |
P. Ryan, S. Schneider, M. Goldsmith, G. Lowe and A.W. Roscoe |
Addison-Wesley, 2001
Modelling and verifying key-exchange protocols using CSP and FDR |
A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (IEEE Computer Society Press)
Non-Delegatable Authorities in Capability Systems |
T. Murray and D. Grove |
Journal of Computer Security, Vol. 16, No. 6, pages 743-759
Non-interference through determinism |
A.W. Roscoe, J.P.C. Woodcock and L. Wulf |
Journal of Computer Security 4, 1 (pp27--54), 1996
Non-interference through determinism |
A.W. Roscoe, J.P.C. Woodcock and L. Wulf |
In proceedings of ESORICS 94 (LNCS 875)
On Information Flow and Refinement-Closure |
G. Lowe |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS '07)
On Refinement-Closed Security Properties and Nondeterministic Compositions |
T. Murray and G. Lowe |
Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS'08)
On distributed security transactions that use secure transport protocols |
P.J. Broadfoot and G. Lowe |
In the 16th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, pages 141-154, IEEE Computer Society Press, June/July 2003
On the Specication and Analysis of Secure Transport Layers |
C. Dilloway |
Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Oxford University, Trinity Term 2008
On the Specification of Secure Channels |
C. Dilloway and G. Lowe |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS '07)
On the relationship between Web Services Security and traditional protocols |
E. Kleiner and A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of MFPS 2005
The Perfect Spy for Model-checking Crypto-protocols |
A.W. Roscoe and M. Goldsmith |
Proceedings of DIMACS workshop on the design and formal verification of crypto-protocols, 1997
Proving security protocols with model checkers by data independence techniques |
P.J. Broadfoot and A.W. Roscoe |
Journal of Computer Security: Special Issue CSFW12, 7(2,3):147-190, 1999
Proving security protocols with model checkers by data independence techniques |
A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of CSFW 1998, IEEE Press
Quantifying Information Flow |
G. Lowe |
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 2002
Quantitative evaluation of Pairs and RS steganalysis |
A.D. Ker |
Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of of Multimedia Contents VI, Proc. SPIE 5306, SPIE, 2004
Resampling and the detection of LSB matching in colour bitmaps |
A.D. Ker |
Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of of Multimedia Contents VII, Proc. SPIE 5681, pages 1-15. SPIE, 2005
Research directions for trust and security in human-centric computing |
S.J. Creese, M. Goldsmith, A.W. Roscoe and I. Zakiuddin |
Proceedings of SPPC 2004
Semantic Models for Information Flow |
G. Lowe |
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 315, pages 209-256, 2004
Separating two roles of hashing in one-way message authentication |
L.H. Nguyen and A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security, Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security (FCS-ARSPA-WITS'08)
Simplifying Transformations for Security Protocols |
M. Lin Hui and G. Lowe |
Proceedings of 12th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, pages 32-43, 1999
Some New Attacks upon Security Protocols |
G. Lowe |
Proceedings of 9th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 1996
Special issue on grid security |
H. Chivers and A.P. Martin |
Software-Practice and Experience, 35(9), July 2005
Specifying Secure Transport Layers |
C. Dilloway and G. Lowe |
Proc. 21st IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 21)
Steganalysis of LSB matching in grayscale images |
A.D. Ker |
Signal Processing Letters 12:6, pages 441-444. IEEE, 2005
The Successes and Failures of Behavioural Models |
A.W. Roscoe, R. Forster and G.M. Reed |
In Millennial Perspectives in Computer Science, Palgrave 2000
Towards a Completeness Result for Model Checking of Security Protocols |
G. Lowe |
Journal of Computer Security, Volume 7, Numbers 2, 3, pages 89-146, 1999
Using CSP to Detect Errors in the TMN Protocol |
G. Lowe and A.W. Roscoe |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, volume 23, number 10, 1997
Using CSP to Verify Security-Critical Applications |
G. Rohrmair |
Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 2005
Using CSP to decide safety problems for access control policies |
E. Kleiner and T. Newcomb |
Research Report RR-06-04, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, January 2006
Using CSP to detect Insertion and Evasion Possibilities within the Intrusion Detection Area |
G. Rohrmair and G. Lowe |
Proceedings of BCS Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security, 2002
Using Data-Independence in the Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems |
G. Rohrmair and G. Lowe |
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 340, Number 1, pages 82-101, 2005
Using Data-Independence in the Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems |
G. Rohrmair and G. Lowe |
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS '03)
Verifying Determinism of Concurrent Systems Which Use Unbounded Arrays |
A.W. Roscoe and R. Lazic |
Proceedings of INFINITY'98, Aalborg, Denmark, July 1998, extended version as Oxford University Computing Laboratory TR-2-98
Web Services Security: a preliminary study using Casper and FDR |
E. Kleiner and A.W. Roscoe |
Proceedings of Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis (ARSPA 04), Cork, Ireland
What is intransitive noninterference? |
A.W. Roscoe and M. Goldsmith |
Proceedings of CSFW 1999, IEEE Press
A computational justification for guessing attack formalisms |
T. Newcomb and G. Lowe |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS '06), 2006
A general framework for the structural steganalysis of LSB replacement |
A.D. Ker |
Proc. 7th Information Hiding Workshop, LNCS 3727, pages 296-311. Springer, 2005
A two-factor error model for quantitative steganalysis |
R. Böhme and A.D. Ker |
Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of of Multimedia Contents VIII, Proc. SPIE 6072, pages 59-74. SPIE, 2006