Conference Chair and Organiser
Dr. Stephen Cameron, Keble College, University of Oxford (e-mail).
Academic Programme Chair
Dr. Ashutosh Natraj, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford (e-mail).
Steering Committee
Prof. Chris Melhuish, Director, Bristol Robotics Laboratory, University of Bristol and the West of England,
Dr. Mark Witkowski, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London.
BARA-AFR Industry Day Chairs
Industry Day Academic Chair: Prof. Jacques Penders, Sheffield Hallam University (e-mail),
Industry Day Industrial Coordinator: Grant Collier, Head of
Marketing PPMA Group/BARA (e-mail).
Academic Programme Committee
Prof. Ajith Abraham Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
Dr. Lyuba Alboul Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Dr. Ronald C. Arkin Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Fatima Benamar Université de Rabat, Morroco
Dr. Paul Bremner Bristol Robotics Laboratory, U. West of England,
Dr. Samuel Bucheli University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Guido Bugmann University of Plymouth, UK
Dr. Lola Cañamero University of Hertfordshire, UK
Dr. Fabio Caparrelli Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Dr. Andrea Carbone Université Paris 8, France
Dr. Anders Lyhne Christensen Lisbon University Institute,
Dr. Andrew Conn Bristol University, UK
Dr. Torbjorn Dahl Plymouth University, UK
Zahra Daneshifar Université de Picardie Jules Verne,
Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn The University of Hertfordshire, UK
Mehrdad Davarifar Université de Picardie Jules Verne,
Dr. Geert De Cubber Royal Military Academy of Belgium
Dr. Cédric Demonceaux Université de Bourgogne,
Dr. Sotirios Diamantas University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA
Dr. Tony Dodd University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. Sanja Dogramadzi University of West England, UK
Dr. Stéphane Doncieux Université de Pierre Marie Curie,
Paris, France
Prof. Marco Dorigo Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Dr. Kerstin Eder Bristol University, UK
Dr. Mathew H. Evans University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. David Fofi Université de Bourgogne, France
Dr. Ella Gale Bristol Robotics Laboratory, U. West of England,
Swen Gaudl University of Bath, UK
Dr. Ioannis Georgilas Bristol Robotics Laboratory, U. West of England,
Dr. Roderich Gross University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Dongbing Gu University of Essex, UK
Abdi Ibrahim Hadi Université de Djibouti, République de
Dr. Heiko Hamann University of Paderborn, Germany
Dr. William Harwin University of Reading, UK
Prof. Phil Husbands University of Sussex, UK
Dr. Ioannis Ieropoulos Bristol Robotics Laboratory, U. West of
England, UK
Prof. Yaochu Jin University of Surrey, UK
Prof. Maarja Kruusmaa, Tallinn University of Technology
Dr. Haruhisa Kurokawa AIST, Japan
Dr. Theocharis Kyriacou Keele University, UK
Dr. Fred Labrosse Aberystwyth University, UK
Dr. Stasha Lauria Brunel University, UK
Prof. Mark Lee Aberystwyth University, UK
Dr. Nathan Lepora University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. Dieu Sang Ly Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
Dr. Stéphane Magnenat ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Walterio Mayol Bristol University, UK
Dr. Giorgio Metta Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Dr. Ben Mitchinson University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Lazaros Nalpantidis Aalborg University Copenhagen,
Prof. Paul Newman University of Oxford, UK
Jekaterina Novikova University of Bath, UK
Dr. Calogero M. Oddo Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Dr. Cagdas D. Onal Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Ahlem Othmani Université de Bourgogne, France
Dr. Martin Pearson Bristol Robotics Laboratory, U. West of England,
Prof. Marcos A. Rodrigues Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Dr. Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena Imperial College London,
Dr. Erol Sahin Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Dr. Thomas Schmickl University of Gratz, Austria
Dr. Matthew Studley Bristol Robotics Laboratory, U. West of England,
Prof. Jon Timmis University of York, UK
Dr. Elio Tuci Aberystwyth University, UK
Prof. Bram Vanderborght Vrije Universiteit Brussels,
Prof. Pascal Vasseur Université de Rouen, France
Dr. Hugo Vieira Neto Federal University of Technology - Parana,
Dr. Marsette Vona North Eastern University, USA
Dr. Sonia Waharte University of Bedfordshire, UK
Dr. Myra S. Wilson Aberystwyth University, UK
Prof. Ulf Witkowski South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences,
If you would like to serve on the TAROS-13 Programme Committee please contact the Academic Programme Chair directly.
Dr. Samuel Bucheli, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford (e-mail).