Benedetto Intrigila, Giulio Manzonetto and Andrew Polonsky. Refutation of Sallé's Longstanding Conjecture Łukasz Czajka. Confluence of an extension of Combinatory Logic by Boolean constants. Małgorzata Biernacka, Witold Charatonik and Klara Zielińska. Generalized Refocusing: from Hybrid Strategies to Abstract Machines
Marcelo Fiore and Philip Saville. List Objects with Algebraic Structure Ryota Suzuki, Koichi Fujima, Naoki Kobayashi and Takeshi Tsukada. Streett Automata Model Checking of Higher-Order Recursion Schemes Pablo Barenbaum and Eduardo Bonelli. Optimality and the Linear Substitution Calculus
Pierre Vial and Delia Kesner. Types as Resources for Classical Natural Deduction Yohji Akama. The confluent terminating context-free substitutive rewriting system for the lambda-calculus with surjective pairing and terminal type
Colin Riba and Pierre Pradic. A Curry-Howard Approach to Church’s Synthesis Paolo Pistone. Dinaturality between syntax and semantics
Benjamin Lichtman and Jan Hoffmann. Arrays and References in Resource Aware ML Patrick Bahr. Böhm Reduction in Infinitary Term Graph Rewriting Systems Robin Cockett and Jean-Simon Lemay. There is only one notion of differentiation
Daniel R. Licata, Michael Shulman and Mitchell Riley. A Fibrational Framework for Substructural and Modal Logics
Tadeusz Litak, Miriam Polzer and Ulrich Rabenstein. Negative Translations and Normal Modality