Call for Submissions
We solicit theoretical as well as applied research papers that present original work combining ideas from computer science and control systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Design, synthesis, planning and control
• Analysis, automated verification (Boolean or
• Certification, validation, and testing
• Model building from data (via learning) and
model simulation
• Mathematical foundations, computability and
• Programming languages, specification
• Software tool engineering and
• Real-time and resource-aware control
• Network science and control over networks
• Applications in cyber-physical systems, and
in particular: automotive, avionics, energy and power, mobile
and autonomous robotics, medical devices, manufacturing,
transportation, systems and synthetic biology, models for the
life sciences, and other areas.
Special Issue: Authors of distinguished papers may be invited to submit an extended version of their work for possible publication in a special issue of a leading journal in the CPS research area.
Best Student Paper Award: As established in previous years, a best student paper award will be given to a contribution primarily authored by a student.
Repeatability Evaluation: HSCC has a history of publishing strong papers emphasizing computational contributions; however, subsequent re-creation of these computational elements is often challenging because details of the implementation are unavoidably absent in the paper. Authors of papers accepted to HSCC (in any track) that contain a computational component will be invited to participate in an optional repeatability evaluation process after final submission of the paper in February. Papers that pass will be highlighted at the conference and in the proceedings, and all submissions will receive confidential feedback from independent reviewers on any challenges faced in recreating the computational results. We plan to confer a Best RE Award. More information on Repeatability Evaluation can be found here.
Posters and Demonstrations: For HSCC 2016 a best poster/demo certificate will be awarded and announced during the conference and on the website.
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers should present unpublished original research,
not under review elsewhere.
Regular papers: maximum
10 pages in the 10pt, two‐column ACM format.
Tool and Case Study papers:
maximum 6 pages in the 10pt, two‐column ACM format. Tool Papers
should describe an implemented tool and its novel features. Case
studies should present hybrid systems tools or techniques.
Demo/posters: Maximum 2 pages. Demo/poster descriptions serve the sole purpose of selecting contributions for demo/poster session, and will not be published in the conference proceedings. Poster abstracts should report preliminary research work and case studies.
Repeatability Evaluation: details can be found here.
All papers: papers submissions should be preceded by an abstract (see important dates)
The website accepting paper submissions is here
ACM templates (for LaTeX2e tighter alternate style) can be
found here
Demo/poster submissions: Poster/Demo descriptions should use the same template as regular paper submissions. Descriptions should be submitted to the "Demonstrations and Posters" track at the submission website here
Repeatability Evaluation: the RE submission site will be found here in due time.
The conference proceedings will be published with ACM. The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.