University of Oxford, UK: Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, Blanca Rodriguez (Principal Investigators).
Barts Heart Centre, UK: Pier Lambiase, Andrew Tinker (Principal Investigators).
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain: Jazmin Aguado-Sierra, Mariano Vázquez.
Blizard Institute Centre for Immunobiology, UK: Tom MacDonald.
Brunel University London, UK: Luigi Margiotta-Casaluci.
CARIM, School for Cardiovascular Diseases, the Netherlands: Jordi Heijman.
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, USA: Zhilin Qu, Zhen Song.
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA: Flavio Fenton.
Gregorio Marañon Hospital, Spain: Andreu M. Climent
John Radcliffe Hospital, UK: Rina Ariga, Barbara Casadei, Matthew Daniels, Erica Dall’Armellina, Hugh Watkins.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany: Olaf Dössel, Alex Loewe, Gunnar Seeman.
Kings College London, UK: Martin Bishop, Philip Gemmell, Sander Land, Steven Niederer.
Mount Sinai, USA: Eric A. Sobie.
National Institute of Health Sciences in Japan: Yasunari Kanda.
Pfizer, Inc, USA: David C. Ackley, Todd Wisialowski.
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain: Chema Ferrero, Lucía Romero, Javier Saiz, Beatriz Trenor, María Guillén.
Queensland University of Technology, Australia: Kevin Burrage, Brodie Lawson..
Rochester Institute of Technology, USA: Elisabeth Cherry.
Simula Research Laboratory, Norway: Valentina Carapella, Bernardo Lino de Oliveira, Molly Maleckar, Marcia Vagos.
St George's University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, UK: Belinda Gray.
Tampere University of Technology, Finland: Jari Hyttinen, Michelangelo Paci.
The French National Institute for Computer Science, France: Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Mark Potse, Fabien Raphel.
The George Washington University, USA: Igor Efimov, Emilia Entcheva.
The University College London, UK: Ben Hanson, Carlos Ledezma, Michele Orini, Peter Taggart.
The University of Auckland, New Zealand: Peter Hunter.
The University of Bologna, Italy: Francesca Margara, Stefano Severi.
The University of California, Davis, USA: Colleen Clancy, Eleonora Grandi, Divya Kernik.
The University of Ghent, Uk: Alexander Panfilov, Nele Vandersickel.
The University of Glasgow, UK: Cherry Alexander, Francis Burton, Rachel Myles, Alessia Rapisarda, Godfrey Smith.
The University of Leeds, UK: Al Benson.
The University of Manchester, UK: Henggui Zhang.
The University of Milan, Italy: José Félix Rodríguez.
The University of Nottingham, UK: Gary Mirams.
The University of Reading, UK: Marcus Tindall.
The University of Sheffield, UK: Richard Clayton.
The University of Szeged, Hungary: Virag Laszlo, Norbert Nagy, András Varró.
The University of Virginia, USA: Jeff Saucerman.
The University of Zaragoza, Spain: Pablo Laguna, Esther Pueyo.
Washington University St Louis, USA: Yoram Rudy.
Weill Cornell Medicine, USA: David Christini, Trine Krogh-Madsen.
Western University, Medical Biophysics Department, Canada: Sanjay Kharche.
The Nacional Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research.
The Avicenna Alliance.
The Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) Institute, Belgium.
Audacter Consulting, UK: Rob Towart.
FDA Division of Cardiovascular and Renal Products, USA: Norman Stockbridge.
Safety Pharmacology Society Board member, NC3R, UK: Helen Prior.