Professor Marina Jirotka joins UKCRC
Posted: 21st March 2018
The department’s Professor Marina Jirotka has been elected to the UK Computing Research Community (UKCRC), a highly selective grouping of the UK’s leading computing academics.
The UKCRC aims to promote the vitality, quality and impact of computing research in the UK. Its members are internationally leading computing researchers drawn from both academia and industry. It is an expert panel of the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET), BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT and the Council of Professors and Heads of Computing (CPHC).
Marina is a Chartered IT Professional of the British Computer Society and sits on the ICT Ethics Specialist Group committee. She has published widely in international journals and conferences on e-Research, human computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work and requirements engineering.
Marina is Professor of Human Centred Computing, and her expertise involves co-producing user and community requirements and human computer interaction, particularly for collaborative systems. She has been at the forefront of recent work in Responsible Innovation in ICT in the UK and the European Union.
Marina is also co-founder of ORBIT (the Observatory for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT) which provides training and consultancy in responsible innovation principles.