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Best Student Paper Award at ICALP for Ruiwen Dong


Congratulations to Ruiwen Dong, whose paper 'The Identity Problem in Z ≀Z is decidable' is going to be awarded Best Student Paper at ICALP TrackB in July 2023. ICALP, the EATCS International Colloquium on Automata,Languages and Programming, is one of the flagship conferences inTheoretical Computer Science.His paper studies algorithmic problems over the wreath product of twocopies of the integers (written Z ≀ Z). Roughly speaking, computing inthe group Z ≀ Z can be thought of a Turing machine whose tape cellscontain integers and the machine operates by adding integers to thecells. The paper proves decidability of the 'Identity Problem' in Z ≀Z. Given a finite set of elements S in the group, the Identity Problemasks whether there exists a non-empty sequence w in S, such that theproduct of w is equal to the neutral element. This decidability resultcontrasts the undecidability of the 'Semigroup Membership Problem',which asks for the existence of a sequence w whose product is equal to agiven target. The paper tightens the gap between known decidability andundecidability results, and contributes an important step towardssolving algorithmic problems in larger classes of groups.