09:30-10:30 JOHN HARDING (IT, New Mexico State) slides
* Some quantum logic and a few categories
10.30-11.00 DAVID KRUML (Brno) & JEFF EGGER
* Tensor quantales
11.30-12.00 CHRIS HEUNEN (Ph.D, Nijmegen) slides
* Compactly accessible categories
12.00-13.00 RICK BLUTE (IT, Ottawa)
* Categorical structures in algebraic QFT
14.30-15.30 CHRIS ISHAM (IT, Imperial) slides
* Topos theory in the formulation of theories of physics
15.30-16.15 ANDREAS DORING (Imperial) slides
* Daseinisation and quantum physics in a topos of presheaves
16.45-17.30 BASS SPITTERS (Nijmegen) slides
* A topos presentation of C*-algebra based physical systems
17.30-18.15 ISAR STUBBE (Antwerp)
* Sheaves on non-commutative topologies
09:30-10:15 BOB COECKE (Oxford) slides
* Classical and quantum structures as pictures
10:15-11:00 SAMSON ABRAMSKY (Oxford) slides
* Copy-cat strategies and information flow in physics, geometry, logic and computation
11:30-12:30 DUSKO PAVLOVIC (IT, Kestrel & Oxford) slides
* Geometry of data abstraction in quantum computing
12:30-13:00 ERIC PAQUETTE (Ph.D, Ud Montreal) slides
* Anyons & ribbon categories
14.30-15:00 JAMIE VICARY (Ph.D, Imperial) slides
* A categorical framework for the quantum harmonic oscillator
15:00-16.00 MARCELO FIORE (IT, Cambridge) slides
* An axiomatics and a combinatorial model for creation/annihilation operators and differential structure
16:30-17:15 ROSS DUNCAN (Oxford) slides
* Quantum entanglement and freely constructed compact categories