Bob Coecke
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Upcoming events
Earlier events can be found at my old Brussels Page.
I will be in the PC of 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2012), Warwick, UK, 9-13 July, 2012.
I will be speaking at The Incomputable, Kavli Royal Society International Centre Chicheley Hall, June 12-15 June, 2012.
The Quantum Physics and Logic workshops now have a steering committee, consisting of Prakash Panangaden, Peter Selinger and I. The next one, the 8th QPL workshop, will take place in Nijmegen, Holland, October 27-29, 2011.
I will be speaking in the Fight Club seminar at the Department of Physics, University of Nottingham, October 12, 2011.
- I will be visiting IQOQI, including giving a giving a talk, Vienna, 24 January - 4 February, 2011.
- I will be at New Orleans, November 20 and 21, for a pre-meeting to the Cyber Science and Security Review
at Duke University, North Carolina, November 23, 2010.
- I will be speaking at the Basil Hiley Fest in honor of his 75th birthday, Helsinki, 12-13 November 2010.
- I will be speaking at the Sigma Club, Centre for the Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics, Monday, November 1st.
- Prakash Panangaden, Peter Selinger and I organised the 6th Quantum Physics and Logic workshop, Oxford, May 29-30, 2010. Invited speakers are John Baez and Louis Crane. It follows the QICS school mentioned below.
- Ross Duncan organized the final QNET workshop, where I also gave a talk, here at Oxford, 10-11 December, 2009.
- I spoke at Quantum and Combinatorics, Zakopane, Poland, November 2009.
- I spoke at the Computational Linguistic workshop organized by Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh at Wolfson College, Oxford, September 21, 2009.
- I spoke at this year's Askloster meeting on mathematics in foundations of physics organised by Basil Hiley and Georg Wikman, July 22-22, 2009.
- There was an event called Categories, Quanta, Concepts at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics organised by Andreas Doering, Lucien Hardy and myself, June 1-5, 2009.
- Prakash Panangaden, Peter Selinger and I organised the 6th Quantum Physics and Logic workshop, Oxford, April 8-9, 2009. This took place immediately after MFPS 2009, also here in Oxford, where I organised tutorials on Quantum Information and Computation, in which i gave the first lecture.
- This year's Askloster meeting on mathematics in foundations of physics organised by Basil Hiley and Georg Wikman will take place July 24-27.
- I speak in the Oxford Materials Department Lunch Seminar July 17, 2008.
- I will talk in the Colloquium of the Department of Pure Mathematics at the University of Sheffield on November 7th, 2007.
- This year's Askloster meeting on mathematics in foundations of physics organised by Basil Hiley and Georg Wikman will take place July 5-8. pictures
- I'll be giving a talk in Nottingham the 11th of May.