Bob Coecke
Home Events Papers Links QICS
This summer the following workshops will take place at OUCL:
Coalgebraic Logic, 10-11 August, convened by Alexander Kurz
Categorical Quantum Logic, 11-12 August, convened by Bob Coecke
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Logics, 5 August, convened by Michael Zakharyaschev
Pictures by Jurgen Koslowski Group picture
These events are satelites to Algebraic and Topological Methods in Non-Classical Logics III.
Location. The workshops will take place at the Computing Laboratory, at the corner of Parks road and Keble road, i.e. nr 14 on
Here are some maps covering a larger area:
map3. You have to enter at Parks Road, close to the corner of Keble Road, through a door which is part of a new building, as depicted here. In the building you have the choice to either go to Lecture Theatre A or to the new Lecture Theatre B. Everything will take place in Lecture Theatre A except that on Saturday Coalgebraic Logic will be in Lecture Theatre B. For the social area where coffee breaks take place go in the direction of Lecture Theatre A, pass it and take a left turn.
Lodging. Please click here.
For more details on the workshop on Spatial and Spatio-temporal Logics click here. The information below concerns the Coalgebraic Logic and Categorical Quantum Logic workshops. These workshops will be partly overlapping and partly interleaved on Saturday the 11th. We expect many participants to have an interest in both topics.
Coalgebraic Logic. CoL_Program. This workshop will bring together specialists in coalgebra and experts in related fields of mathematics. There will be three topics:
For Topic 1 the Workshop will concentrate on mathematical technology crucial to further advances in coalgebraic logic; there will be strong links with the themes of the TANCL conference. For Topic 2 the emphasis will be on the range of properties expressible in the coalgebraic logic associated to a given semantic model, while the aim in Topic 3 is to explore how to enlarge the class of semantic models to which a coalgebraic logic can be uniformly associated. Please consult Alexander Kurz for more details.
The workshop is supported by EPSRC grant EP/F016662/1.
Categorical Quantum Logic. Here are the program and slides. The following have kindly accepted our invitation to give a plenary talk:
Other confirmed contributors are Andreas Doering (Imperial College, UK), Ross Duncan (Oxford), Bill Edwards (Oxford), Nikolaos Galatos (JAIST, Japan), Rob Goldblatt (Wellington, New Zealand), Ben Jackson (Oxford), Colin Stephen (Oxford), Chris Heunen (Nijmegen, Holland), Bart Jacobs (Nijmegen, Holland), Jurgen Koslowski (Braunschweig, Germany), David Kruml (Brno, Czechia), Bob Lubarsky (Cornell, US), Eric Paquette (Montreal, Canada), Jan Paseka (Brno, Czechia), Bass Spitters (Nijmegen, Holland), Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Southampton, UK), Isar Stubbe (Antwerp, Belgium), Jamie Vicary (Imperial), Simon Willerton (Sheffield), Mike Wright (AMSP), Samson Abramsky (Oxford), myself, Bob Coecke (Oxford), and meanwhile, also many other TANCL-participants and coalgebraic logic participants have registered for the workshop, currently 60 in total, which forces us to use the main comlab Lecture Theatre A for the event. We also intend to have a special session for research students on Sunday in which they can outline their respective research projects. Please consult me for more details.
The workshop is supported by EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship EP/D072786/1 and by EC FP6 STREP QICS.
Attendance. Please write Bob Coecke if you wish to attend either or both of these workshops with COQL as subject line. We invite you to contribute 2.5 pounds a day (ie the price of a pint of beer) for coffee, tea, fruit and cookies during the breaks, payable at the workshops.