Bob Coecke
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A workshop which is as informal as this ugly webpage, organized by [Bob Coecke]
and [Lucien Hardy], on August 18-19 2010 at Oxford University Computing Laboratory. Confirmed non-[OUCL Quantum Group] participants are Harvey Brown (Oxford, Philosophy), Keith Hannabuss (Oxford, Maths), Jon Barrett (Cambridge), Dan Browne, Matty Hoban (University College London), Matt Leifer (Perimeter), Matthew Pusey, Peter Lewis (Imperial College London). We start Wednesday at 1 PM (bring a lunch pack!) in Lecture Theatre B of the [Computing Laboratory].
- The role and interplay of probability and pictures in operational quantum foundations
- The big Picture and the lonely Quest: the Proponent. I.e. attendants will give 10-15 minutes talks about their overall research program and/or their desires for quantum foundations.
- The big Picture and the lonely Quest: the Panel. I.e. the audience considers the research program and desires for quantum foundations.
- Detailed expositions on selected subjects/approaches with a strong either probabilistic operational and/or pictorial component.
- The big Picture and the lonely Quest: again the Panel, then back to previous, or whatever we feel appropriate.