Mapping the Complexity of Counting (MCC)
This project is funded by an ERC Advanced Grant. The project ran from 1 March 2014 through 31 Aug 2019 in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford.
Principal Investigator
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
DPhil Students
Faculty Collaborators
- Andreas Galanis (first a Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the project, then a Faculty Collaborator)
- Standa Živný
Past Members
- Andreas Göbel (past DPhil student)
Project Summary:
Just as advances in engineering rely on a deep foundational knowledge of physics, so too advances in algorithms and programming rely on a deep knowledge of the intrinsic nature of computation. Significant progress has been made in understanding the nature of computation, particularly in the field of computational complexity, which aims to discover which computational problems are feasible and which are inherently infeasible (and why). However, huge theoretical challenges remain: many classes of problems are poorly understood, including those containing problems arising in practical applications.
The MCC project will enable significant computational advances in a host of application areas through the development of a comprehensive theory of counting problems. These problems are common and important: they arise in practical applications from diverse fields including statistics, statistical physics, information theory, coding, and machine learning. In such a problem, a numerical quantity (a weighted sum) is computed, either exactly or approximately. Examples include computing (or estimating) an integral, a probability, or the expectation of a random variable. Since these counting problems arise in applications everywhere, it is of fundamental importance to understand their complexity.
We propose a coherent and systematic study of the complexity of counting problems. The overall objectives of the project are:
- To map out the landscape of computational counting problems (exact and approximate), determining which problems are tractable, and which are intractable (quantifying the extent of tractability), and
- To develop complexity characterisations elucidating the features that make counting problems tractable or intractable (so the goal is not only to discover which problems are tractable, but also to discover a characterisation which tells us why).
- Steven Kelk 9--15 June 2019.
- Georgios Stamoulis 9--15 June 2019.
- Martin Farach-Colton 5--11 May 2019.
- Mark Jerrum 10--12 Aug 2018. /li>
- Andrei Bulatov 16 - 26 July 2017
- Daniel Stefankovic 01--10 May 2017
- Holger Dell 27-31 March 2017
- Daniel Stefankovic 19--26 July 2016
- Heng Guo 14 June 2016
- Long-term visit to the Counting Complexity and Phase Transitions programme at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing 11 Jan -- 13 May 2016
- Mark Jerrum 3,9,16,23,30 Sept; 7 Oct 2015 /li>
- Josep Diaz 2 Sept 2015
- Martin Dyer 9-13 Feb 2015
- Rahul Santhanam 21-25 Oct 2014
- Mark Jerrum 17 Oct 2014; 17-22 Nov 2014; 18 Feb 2015 /li>
- Andrei Bulatov 22 July - 8 August 2014
- Ivona Bezakova 19-23 May 2014
- Daniel Stefankovic 19-23 May 2014
- Pinyan Lu 6-19 April 2014
- Heng Guo 1 March 2014 - 30 June 2014
Funding information
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007--2013) ERC grant agreement no. 334828. Our papers and publicity reflect only the authors' views and not the views of the ERC or the European Commission. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Kuan Yang, Approximating partition functions of bounded-degree Boolean counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems JCSS, To Appear.
- Zongchen Chen, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Will Perkins, James Stewart, and Eric Vigoda Fast algorithms at low temperatures via Markov chains . Random Structures and Algorithms, To appear.
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, David Richerby Faster Exponential-time Algorithms for Approximately Counting Independent Sets. Submitted.
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo and Kuan Yang Counting solutions to random CNF formulas. To Appear in ICALP 2020.
- Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny, The Complexity of Approximately Counting Retractions . ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, To Appear.
- Martin E. Dyer, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, Eric Vigoda, Random Walks on Small World Networks ACM Transaction on Algorithms, To Appear.
- Miriam Backens and Leslie Ann Goldberg, Holant clones and the approximability of conservative holant problems. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, To Appear.
- Antonio Blanca, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Daniel Stefankovic, Eric Vigoda, Kuan Yang, Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and Random-Cluster Models on Random Regular Graphs. SIDMA, To Appear.
- Miriam Backens, Andrei Bulatov, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Colin McQuillan, Stanislav Zivny, Boolean approximate counting CSPs with weak conservativity, and implications for ferromagnetic two-spin. JCSS, (2020)
- Lucas Farach-Colton, Martin Farach-Colton, Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, Reut Levi, Moti Medina, Miguel Mosteiro Improved Distortion and Spam Resistance for PageRank. Submitted.
- Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum, Approximating Pairwise Correlations in the Ising Model . ACM TOCT (2019)
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, David Richerby Phase Transitions of the Moran Process and Algorithmic Consequences Random Structures and Algorithms 2019.
- Radu Curticapean, Holger Dell, Fedor Fomin, Leslie Ann Goldberg and John Lapinskas, A Fixed-Parameter Perspective on #BIS. Algorithmica (2019)
- Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny, The Complexity of Approximately Counting Retractions to Square-Free Graphs .
- Zongchen Chen, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Will Perkins, James Stewart, and Eric Vigoda, Fast algorithms at low temperatures via Markov chains. RANDOM 2019
- Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Daniel Stefankovic, The complexity of approximating the matching polynomial in the complex plane . ICALP 2019.
- Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny, The Complexity of Counting Surjective Homomorphisms and Compactions. SIDMA 33(2) (2019) 1006--1043.
- Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo, and Daniel Stefankovic, Approximation via Correlation Decay when Strong Spatial Mixing Fails SICOMP 48(2) 279-349 (2019).
- Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny, The Complexity of Approximately Counting Retractions . SODA 2019.
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Kuan Yang, Uniqueness for the 3-State Antiferromagnetic Potts Model on the Tree. Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 23, paper 82, 1--43.
- Miriam Backens, Aleks Kissinger, ZH: A Complete Graphical Calculus for Quantum Computations Involving Classical Non-linearity. In QPL 2018, EPTCS 287, pp.23-42.
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, Johannes Lengler, Florian Meier, Konstantinos Panagiotou, Pascal Pfister, Asymptotically Optimal Amplifiers for the Moran Process, Theoretical Computer Science 758 (2019) 73-93 .
- Sejun Park, Yunhun Jang, Andreas Galanis, Jinwoo Shin, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda, Rapid Mixing Swendsen-Wang Sampler for Stochastic Partitioned Attractive Models . AISTATS 2017.
- Andreas Galanis, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda, Swendsen-Wang Algorithm on the Mean-Field Potts Model . To appear in Random Structures and Algorithms.
- Antonio Blanca, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Daniel Stefankovic, Eric Vigoda, Kuan Yang, Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and Random-Cluster Models on Random Regular Graphs. RANDOM 2018.
- Miriam Backens, A complete dichotomy for complex-valued Holantc. ICALP 2018.
- Holger Dell, John Lapinskas, Fine-grained reductions from approximate counting to decision. STOC 2018.
- Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Daniel Stefankovic, Inapproximability of the independent set polynomial in the complex plane . STOC 2018.
- Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny, The Complexity of Counting Surjective Homomorphisms and Compactions. SODA 2018.
- Leslie Ann Goldberg and Heng Guo, The complexity of approximating complex-valued Ising and Tutte partition functions Computational Complexity, (2017)
- Radu Curticapean, Holger Dell, Fedor Fomin, Leslie Ann Goldberg and John Lapinskas, A Fixed-Parameter Perspective on #BIS. IPEC 2017. (Best Paper Prize.)
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum, A complexity trichotomy for approximately counting list H-colourings, ACM ToCT, Volume 9 Issue 2, May 2017 Article 9, Go to for free download of final version via ACM Author-izer.
- Andrei Bulatov, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, David Richerby, Stanislav Živný, Functional Clones and Expressibility of Partition Functions Theoretical Computer Science, 687 (2017) 11-39
- Andreas Galanis, Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, and David Richerby, Amplifiers for the Moran Process. JACM, 64(1) Article 5 (2017). Go to for free download of final version via ACM Author-izer.
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg and Daniel Stefankovic, Inapproximability of the independent set polynomial below the Shearer threshold ICALP 2017:28:1-28:13
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Kuan Yang, Approximating partition functions of bounded-degree Boolean counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems ICALP 2017:27:1-27:14
- Andreas Galanis, Daniel Stefankovic, Eric Vigoda and Linji Yang, Ferromagnetic Potts Model: Refined #BIS-hardness and Related Results SICOMP, To Appear (2016).
- Andreas Galanis and Leslie Ann Goldberg, The complexity of approximately counting in 2-spin systems on k-uniform bounded-degree hypergraphs Information and Computation, 251:36-66 (2016)
Andreas Galanis, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda,
Inapproximability of the Partition Function for the Antiferromagnetic Ising and Hard-Core Models
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 25(4): 500-559 (2016)
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, Rob Gysel and John Lapinskas, Approximately counting locally-optimal structures JCSS 82(6) (2016) 1144-1160. .
- Martin Dyer, Leslie Ann Goldberg and David Richerby, Counting 4x4 Matrix Partitions of Graphs Discrete Applied Mathematics, (2016) .
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg and David Richerby, Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2, ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) 8(3) (2016) Article 12. Go to for free download of final version via ACM Author-izer.
- Jin-Yi Cai, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo, Mark Jerrum, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda, #BIS-Hardness for 2-Spin Systems on Bipartite Bounded Degree Graphs in the Tree Nonuniqueness Region. JCSS 82 (2016) 690-711.
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg,and Mark Jerrum, Approximately Counting H-Colourings is #BIS-Hard SIAM J. Comput., 45(3) 680--711 (2016).
- Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum, The complexity of counting locally maximal satisfying assignments of Boolean CSPs TCS Vol 634 Pages 35-56 (2016) .
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum, A complexity trichotomy for approximately counting list H-colourings Conference version to appear in ICALP 2016.
- Andreas Galanis, Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, and David Richerby, Amplifiers for the Moran Process. Conference version to appear in ICALP 2016. (Best Paper Prize for Track A: Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games.)
- Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo, and Daniel Stefankovic, Approximation via Correlation Decay when Strong Spatial Mixing Fails Conference version to appear in ICALP 2016.
- J. Diaz, L.A. Goldberg, D. Richerby and M. Serna,
Absorption Time of the Moran
Random Structures and Algorithms (2016)
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, A complexity classification of spin systems with an external field. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) October 2015.
- Andreas Galanis and Leslie Ann Goldberg, The complexity of approximately counting in 2-spin systems on k-uniform bounded-degree hypergraphs SODA 2016.
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Colin McQuillan, David Richerby and Tomoyuki Yamakami, Counting list matrix partitions of graphs. SICOMP 44(4) 1089-1118, 2015.
- Andreas Galanis, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda, Inapproximability for Antiferromagnetic Spin Systems in the Tree Nonuniqueness Region. J. ACM 62(6): 50 (2015)
- Andreas Galanis, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda, Swendsen-Wang Algorithm on the Mean-Field Potts Model, To Appear in RANDOM 2015
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg,and Mark Jerrum, Approximately Counting H-Colourings is #BIS-Hard ICALP 2015.
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg and David Richerby, Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2 ICALP 2015.
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, Rob Gysel and John Lapinskas, Approximately counting locally-optimal structures ICALP 2015
- Joanna Cyman, Tomasz Dzido, John Lapinskas and Allan Lo, On-line Ramsey Numbers of Paths and Cycles, Electric Journal of Combinatorics Vol 22 Issue 1 (2015) Paper P1.15
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, The Complexity of Computing the Sign of the Tutte Polynomial, SICOMP 43(6), pages 1921-1952, 2014.
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg and David Richerby, The Complexity of Counting Homomorphisms to Cactus Graphs Modulo 2, ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, 2014.
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, and Colin McQuillan, Approximating the partition function of planar two-state spin systems, JCSS, 2015.
- Xi Chen, Martin Dyer, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, Pinyan Lu, Colin McQuillan, and David Richerby, The complexity of approximating conservative counting CSPs, JCSS, 2015.
- Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum, The Complexity of Approximately Counting Tree Homomorphisms ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, Volume 6, Issue 2, May 2014 Article No. 8 Go to for free download of final version via ACM Author-izer.
- Andreas Galanis, Daniel Stefankovic, Eric Vigoda and Linji Yang, Ferromagnetic Potts Model: Refined #BIS-hardness and Related Results. Proceedings of RANDOM 2014.
- Jin-Yi Cai, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo, Mark Jerrum, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda, #BIS-Hardness for 2-Spin Systems on Bipartite Bounded Degree Graphs in the Tree Nonuniqueness Region. Proceedings of RANDOM 2014.
- J. Diaz, L.A. Goldberg, D. Richerby and M. Serna,
Absorption Time of the Moran
Process. Proceedings of RANDOM 2014.
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Colin McQuillan, David Richerby and Tomoyuki Yamakami, Counting list matrix partitions of graphs. Proceedings of CCC 2014.
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg and David Richerby, The Complexity of Counting Homomorphisms to Cactus Graphs Modulo 2, Proceedings of STACS, March 2014.