
























  • M. Cryan, M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and R. Martin, Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains for Sampling Contingency Tables with a Constant Number of Rows, Proceedings of FOCS 2002 (see the journal version)
  • M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill, G. Istrate and M. Jerrum, Convergence of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (11) 135-147, 2002, copyright Cambridge University Press.
  • M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum, Counting and Sampling H-colourings, Proceedings of RANDOM 2002 (see the journal version)
  • Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum, The "Burnside Process" Converges Slowly, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (11) 21-34, 2002, copyright Cambridge University Press.
  • L.A. Goldberg, S.Kelk and M.Paterson, The complexity of choosing an H-colouring (nearly) uniformly at random, Proceedings of STOC (2002) (see the journal version)



  • M. Adler, F. Fich, L.A. Goldberg and M. Paterson, Tight size bounds for packet headers in narrow meshes, Proceedings of ICALP 27, LNCS vol 1853 pages 756-767, 2000, (copyright Springer-Verlag).
  • H. Al-Ammal, L.A. Goldberg and P. MacKenzie, Binary exponential backoff is stable for high arrival rates, Proceedings of STACS 17, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1770 (2000) 169-180 (see the journal version)
  • M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill and M. Jerrum, On the relative complexity of approximate counting problems, Proceedings of APPROX 2000 (see the journal version)
  • M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill, M. Jerrum and M. Mitzenmacher, An extension of path coupling and its application to the Glauber dynamics for graph colourings, Proceedings of SODA 11 (2000) 616-624 (see the journal version)
  • L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, Counting unlabelled subtrees of a tree is #P-Complete, LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 3 (2000) 117-124.
  • L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, S. Kannan and M. Paterson, A bound on the capacity of backoff and acknowledgement-based protocols, Proceedings of ICALP 27 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1853 705-716 (2000) (see the journal version)
  • L.A. Goldberg, P.D. MacKenzie, M. Paterson and A. Srinivasan, Contention Resolution with Constant Expected Delay, Journal of the ACM, 47(6):1048--1096, 2000.



  • M. Cryan, L.A. Goldberg and P.W. Goldberg, Evolutionary Trees can be Learned in Polynomial Time in the Two-State General Markov Model, Proceedings of FOCS 39 (1998) 436-445 (see the journal version)
  • L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, C.A. Phillips and G.B. Sorkin, Constructing Computer Virus Phylogenies, Journal of Algorithms 26(1) (1998) 188-208.
  • L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, The "Burnside Process" Converges Slowly, Proceedings of RANDOM 2, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1518 (1998) 331-345 (see the journal version)
  • L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and P. MacKenzie, An Omega(log log n) Lower Bound for Routing in Optical Networks, SIAM Journal on Computing, 27(4) (1998) 1083-1098. copyright SIAM


  • M. Cryan, L.A. Goldberg and C.A. Phillips, Approximation Algorithms for the Fixed-Topology Phylogenetic Number Problem, Proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) 8 (1997) 130-149. (see the journal version)
  • L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, Randomly Sampling Molecules, Proceedings of SODA 8 (1997) 183-192 (see the journal version)
  • L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, T. Leighton, and S. Rao, Doubly Logarithmic Communication Algorithms for Optical Communication Parallel Computers, SIAM Journal on Computing, 26(4) (1997) 1100-1119, copyright SIAM.
  • L.A. Goldberg and P.D. MacKenzie Contention Resolution with Guaranteed Constant Expected Delay, Proceedings of FOCS 38 (1997), 213-222. (this material was included in the journal paper Contention Resolution with Constant Expected Delay with Paterson and Srinivasan)
  • L.A. Goldberg, M. Paterson, A. Srinivasan and E. Sweedyk, Better Approximation Guarantees for Job-Shop Scheduling, Proceedings of SODA (1997) 599-608. (see the journal version)


  • L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, C.A. Phillips and G.B. Sorkin, Constructing Computer Virus Phylogenies, Proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) (1996) 253-270 (see the journal version )
  • L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, C. Phillips, Z. Sweedyk and T. Warnow, Minimizing Phylogenetic Number to find Good Evolutionary Trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics 71(1-3) (1996) 111-136.
  • L.A. Goldberg, W.E. Hart and D.B. Wilson, Analysis of a Simple Learning Algorithm: Learning Foraging Thresholds for Lizards, Proceedings of Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT) 9 (1996) 2-9. (see the journal version) )
  • L.A. Goldberg and P.D. MacKenzie, Analysis of Practical Backoff Protocols for Contention Resolution with Multiple Servers, Proceedings of SODA 7 (1996) 554-563. (see the journal version)



  • L.A. Goldberg, Listing Graphs that Satisfy First Order Sentences, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences 49(2) (1994) 408--424.
  • L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and P. MacKenzie, An Omega(log log n) Lower Bound for Routing in Optical Networks. Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 6 (1994) 147-146. (see the journal version)
  • L.A. Goldberg, Y. Matias and S. Rao, An Optical Simulation of Shared Memory, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 6 (1994) 257-267. (see the journal version)


  • L.A. Goldberg, Automating Polya Theory: The Computational Complexity of the Cycle Index Polynomial, Information and Computation 105(2) (1993) 268--288.
  • L.A. Goldberg, Efficient Algorithms for Listing Combinatorial Structures, (Cambridge University Press, 1993). (One of three winners of the UK Distinguished Dissertations in Computer Science Prize.)
  • L.A. Goldberg, Listing Graphs that Satisfy First Order Sentences, Proceedings of STOC (1993) 218-225. (see the journal version in 1994)
  • L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, T. Leighton, and S. Rao, Doubly Logarithmic Communication Algorithms for Optical Communication Parallel Computers, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 5 (1993) 300-309. (see the journal version)



  • L.A. Henderson, R.E. Hiromoto, O.M. Lubeck, and M.L. Simmons, On the Use of Diagnostic Dependence-Analysis Tools in Parallel Programming: Experiences Using PTOOL, The Journal of Supercomputing 4 (1990) 83--96. (This paper was written when I was an undergraduate student using my original name, Leslie Ann Henderson)