Leslie Ann Goldberg and John Lapinskas,
Instability of backoff
protocols with arbitrary arrival rates
JCSS, To Appear.
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Marc Roth, Stanislav Zivny,
Approximately Counting Answers to Conjunctive Queries with Disequalities and Negations
, TALG, 21(1), Article 8, Pages 1--29,
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Paulina Smolarova,
Low-temperature Sampling on Sparse
Random Graphs. Submitted.
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Xusheng Zhang,
One-Shot Learning for k-SAT. Submitted.
Marco Bressan, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Kitty Meeks, Marc Roth,
Counting Subgraphs in Somewhere Dense Graphs. SICOMP, (2024) 53(5) 1409-1438
- Zongchen Chen, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo,
Andres Herrera-Poyatos, Nitya Mani, and Ankur Moitra,
Fast Sampling of Satisfying Assignments from
Random k-SAT with Applications to Connectivity,
SIDMA, (2024) 38(4) 2750-2811
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Paulina Smolarova,
Sampling from the random cluster model on random regular graphs at all
temperatures via Glauber dynamics. Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing, (2024) 1-33
Leslie Ann Goldberg and Marc Roth,
Parameterised and Fine-grained Subgraph Counting, Modulo 2, Algorithmica,
(2024) Vol 86 Pages 944-1005,
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, Marc Roth, and Tassilo Constantin Schwarz
Parameterised Approximation of the Fixation Probability of the Dominant Mutation
in the Multi-Type Moran Process. TCS, 1016 (2024) 114785
- Andreas Goebel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Marc Roth,
The Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of
Existential Conjunctive Queries,
Proceedings of
PODS 2024.
- Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Marc Roth, and Stanislav Zivny,
Counting Answers to Unions of Conjunctive Queries: Natural Tractability Criteria
and Meta-Complexity,
Proceedings of
PODS 2024.
- Yumou Fei, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Pinyan Lu,
Two-State Spin Systems with Negative Interactions.
ITCS 2024,
Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Daniel Stefankovic,
Fast sampling via spectral independence beyond bounded-degree graphs
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 20 (1) (2024)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Paulina Smolarova,
Planting and MCMC Sampling from the Potts model.
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Paulina Smolarova,
Sampling from the random cluster model on random regular graphs at all
temperatures via Glauber dynamics.
RANDOM 2023.
(see the journal version)
- Leslie Ann Goldberg and Marc Roth,
Parameterised and Fine-grained Subgraph Counting, Modulo 2,
ICALP 2023.
(see the journal version)
Gwendolyn Farach-Colton, Martin Farach-Colton, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Hanna Komlos, John Lapinskas, Reut Levi,
Moti Medina, Miguel A. Mosteiro
Graph Ranking and the Cost of Sybil Defense, Proceedings of
EC 2023.
Amin Coja-Oghlan, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Jean Bernoulli
Ravelomanana, Daniel Stefankovic, and Eric Vigoda.
Metastability of the Potts ferromagnet on random regular graphs
. Communications in Mathematical Physics (2023)
- Marco Bressan, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Kitty Meeks, Marc Roth,
Counting Subgraphs in Somewhere Dense Graphs.
ITCS 2023.
(see the journal version)
- Leslie Ann Goldberg and John Lapinskas,
Instability of backoff
protocols with arbitrary arrival rates.
Proceedings of SODA 2023.
(see the journal version)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg and Daniel Stefankovic,
Implementations and the independent set polynomial below the Shearer threshold
Theoretical Computer Science, 939 194-215 (2023).
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Andres Herrera-Poyatos
The complexity of approximating the complex-valued Ising model on bounded degree graphs
SIDMA 36(3) 2159-2204 (2022).
Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Daniel Stefankovic,
Fast sampling via spectral independence beyond bounded-degree graphs.
Proceedings of ICALP'22.
(see the journal version)
Amin Coja-Oghlan, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Jean Bernoulli
Ravelomanana, Daniel Stefankovic, and Eric Vigoda.
Metastability of the Potts ferromagnet on random regular graphs.
Proceedings of ICALP'22.
(see the journal version)
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Marc Roth, Stanislav Zivny,
Approximately Counting Answers to Conjunctive Queries with Disequalities and Negations.
Proceedings of PODS'22.
(see the journal version)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, James Stewart
Fast mixing via polymers for random graphs with unbounded degree.
Information and Computation. (2022)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Andres Herrera-Poyatos
The complexity of approximating the complex-valued Potts model.
Computational Complexity, 31. Article 2 (2022).
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, David Richerby
Faster Exponential-time Algorithms for Approximately Counting
Independent Sets. TCS.
892(12) 48-84 (2021)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo and Kuan Yang
Counting solutions to random CNF formulas. SICOMP, 50(6),
1701–1738 (2021).
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Marc Roth, Stanislav Zivny,
Counting Homomorphisms to K4-minor-free Graphs, modulo 2.
SIDMA. 35(4) 2749--2814 (2021)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, James Stewart,
Fast mixing via polymers for random graphs with unbounded degree.
Proceedings of APPROX/RANDOM 2021 .
(see the journal version)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, James Stewart
Fast algorithms for general spin systems on bipartite
expanders. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory. 13(4)
Article 25 pp 1--18 (2021).
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny,
The Complexity of Approximately Counting Retractions to Square-Free
Graphs . ACM Transactions on Algorithms. 17(3) Article 22
Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Daniel Stefankovic,
The complexity of approximating the matching polynomial in the complex
. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, Vol 13, No 2, Article
13 (2021)
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, Joost Jorritsma, Júlia
Komjáthy, John
Increasing efficacy of contact-tracing applications by user referrals
and stricter quarantining. PLoS ONE, 16(5):
e0250435 (2021)
Zongchen Chen, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Will
Perkins, James Stewart, and Eric Vigoda
Fast algorithms at low temperatures via Markov
Random Structures and Algorithms,
Volume 58, Issue 2 (2021) 294--321
It is best to use the
ArXiv version which has (corrected) extra factors in the
running times in Theorems 5 and 6.
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Kuan Yang,
Approximating partition functions of bounded-degree Boolean counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems
JCSS, 115 (2021) 187-213.
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Marc Roth, Stanislav Zivny,
Counting Homomorphisms to K4-minor-free Graphs, modulo 2.
SODA 2021.
(see the journal version)
Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Daniel Stefankovic,
Inapproximability of the independent set polynomial in the complex plane
SICOMP, 49(5) pp. STOC18-395--STOC18-448 (2020)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Andres Herrera-Poyatos
The complexity of approximating the complex-valued Potts model.
MFCS 2020.
(see the journal version)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, James Stewart
Fast algorithms for general spin systems on bipartite
MFCS 2020.
(see the journal version)
- Martin E. Dyer, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, Eric Vigoda,
Random Walks on Small World Networks
ACM Transaction on Algorithms, (2020).
- Miriam Backens and Leslie Ann Goldberg,
Holant clones and the approximability of conservative holant
problems. ACM Transactions on Algorithms,
Antonio Blanca, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Daniel
Stefankovic, Eric Vigoda, Kuan Yang,
Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and Random-Cluster Models on
Random Regular Graphs.
SIDMA, (2020).
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny,
The Complexity of Approximately Counting Retractions .
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, (2020).
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo and Kuan Yang
Counting solutions to random CNF formulas.
(see the journal version)
Miriam Backens, Andrei Bulatov, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Colin McQuillan, Stanislav Zivny,
Boolean approximate counting CSPs with weak conservativity, and implications for ferromagnetic two-spin.
JCSS, (2020)
Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, David Richerby
Phase Transitions of the Moran Process and Algorithmic Consequences.
Random Structures and Algorithms (2019)
Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum,
Approximating Pairwise Correlations in the Ising
Model .
ACM TOCT (2019)
Radu Curticapean, Holger Dell, Fedor Fomin, Leslie Ann Goldberg and
John Lapinskas, A
Fixed-Parameter Perspective on #BIS.
Algorithmica (2019)
- Zongchen Chen, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Will
Perkins, James Stewart, and Eric Vigoda,
Fast algorithms at low temperatures via Markov chains.
(see the journal version)
Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Daniel Stefankovic,
The complexity of approximating the matching polynomial in the complex
ICALP 2019
(see the journal version)
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny,
The Complexity of Counting Surjective Homomorphisms and
Compactions. SIDMA 33(2) (2019)
Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo, and Daniel Stefankovic,
Approximation via Correlation Decay when Strong Spatial Mixing Fails
SICOMP 48(2) 279-349 (2019).
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, Johannes Lengler, Florian Meier, Konstantinos Panagiotou, Pascal Pfister,
Asymptotically Optimal Amplifiers for the Moran Process,
Theoretical Computer Science 758 (2019) 73-93 .
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny,
The Complexity of Approximately Counting Retractions . SODA
(see the journal version)
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Kuan Yang,
Uniqueness for the 3-State Antiferromagnetic Potts Model on the
Tree. Electronic Journal
of Probability, Vol 23, paper 82, 1--43.
Antonio Blanca, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Daniel
Stefankovic, Eric Vigoda, Kuan Yang,
Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and Random-Cluster Models on
Random Regular Graphs.
RANDOM 2018.
(see the
journal version
Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Daniel Stefankovic,
Inapproximability of the independent set polynomial in the complex plane
STOC 2018.
(see the
journal version
Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivny,
The Complexity of Counting Surjective Homomorphisms and
SODA 2018. (see the
journal version
Leslie Ann Goldberg and Heng Guo,
The complexity of approximating
complex-valued Ising and Tutte partition
functions Computational Complexity,
Radu Curticapean, Holger Dell, Fedor Fomin, Leslie Ann Goldberg and
John Lapinskas,
A Fixed-Parameter Perspective on #BIS.
IPEC 2017. (Best Paper Prize.)
(see the
journal version
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, and Mark Jerrum,
A Complexity Trichotomy for Approdximately Counting List H-Colorings
ACM TOCT (2017)
- Andrei Bulatov, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, David Richerby, Stanislav
Functional Clones and Expressibility of Partition Functions Theoretical Computer Science,
(2017) 11-39
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg and Daniel Stefankovic,
Inapproximability of the independent set polynomial below the Shearer threshold
ICALP 2017:28:1-28:13
(see the journal version)
- Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Kuan Yang,
Approximating partition functions of
bounded-degree Boolean counting Constraint
Satisfaction Problems
ICALP 2017:27:1-27:14
(see the
journal version
Andreas Galanis, Andreas Goebel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, and David Richerby,
Amplifiers for the Moran Process,
JACM 2017
Andreas Galanis and Leslie Ann Goldberg,
The complexity of approximately counting in 2-spin systems on
k-uniform bounded-degree hypergraphs
Information and Computation, 251:36-66 (2016)
Leslie Ann Goldberg, Rob Gysel and John
Approximately counting locally-optimal
JCSS 82(6) (2016) 1144-1160.
Martin Dyer, Leslie Ann Goldberg and
David Richerby,
Counting 4x4 Matrix Partitions of
Graphs Discrete Applied Mathematics, (2016)
Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg and
David Richerby,
Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2,
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) 8(3) (2016) Article 12.
Jin-Yi Cai, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann
Goldberg, Heng Guo, Mark Jerrum, Daniel
Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda,
#BIS-Hardness for 2-Spin Systems on
Bipartite Bounded Degree Graphs in the Tree
Nonuniqueness Region.
JCSS 82 (2016) 690-711.
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg,and Mark Jerrum,
Approximately Counting H-Colourings is
#BIS-Hard SIAM J. Comput., 45(3) 680--711 (2016).
Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum,
The complexity of counting locally maximal satisfying
assignments of Boolean CSPs TCS Vol 634 Pages 35-56 (2016)
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum,
A complexity trichotomy for approximately
counting list H-colourings
ICALP 2016.
(see the
journal version
Andreas Galanis, Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, John Lapinskas, and David Richerby,
Amplifiers for the Moran
ICALP 2016. (Best Paper Prize for
Track A:
Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and
(see the
journal version
Ivona Bezakova, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo, and
Daniel Stefankovic,
Approximation via Correlation Decay when Strong Spatial Mixing Fails
ICALP 2016. (see the journal version)
J. Diaz, L.A. Goldberg, D. Richerby and M. Serna,
Absorption Time of the Moran
Random Structures and Algorithms (2016)
Andreas Galanis and Leslie Ann Goldberg,
The complexity of approximately counting in 2-spin systems on
k-uniform bounded-degree hypergraphs SODA 2016.
(see the
journal version
L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
A complexity classification of spin systems with an external field.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) October 2015.
Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Colin
McQuillan, David Richerby and Tomoyuki
Counting list matrix
partitions of graphs.
SICOMP 44(4) 1089-1118, 2015.
Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg,and Mark Jerrum,
Approximately Counting H-Colourings is
#BIS-Hard ICALP 2015.
(see the journal version)
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg and
David Richerby,
Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2 ICALP 2015.
(see the
journal version
- Leslie Ann Goldberg, Rob Gysel and John
Approximately counting locally-optimal
ICALP 2015 (see the
journal version).
Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, and Colin
Approximating the partition function of
planar two-state spin systems, JCSS,
Xi Chen, Martin Dyer, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, Pinyan Lu,
Colin McQuillan, and David Richerby,
The complexity of approximating conservative counting
CSPs, JCSS, 2015.
L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, The Complexity of Computing
the Sign of the Tutte Polynomial, SICOMP 43(6), pages
1921-1952, 2014.
Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg and
David Richerby,
The Complexity of Counting
Homomorphisms to Cactus Graphs Modulo 2,
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, 2014.
Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum,
The Complexity of Approximately Counting Tree
Homomorphisms, ACM Transactions on
Computation Theory,
Volume 6, Issue 2, May 2014 Article No. 8
- Jin-Yi Cai, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann
Goldberg, Heng Guo, Mark Jerrum, Daniel
Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda,
#BIS-Hardness for 2-Spin Systems on
Bipartite Bounded Degree Graphs in the Tree
Nonuniqueness Region.
Proceedings of RANDOM 2014.
(see the
journal version
- J. Diaz, L.A. Goldberg, D. Richerby and M. Serna,
Absorption Time of the Moran
Process. Proceedings of RANDOM 2014. (see the
journal version
J. Diaz, L.A. Goldberg, G.B. Mertzios, D. Richerby, M. Serna and P.G. Spirakis,
Approximating Fixation Probabilities in the
Generalized Moran Process,
May 2014, Volume 69, Issue 1, pp 78-91
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Colin
McQuillan, David Richerby and Tomoyuki
Counting list matrix
partitions of graphs.
Proceedings of CCC 2014.
(see the journal version
- Andreas Göbel, Leslie Ann Goldberg and
David Richerby,
The Complexity of Counting
Homomorphisms to Cactus Graphs Modulo 2,
Proceedings of
STACS 2014.
(see the journal version
A.A. Bulatov, M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, and
C. McQuillan,
The expressibility of functions on the Boolean domain, with applications to
Counting CSPs ,
JACM Vol 60 Issue 5 Oct 2013 Article 32.
L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, A polynomial-time algorithm for estimating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Ising model on a regular matroid,
SICOMP 42(3) 1132-1157 (2013).
L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, P. Krysta, and C. Ventre,
Ranking games that have competitiveness-based strategies,
TCS 476 24-37 (2013).
- J. Diaz, L.A. Goldberg, G.B. Mertzios, D. Richerby, M. Serna and P.G. Spirakis,
On the fixation probability of superstars,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A
vol 469 no 2156 paper 20130193 2013.
Xi Chen, Martin Dyer, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, Pinyan Lu,
Colin McQuillan, and David
The complexity of approximating conservative counting
CSPs, Proceedings of STACS 2013.
(see the journal version
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, Approximating the Tutte polynomial of a binary matroid and other
related combinatorial polynomials,
JCSS 79(1) (February, 2013) 68-78.
B. Doerr and L.A. Goldberg,
Adaptive drift analysis,
Algorithmica 65(1) 224-250 (January, 2013)
L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
Approximating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Potts model,
Journal of the ACM 59(5) Article 25
(Oct, 2012).
M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jalsenius and D. Richerby,
The Complexity of Approximating
Bounded-Degree Boolean #CSP,
Information and Computation Volumes 220-221, November-December 2012, pages 1-14.
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
Inapproximability of the
Tutte polynomial of a planar graph,
Computational Complexity 21(4) 605-642 (2012).
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, The Complexity of Computing
the Sign of the Tutte Polynomial (and consequent #P-hardness of
Approximation), Proceedings of ICALP 2012.
(This paper won the "Best Paper Prize" for Track A:
Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and
Games.) (see the journal version
P. Chebolu, L.A. Goldberg and R. Martin,
The complexity of approximately counting stable matchings,
TCS 437 (2012) 35-68.
- P. Chebolu, L.A. Goldberg and R. Martin,
The complexity of approximately counting stable roommate assignments,
JCSS 78(5) (September,2012) 1579-1605
- A. Bulatov, M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jalsenius, M. Jerrum and D. Richerby,
The complexity of weighted and unweighted #CSP,
JCSS 78(2) (2012) 681--688
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, A Counterexample to rapid
mixing of the Ge-Stefankovic Process,
Electronic Communications in Probability.
Vol 17 Article 5 Pages 1--6.
- A.A. Bulatov, M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
Log-supermodular functions,
functional clones and counting CSPs,
Proceedings of STACS 2012.
This material is included in the journal paper The
expressibility of functions on the Boolean domain, with applications
to Counting CSPs with McQuillan.
- J. Diaz, L.A. Goldberg,
G.B. Mertzios, D. Richerby, M. Serna and P.G. Spirakis,
Approximating Fixation Probabilities in the
Generalized Moran Process,
Proceedings of SODA 2012, 954-960
(see the journal version)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum,
A complexity dichotomy for hypergraph partition functions,
Computational Complexity 19(4) 605-633 (2010)
L.A. Goldberg, M. Grohe, M. Jerrum and M. Thurley,
A complexity dichotomy for partition functions with mixed signs,
SICOMP Volume 39, Issue 7, pp. 3336-3402 (2010)
L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and M. Karpinski,
The Mixing Time of Glauber Dynamics for Colouring Regular Trees,
Random Structures and Algorithms 36(4) (2010) 464-476
- P. Chebolu, L.A. Goldberg and R. Martin,
The complexity of approximately counting stable matchings,
Proceedings of
APPROX 2010, 81-94. (see the journal version)
- B. Doerr, L.A. Goldberg,
L. Minder, T. Sauerwald and C. Scheideler,
Brief Announcement: Stabilizing Consensus With the Power of Two Choices,
Distributed Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 6343
pages 528--530 (2010)
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
Approximating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Potts model,
Proceedings of
ICALP 2010, 396-407.
(This paper won the "Best Paper Prize" for Track A:
Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games. See the journal version)
- B. Doerr and L.A. Goldberg, Adaptive Drift Analysis,
Proceedings of
PPSN 2010, 32-41. (see the
journal version)
- B. Doerr and L.A. Goldberg, Drift Analysis with Tail Bounds, Proceedings
PPSN 2010, 174-183. (This material is included in the journal
paper Adaptive Drift Analysis)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum, An approximation trichotomy
for Boolean #CSP, JCSS
76 (2010) 267-277.
- L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, P. Krysta, and C. Ventre,
Ranking games that have competitiveness-based strategies,
Proceedings of
EC 2010, 335-344. (see the
journal version)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jalsenius and D. Richerby,
The Complexity of Approximating
Bounded-Degree Boolean #CSP, Proceedings of STACS
2010. See the journal version)
E. Elkind, L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg and M. Wooldridge,
On The Computational Complexity of Weighted Voting Games,
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
- A. Bulatov, M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jalsenius and D. Richerby,
The Complexity of Weighted Booleam #CSP with Mixed Signs,
Theoretical Computer Science
410 (2009) 3949--3961
E. Elkind, L.A. Goldberg, P. Goldberg and M. Wooldridge,
A tractable and expressive class of marginal contribution nets
and its applications.
Mathematical Logical Quarterly
Vol 55 Issue 4 (2009)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum, Matrix norms and rapid
mixing for spin systems,
Annals of Applied Probability, 2009, Vol 19, No 1, 71-107
L.A. Goldberg, M. Grohe, M. Jerrum and M. Thurley,
A complexity dichotomy for partition functions with mixed signs,
Proceedings of
STACS 2009. (see the journal version)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum, The Complexity of Weighted
Boolean #CSP,
SIAM Journal on Computing
38(5) (Jan 2009) 1970-1986
M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum,
Dobrushin conditions and Systematic Scan,
Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing 17(6) 749-757 (2008)
E. Elkind, L.A. Goldberg, P. Goldberg and M. Wooldridge,
on the dimensionality of voting games
AAAI 2008 69-74.
E. Elkind, L.A. Goldberg, P. Goldberg and M. Wooldridge,
A tractable and expressive class of marginal contribution nets
and its applications.
AAMAS 2008. (see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, Inapproximability of the
Tutte polynomial,
Information and Computation
206(7) (July 2008) 908--929
M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg and M. Paterson,
On counting
homomorphisms to directed acyclic graphs,
J. ACM 54, 6, Article 27 (December 2007)
P. Berenbrink, T. Friedetzky, L.A. Goldberg, P. Goldberg, Z. Hu and R.
Distributed Selfish Load Balancing,
SICOMP Volume 37 Issue 4
Pages 1163-1181, 2007 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- E. Elkind, L.A. Goldberg and P.W. Goldberg, Computing Good Nash
Equilibria in Graphical Games, Proceedings of the 8th ACM
Conference on Electronic Commerce (San Diego, California, USA, June
11 - 15, 2007). EC '07. ACM Press, New York, NY, 162-171.
- E. Elkind, L.A. Goldberg and P.W. Goldberg, Frugality Ratios And
Improved Truthful Mechanisms for Vertex Cover, Proceedings of
the 8th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (San Diego,
California, USA, June 11 - 15, 2007). EC '07. ACM Press, New York,
NY, 336-345.
- E. Elkind, L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg and M. Wooldridge, Computational Complexity of Weighted
Threshold Games, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07) 2007 718 - 723.
(see the journal version On The Computational
Complexity of Weighted Voting Games)
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, Inapproximability of the
Tutte polynomial, Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual ACM
Symposium on theory of Computing (San Diego, California, USA, June
11 - 13, 2007). STOC '07. ACM Press, New York, NY, 459-468.
(see the journal version)
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
The Complexity of Ferromagnetic Ising with Local Fields,
Comb. Probab. Comput.
16, 1 (2007), 43-61.
- P. Berenbrink, T. Friedetzky, L.A. Goldberg, P. Goldberg, Z. Hu and R.
Distributed Selfish Load Balancing, Proceedings of SODA 2006.
(see the journal version)
- P. Berenbrink, L.A. Goldberg, P. Goldberg, R. Martin, Utilitarian
Resource Assignment,
Journal of Discrete Algorithms,
Volume 4, Issue 4 , December 2006, Pages 567-587,
M. Cryan, M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and R. Martin, Rapidly
Mixing Markov Chains for Sampling Contingency Tables with a Constant Number of
SIAM Journal of Computing
vol 36 no 1 pp 247-278 (2006)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum,
Dobrushin conditions and Systematic Scan, Proc. 10th
International Workshop on Randomization and
Computation (RANDOM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4110, Springer,
2006, pp. 327-338
(see the journal version)
- M. Dyer, L. A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
scan for sampling colourings,
The Annals of Applied Probability 16(1), 185-230,
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and R. Martin,
Markov chain comparison, Probability Surveys 3 (2006) 89-111.
M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg and M. Paterson,
On counting
homomorphisms to directed acyclic graphs,
Proceedings of 33rd ICALP 2006, pages
(This paper won the "Best Paper Prize" for Track A:
Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games. The journal version is
E. Elkind, L.A. Goldberg and
P.W. Goldberg,
Nash Equilibria in Graphical Games on Trees Revisited,
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce EC'06, 2006.
L.A. Goldberg, M. Jalsenius, R. Martin and M. Paterson,
Improved mixing bounds for the Anti-Ferromagnetic Potts
Model on Z^2,
LMS J. Comput. Math. 9 (2006) 1 --20.
M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum, Counting
and Sampling H-colourings, Information and Computation 189 (2004) 1-16.
L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, S. Kannan and M. Paterson, A
bound on the capacity of backoff and acknowledgement-based protocols,
SICOMP, 33(2) 313--331 (2004), copyright SIAM
L.A. Goldberg, S.Kelk and M.Paterson, The
complexity of choosing an H-colouring (nearly) uniformly at random,
SICOMP, 33(2) 416-432 (2004) copyright SIAM
- L.A. Goldberg, R. Martin and M. Paterson, Random
sampling of 3-colourings in Z^2, Random Structures and
24(3) 279-302 (2004)
- L.A. Goldberg, R. Martin and M. Paterson,
Spatial Mixing for Lattice Graphs with Fewer Colours,
Proceedings of FOCS 2004.
(see the journal version)
- M. Adler, P. Berenbrink, T. Friedetzky, L.A. Goldberg, P. Goldberg and M.
Proportionate Fair Scheduling Rule with Good Worst-case Performance,
Proceedings of SPAA
P. Berenbrink , T. Friedetzky and L.A. Goldberg, The
Natural Work-Stealing Algorithm is Stable, SICOMP 32(5) 1260-1279 (2003),
copyright SIAM
M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill and M. Jerrum,
The relative complexity of approximate counting problems, Algorithmica
38(3) 471-500 (2003)
- L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and M.Paterson, The
computational complexity of two-state spin systems, Random Structures and
Algorithms, 23(2) 133-154 (2003).
- M. Cryan, M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and R. Martin, Rapidly
Mixing Markov Chains for Sampling Contingency Tables with a Constant Number of
Rows, Proceedings of FOCS 2002
(see the journal version)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill, G. Istrate and M. Jerrum, Convergence
of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game, Combinatorics, Probability and
Computing (11) 135-147, 2002, copyright Cambridge University Press.
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, and M. Jerrum, Counting
and Sampling H-colourings, Proceedings of RANDOM 2002
(see the journal version)
Leslie Ann Goldberg and Mark Jerrum, The
"Burnside Process" Converges Slowly, Combinatorics, Probability and
Computing (11) 21-34, 2002, copyright Cambridge University Press.
- L.A. Goldberg, S.Kelk and M.Paterson, The
complexity of choosing an H-colouring (nearly) uniformly at random,
Proceedings of STOC (2002) (see the journal
H. Al-Ammal, L.A. Goldberg and P. MacKenzie, An
improved stability bound for binary exponential backoff, Theory of
Computing Systems 30:229-244 (2001).
- P. Berenbrink , T. Friedetzky and L.A. Goldberg, The
Natural Work-Stealing Algorithm is Stable,
Proceedings FOCS 2001 (see the journal version)
M. Cryan, L.A. Goldberg and P.W. Goldberg, Evolutionary
Trees can be Learned in Polynomial Time in the Two-State General Markov
Model, SICOMP 31(2):375-397 (2001), copyright SIAM.
M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill, M. Jerrum and M. Mitzenmacher, An
extension of path coupling and its application to the Glauber dynamics for
graph colourings, SIAM Journal of Computing volume 30, number 6, (2001),
pp. 1962 -- 1975, copyright SIAM.
- L.A. Goldberg, Computation
in permutation groups: counting and randomly sampling orbits. In J.W.P.
Hirschfeld, editor, Surveys in Combinatorics, volume 288 of
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, pages 109-143.
Cambridge University press, 2001.
L.A. Goldberg, P. W. Goldberg, M. Paterson, P. Pevzner,
S.C. Sahinalp and E. Sweedyk, The
Complexity of Gene Placement, Journal of Algorithms 41(2) 225--243,
L.A. Goldberg, M. Paterson, A. Srinivasan and E. Sweedyk, Better
approximation guarantees for job-shop scheduling, SIAM Journal on Discrete
Mathematics, 14(1) (2001) 67--92, copyright SIAM.
- M. Adler, F. Fich, L.A. Goldberg and M. Paterson, Tight
size bounds for packet headers in narrow meshes, Proceedings of ICALP 27,
LNCS vol 1853 pages 756-767, 2000, (copyright Springer-Verlag).
- H. Al-Ammal, L.A. Goldberg and P. MacKenzie,
Binary exponential backoff is stable for high arrival rates,
Proceedings of STACS 17, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1770 (2000)
(see the journal version)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill and M. Jerrum, On
the relative complexity of approximate counting problems, Proceedings of APPROX
2000 (see the journal version)
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill, M. Jerrum and M. Mitzenmacher, An
extension of path coupling and its application to the Glauber dynamics for
graph colourings, Proceedings of SODA 11 (2000) 616-624
(see the journal version)
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
Counting unlabelled subtrees of a tree is #P-Complete, LMS Journal of
Computation and Mathematics, 3 (2000) 117-124.
- L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, S. Kannan and M. Paterson, A
bound on the capacity of backoff and acknowledgement-based protocols,
Proceedings of ICALP 27 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1853
705-716 (2000)
(see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg, P.D. MacKenzie, M. Paterson and A.
Srinivasan, Contention
Resolution with Constant Expected Delay, Journal of the ACM,
47(6):1048--1096, 2000.
M. Cryan, L.A. Goldberg and C. A. Phillips, Approximation
Algorithms for the Fixed-Topology Phylogenetic Number Problem,
Algorithmica 25 (1999) 311-329
- L.A. Goldberg, P. W. Goldberg, M. Paterson, P. Pevzner,
S.C. Sahinalp and E. Sweedyk, The
Complexity of Gene Placement, Proceedings of SODA 10 (1999) 386-395
(see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg, W.E. Hart and D.B. Wilson, Analysis
of a simple learning algorithm: Learning foraging thresholds for lizards,
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 197 (1999) 361-369.
L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, Randomly
Sampling Molecules, SIAM Journal on Computing 29(3) (1999) 834-853,
copyright SIAM.
L.A. Goldberg and P.D. MacKenzie, Analysis
of Practical Backoff Protocols for Contention Resolution with Multiple
Servers. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 58 (1999)
L.A. Goldberg, Y, Matias and S. Rao, An
Optical Simulation of Shared Memory. SIAM Journal on Computing 28(5)
(1999) 1829-1847, copyright SIAM.
- M. Cryan, L.A. Goldberg and P.W. Goldberg, Evolutionary
Trees can be Learned in Polynomial Time in the Two-State General Markov
Model, Proceedings of FOCS 39 (1998) 436-445
(see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, C.A. Phillips and G.B.
Sorkin, Constructing
Computer Virus Phylogenies, Journal of Algorithms 26(1) (1998)
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, The
"Burnside Process" Converges Slowly,
Proceedings of RANDOM 2, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1518 (1998)
(see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and P. MacKenzie, An
Omega(log log n) Lower Bound for Routing in Optical Networks, SIAM Journal
on Computing, 27(4) (1998) 1083-1098. copyright SIAM
M. Cryan, L.A. Goldberg and C.A. Phillips,
Approximation Algorithms for the Fixed-Topology Phylogenetic Number
Problem, Proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) 8
(see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum,
Randomly Sampling Molecules, Proceedings of SODA 8 (1997)
(see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, T. Leighton, and S. Rao, Doubly
Logarithmic Communication Algorithms for Optical Communication Parallel
Computers, SIAM Journal on Computing, 26(4) (1997) 1100-1119, copyright
L.A. Goldberg and P.D. MacKenzie
Contention Resolution with Guaranteed Constant Expected Delay,
Proceedings of FOCS 38
(1997), 213-222.
(this material was included in the journal paper
Contention Resolution with Constant Expected
Delay with Paterson and Srinivasan)
L.A. Goldberg, M. Paterson, A. Srinivasan and E. Sweedyk,
Better Approximation Guarantees for Job-Shop Scheduling,
Proceedings of SODA
(1997) 599-608.
(see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, C.A. Phillips and G.B. Sorkin,
Constructing Computer Virus Phylogenies,
Proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM)
253-270 (see the journal version )
L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, C. Phillips, Z. Sweedyk and
T. Warnow, Minimizing
Phylogenetic Number to find Good Evolutionary Trees. Discrete Applied
Mathematics 71(1-3) (1996) 111-136.
L.A. Goldberg, W.E. Hart and D.B. Wilson,
Analysis of a Simple Learning Algorithm:
Learning Foraging Thresholds for Lizards,
Proceedings of Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT) 9
2-9. (see the journal version) )
L.A. Goldberg and P.D. MacKenzie,
Analysis of Practical Backoff Protocols for Contention Resolution
with Multiple Servers, Proceedings of SODA 7
554-563. (see the journal version)
- L.A. Goldberg,
Routing in Optical Networks: The Problem of
Contention, in Interconnection Networks and Mapping and Scheduling Parallel
Computations, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics Vol 21, (Frank Hsu,
Rosenberg and Dominique Sotteau, eds.) American Mathematical Society
1995. 173-180
L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, C.A. Phillips, E. Sweedyk and T. Warnow,
Minimizing Phylogenetic Number to find Good Evolutionary Trees,
Proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) 6 (1995)
(see the journal version in 1996)
L.A. Goldberg, Listing Graphs that Satisfy First Order Sentences,
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences 49(2) (1994) 408--424.
L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and P. MacKenzie,
An Omega(log log n) Lower Bound for
Routing in Optical Networks.
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures (SPAA) 6
(see the journal version)
L.A. Goldberg, Y. Matias and S. Rao,
An Optical Simulation of Shared Memory,
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures (SPAA) 6
(see the journal version)
- L.A. Goldberg, Automating Polya Theory: The Computational Complexity
of the Cycle Index Polynomial, Information and Computation 105(2) (1993)
- L.A. Goldberg, Efficient Algorithms for Listing Combinatorial
Structures, (Cambridge University Press, 1993).
(One of three winners of the UK Distinguished Dissertations in
Computer Science Prize.)
L.A. Goldberg,
Listing Graphs that Satisfy First Order Sentences,
Proceedings of STOC (1993)
(see the journal version in 1994)
L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, T. Leighton, and
S. Rao, Doubly Logarithmic Communication Algorithms for
Optical Communication Parallel Computers,
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
(SPAA) 5 (1993)
300-309. (see the journal version)
- L.A. Henderson, R.E. Hiromoto, O.M. Lubeck, and M.L. Simmons,
On the Use of Diagnostic Dependence-Analysis Tools in Parallel Programming:
Experiences Using PTOOL, The Journal of Supercomputing 4 (1990)
(This paper was written when I was an undergraduate student using my
original name, Leslie Ann Henderson)