- Yarin GalAssociate Professor
- Andreas GalanisAssociate Professor
- Jiarui GanDepartmental Lecturer
- Dichuan GaoDoctoral Student
- Nabin GautamFinance Assistant
- David GavaghanProfessor of Computational Biology
- Alfonso Gazo-CerveroIT Manager
- Stefano GermanoSenior Research Associate
- Abheek GhoshDoctoral Student, Research Associate
- Jeremy GibbonsProfessor of Computing, Director of Professional Programmes
- Sophie GibbonsHead of Administration and Finance
- Yonatan GideoniDoctoral Student
- Matan GilboaDoctoral Student
- Marco GiuntiResearch Associate
- Naman GoelResearcher
- Stefano GogiosoDepartmental Lecturer
- Amir GoharshadyAssociate Professor
- Leslie Ann GoldbergHead of Department of Computer Science, Professor of Computer Science
- Paul GoldbergProfessor of Computer Science, Director of MSc in MFoCS
- Michael GoldsmithSenior Research Fellow, Associate Professor
- Oliver GoldsteinDoctoral Student
- Georg GottlobEmeritus Professor
- Matthew GrayDoctoral Student
- Michael GreenService Desk Manager and Deputy IT Manager for Customer Services
- Keri GriemanAssociate Member
- Charlie GriffinDoctoral Student
- Artem GrigorDoctoral Student
- Gunshi GuptaDoctoral Student
- Andrea GurgoneResearch Associate
- Julian GutierrezAssociate Member