Ashutosh Trivedi : Publications
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@techreport{RR-12-03, title = "PLAYING STOCHASTIC GAMES PRECISELY", author = "Taolue Chen and Vojtech Forejt and Marta Kwiatkowska and Aistis Simaitis and Ashutosh Trivedi and Michael Ummels", year = "2012", affiliation = "DCS", number = "RR-12-03", pages = "21", }
@techreport{RR-10-07, title = "Expected Reachability-Time Games", author = "Vojtech Forejt and Marta Kwiatkowska and Gethin Norman and Ashutosh Trivedi", year = "2010", institution = "OUCL", month = "June", number = "RR-10-07", pages = "29", }
@conference{JKNT09, title = "Concavely-Priced Probabilistic Timed Automata", author = "M. Jurdzinski, M. Kwiatkowska, G. Norman and A. Trivedi", year = "2009", editor = "M. Bravetti and G. Zavattaro", journal = "Proc. 20th Int. Conf. Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'09)", }
@techreport{RR-09-06, title = "CONCAVELY-PRICED PROBABILISTIC TIMED AUTOMATA", author = "Marcin Jurdzinski and Marta Z. Kwiatkowska and Gethin Norman and Ashutosh Trivedi", year = "2009", institution = "OUCL", number = "RR-09-06", pages = "26", }
@conference{JT08b, title = "Average-Time Games", author = "Marcin Jurdzinski and Ashutosh Trivedi", year = "2008", booktitle = "Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science", journal = "FSTTCS", note = "To appear.", }
@conference{JT08a, title = "Concavely-Priced Timed Automata", author = "Marcin Jurdzinski and Ashutosh Trivedi", year = "2008", booktitle = "Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems", editor = "Cassez, F. and Jard, C.", journal = "FORMATS", pages = "48--62", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", url = "", volume = "5215", }
@conference{JT07, title = "Reachability-Time Games on Timed Automata", author = "Marcin Jurdzinski and Ashutosh Trivedi", year = "2007", booktitle = "Automata, Languages and Programming", journal = "ICALP", pages = "838--849", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", url = "", volume = "4596", }