Frantisek Simancik : Publications
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@misc{2016arXiv160204498B, title = "{Extending Consequence-Based Reasoning to $\mathcal{SRIQ}$}", author = "Andrew Bate and Boris Motik and Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Franti{\v{s}}ek Siman{\v{c}\'{i}}k and Ian Horrocks", year = "2016", howpublished = "arXiv:1602.04498 [cs.AI]", month = "feb", url = "", }
@inproceedings{BateMGSH16, title = "{Extending Consequence-Based Reasoning to $\mathcal{SRIQ}$}", author = "Andrew Bate and Boris Motik and Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Frantisek Simancik and Ian Horrocks", year = "2016", booktitle = "Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference", editor = "Chitta Baral and James P. Delgrande and Frank Wolter", pages = "187--196", publisher = "{AAAI} Press", }
@inproceedings{BMGSH15b, title = "{Extending Consequence-Based Reasoning to $\mathcal{SHIQ}$}", author = "Andrew Bate and Boris Motik and Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Franti{\v{s}}ek Siman{\v{c}\'{i}}k and Ian Horrocks", year = "2015", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics}", editor = "Diego Calvanese and Boris Konev", month = "6", publisher = "", series = "{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings", volume = "1350", }
@techreport{BMGSH15a, title = "{Extending Consequence-Based Reasoning to $\mathcal{SHIQ}$}", author = "Andrew Bate and Boris Motik and Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Franti{\v{s}}ek Siman{\v{c}\'{i}}k and Ian Horrocks", year = "2015", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford", month = "6", }