Ivo Sluganovic : Publications
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@inproceedings{14947, title = "WatchAuth: User Authentication and Intent Recognition in Mobile Payments using a Smartwatch", author = "Jack Sturgess and Simon Eberz and Ivo Sluganovic and Ivan Martinovic", year = "2022", booktitle = "Proc. 7th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{14801, title = "Inferring User Height and Improving Impersonation Attacks in Mobile Payments using a Smartwatch", author = "Jack Sturgess and Simon Eberz and Ivo Sluganovic and Ivan Martinovic", year = "2022", booktitle = "Proc. WristSense 2022: Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications Using Wrist Worn Smart Devices", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{lovisotto2021slap, title = "SLAP: Improving Physical Adversarial Examples with Short-Lived Adversarial Perturbations", author = "Lovisotto, Giulio and Turner, Henry and Sluganovic, Ivo and Strohmeier, Martin and Martinovic, Ivan", year = "2021", booktitle = "30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21)", month = "August", url = "https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/presentation/lovisotto", }
@article{sluganovic2018analysis, title = "Analysis of Reflexive Eye Movements for Fast Replay-Resistant Biometric Authentication", author = "Sluganovic, Ivo and Roeschlin, Marc and Rasmussen, Kasper B. and Martinovic, Ivan", year = "2018", journal = "Transactions on Privacy and Security", pages = "30", publisher = "ACM", }
@inproceedings{Sluganovic2017ACSAC, title = "{HoloPair: Securing Shared Augmented Reality Using Microsoft HoloLens}", author = "Sluganovic, Ivo and Serbec, Matej and Derek, Ante and Martinovic, Ivan", year = "2017", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2017)", month = "December", pages = "13", }
@inproceedings{EEG2017WPES, title = "{Using EEG-Based BCI Devices to Subliminally Probe for Private Information}", author = "Frank, Mario and Hwu, Tiffany and Jain, Sakshi and Knight, Robert and Martinovic, Ivan and Mittal, Prateek and Perito, Daniele and Sluganovic, Ivo and Song, Dawn", year = "2017", booktitle = "ACM CCS Workshop on Privacy in Electronic Society (WPES)", month = "October", pages = "10", }
@article{martinovic2017blockchains, title = "Blockchains for Governmental Services: Design Principles, Applications, and Case Studies", author = "Martinovic, Ivan and Kello, Lucas and Sluganovic, Ivo", year = "2017", journal = "Centre for Technology and Global Affairs| University of Oxford", }
@inproceedings{Juuti2017, title = "{STASH: Securing transparent authentication schemes using prover-side proximity verification}", author = "Juuti, Mika and Vaas, Christian and Sluganovic, Ivo and Liljestrand, Hans and Asokan, N. and Martinovic, Ivan", year = "2017", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON)", pages = "10", }
@techreport{RR-17-03, title = "Mobile Biometrics in Financial Services: A Five Factor Framework", author = "Giulio Lovisotto and Raghav Malik and Ivo Sluganovic and Marc Roeschlin and Paul Trueman and Ivan Martinovic", year = "2017", affiliation = "University of Oxford", }
@inproceedings{Roeschlin2016, title = "{Generating Secret Keys from Biometric Body Impedance Measurements}", author = "Roeschlin, Marc and Sluganovic, Ivo and Martinovic, Ivan and Tsudik, Gene and Rasmmussen, Kasper Bone", year = "2016", booktitle = "ACM CCS Workshop on Privacy in Electronic Society (WPES)", pages = "10", }
@inproceedings{Sluganovic2016, title = "{Using Reflexive Eye Movements For Fast Challenge-Response Authentication}", author = "Sluganovic, Ivo and Roeschlin, Marc and Rasmussen, Kasper Bone and Martinovic, Ivan", year = "2016", booktitle = "ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)", pages = "12", }