Kelly Burrowes : Publications
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@article{9841, title = "Dynamic flow characteristics in normal and asthmatic lungs", author = "Kim M, Bordas R, Vos W, Hartley RA, Brightling CE, Kay D, Grau V, Burrowes KS", year = "2015", journal = "Int J Numer Methods Biomed Eng", }
@article{berger2015poroelastic, title = "A poroelastic model coupled to a fluid network with applications in lung modelling", author = "Berger, Lorenz and Bordas, Rafel and Burrowes, Kelly and Grau, Vicente and Tavener, Simon and Kay, David", year = "2015", journal = "International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering", }
@article{burrowes2015combined, title = "A combined image-modelling approach assessing the impact of hyperinflation due to emphysema on regional ventilation--perfusion matching", author = "Burrowes, KS and Doel, T and Kim, M and Vargas, C and Roca, J and Grau, V and Kay, D", year = "2015", journal = "Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging \& Visualization", number = "ahead-of-print", pages = "1--17", publisher = "Taylor \& Francis", }
@article{9843, title = "Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction as a contributor to response in acute pulmonary embolism", author = "Burrowes KS and Clark AR and Wilsher ML and Milne DG and Tawhai MH", year = "2014", journal = "Ann Biomed Eng", }
@article{burrowes2014computationalcopd, title = "Computational modeling of the obstructive lung diseases asthma and COPD", author = "Burrowes, K and Doel, T and Brightling, C", year = "2014", issn = "1479-5876", journal = "Journal of Translational Medicine", pages = "S5--S5", volume = "12", doi = "10.1186/1479-5876-12-S2-S5", }
@article{9845, title = "Multi-scale computational models of the airways to unravel the pathophysiological mechanisms in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AirPROM)", author = "Burrowes KS, De Backer J, Smallwood R, Sterk PJ, Gut I,Wirix-Speetjens R, Siddiqui S, Owers-Bradley J, Wild J, Maier D, Brightling C", year = "2013", journal = "Interface Focus", }
@article{Clark:2013, title = "Lack of functional information explains the poor performance of 'clot load scores' at predicting outcome in acute pulmonary embolism", author = "Clark, A. R. and Milne, D. and Wilsher, M. and Burrowes, K. S. and Bajaj, M. and Tawhai, M. H.", year = "2013", journal = "Respir Physiol Neurobiol", }
@article{Burrowes:2012, title = "Assessing potential errors of MRI-based measurements of pulmonary blood flow using a detailed network flow model", author = "Burrowes, K. S. and Buxton, R. B. and Prisk, G. K.", year = "2012", journal = "Journal of Applied Physiology", doi = "10.1152/japplphysiol.00894.2011", }
@article{Burrowes:2011a, title = "Pulmonary embolism: predicting disease severity", author = "Burrowes, K. S. and Clark, A. R. and Marcinkowski, A. and Wilsher, M. L. and Milne, D. G. and Tawhai, M. H.", year = "2011", journal = "Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci", doi = "10.1098/rsta.2011.0129", }
@article{Tawhai:2011, title = "Computational models of the pulmonary circulation: Insights and the move towards clinically directed studies", author = "Tawhai, M. H. and Clark, A. R. and Burrowes, K. S.", year = "2011", journal = "Pulmonary Circulation", }
@article{Burrowes:2011, title = "Blood flow redistribution and ventilation-perfusion mismatch during embolic pulmonary arterial occlusion", author = "Burrowes, K. S. and Clark, A. R. and Tawhai, M. H.", year = "2011", journal = "Pulmonary Circulation", }
@article{Clark:2010A, title = "The impact of micro-embolism size on haemodynamic changes in the pulmonary micro-circulation", author = "A R Clark, K S Burrowes, M H Tawhai", year = "2010", journal = "Respir Physiol Neurobiol", }
@article{Clark:2010, title = "Contribution of serial and parallel micro-perfusion to spatial variability in pulmonary inter- and intra-acinar blood flow", author = "A R Clark, K S Burrowes, M H Tawhai", year = "2010", journal = "Journal of Applied Physiology", }
@article{Burrowes:2010, title = "Coupling of lung tissue tethering force to fluid dynamics in the pulmonary circulation", author = "K S Burrowes and M H Tawhai", year = "2010", }
@article{Plotkowiak:2009, title = "Relationship between structural changes and hyperpolarized gas magnetic resonance imaging in chronic obstructive pulmolnary disease using computational simulations with realistic alveolar geometry", author = "Plotkowiak, M Burrowes, K Wolber, J Buckley, C Davies, R Gleeson, F Gavaghan, D Grau, V", year = "2009", }
@article{Burrowes:2009, title = "Species-specific pulmonary arterial asymmetry determines species differences in regional pulmonary perfusion", author = "Burrowes, K S Hoffman, E A Tawhai, M H", year = "2009", journal = "Annals of Biomedical Engineering", doi = "10.1007/s10439-009-9802-2", }
@article{Tawhai:2008, title = "Multi-scale models of the lung airways and vascular system", author = "M H Tawhai and K S Burrowes", year = "2008", }
@article{Burrowes:2008B, title = "Point:Counterpoint: Gravity is/is not the major factor determining the distribution of blood flow in the human lung.", author = "K S Burrowes and M H Tawhai", year = "2008", }
@article{Burrowes:2008A, title = "Modelling pulmonary blood flow", author = "Tawhai M H, Burrowes K S", year = "2008", }
@article{Burrowes:2008, title = "Towards a virtual lung: multi-scale, multi-physics modelling of the pulmonary system", author = "Burrowes, K S Swan, A J Warren, N J Tawhai, M H", year = "2008", }
@article{Burrowes:2006A, title = "Computational models of structure-function relationships in the pulmonary circulation and their validation", author = "Tawhai MH and Burrowes KS and Hoffman EA", year = "2006", }
@article{Burrowes:2006, title = "Computational predictions of pulmonary blood flow gradients: gravity versus structure", author = "Burrowes KS and Tawhai MH", year = "2006", }
@article{Burrowes:2005B, title = "Evaluation of the effect of postural and gravitational variations on the distribution of pulmonary blood flow via an image-based computational model", author = "K S Burrowes, P J Hunter, and M H Tawhai", year = "2005", }
@article{Burrowes:2005A, title = "Investigation of the relative effects of vascular branching structure and gravity on pulmonary arterial blood flow heterogeneity via an image-based computational model", author = "Burrowes, K S Hunter, P J Tawhai, M H", year = "2005", }
@article{Burrowes:2005, title = "Anatomically-based finite element models of the human pulmonary arterial and venous trees including supernumerary vessels", author = "K S Burrowes, P J Hunter, and M H Tawhai", year = "2005", }
@phdthesis{Burrowes:2005C, title = "A mathematical model of the human pulmonary circulation", author = "K S Burrowes, M H Tawhai, and P J Hunter", year = "2005", }
@article{Burrowes:2004, title = "Modeling RBC and neutrophil distribution through an anatomically based pulmonary capillary network", author = "K S Burrowes, M H Tawhai, and P J Hunter", year = "2004", }
@article{Burrowes:2003, title = "Developing integrative computational models of pulmonary structure.", author = "M H Tawhai and K S Burrowes", year = "2003", }