Varduhi Yeghiazaryan : Publications
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@article{2018_metrics, title = "A family of boundary overlap measures for the evaluation of medical image segmentation", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2018", journal = "SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging", pages = "015006", series = "5", volume = "1", doi = "10.1117/1.JMI.5.1.015006", }
@conference{wacv2018, title = "Path reducing watershed for the GPU", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2018", organization = "IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision", }
@conference{spie-validation, title = "Boundary Overlap for Medical Image Segmentation Evaluation", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2017", booktitle = "Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging", month = "February", organization = "SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics", doi = "10.1117/12.2254496", }
@misc{vardwom17, title = "Boundary overlap for medical image segmentation evaluation", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2017", journal = "Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference", }
@misc{vardcs17, title = "Novel Parallel Watershed for Faster Image Partitioning", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2017", journal = "Proceedings of the Oxford University Computing Laboratory Student Conference 2017", }
@inproceedings{spiesegmentation2016, title = "Automated 3D Renal Segmentation Based on Image Partitioning", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina D. Voiculescu", year = "2016", booktitle = "Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging", month = "February", organization = "SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics", url = "", }
@misc{vardwom16, title = "Common Evaluation Measures in Medical Image Segmentation: Experimental Comparison", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2016", journal = "Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference", }
@misc{vardcs16, title = "The Sensitivity to Boundary Errors of Image Segmentation Evaluation Measures", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2016", journal = "Proceedings of the Oxford University Computing Laboratory Student Conference 2016", }
@techreport{RR-15-08, title = "An Overview of Current Evaluation Methods Used in Medical Image Segmentation", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2015", address = "Oxford, UK", institution = "Department of Computer Science", number = "RR-15-08", pages = "22", }
@techreport{CS-RR-15-07, title = "The Use of Fast Marching Methods in Medical Image Segmentation", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2015", address = "Oxford, UK", institution = "Department of Computer Science", number = "CS-RR-15-07", pages = "33", }
@misc{vardwom15, title = "Progress towards unsupervised medical image segmentation", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2015", journal = "Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference", }
@misc{imfest15, title = "Towards unsupervised segmentation of the knee from MRI images based on image partition forests", author = "Marija Marcan and Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2015", journal = "Oxford Imaging Festival", }
@misc{vardcs15, title = "Comparison of Evaluation Methods for Medical Image Segmentation", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2015", journal = "Proceedings of the Oxford University Computing Laboratory Student Conference 2015", }
@misc{vardwom14, title = "Fast Marching Method for Organ Identification in CT Images", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2014", journal = "Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference", }
@misc{yeghiazaryan2014, title = "Experiments on the Use of Fast Marching for Feature Identification", author = "Varduhi Yeghiazaryan and Irina Voiculescu", year = "2014", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Oxford University Department of Computer Science Student Conference 2014", journal = "Proceedings of the Oxford University Computing Laboratory Student Conference 2014", note = "Best Abstract Award", }