Yavor Nenov : Publications
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@inproceedings{iswc-16-somm-demo, title = "SOMM: Industry Oriented Ontology Management Tool", author = "Evgeny Kharlamov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz and Steffen Lamparter and Gulnar Mehdi and Martin Ringsquandl and Yavor Nenov and Stephan Grimm and Mikhail Roshchin and Ian Horrocks", year = "2016", booktitle = "Proc. of International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Posters and Demonstrations Track", month = "October", url = "http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/isg/tools/SOMM/", }
@inproceedings{iswc16_somm, title = "Capturing Industrial Information Models with Ontologies and Constraints", author = "Evgeny Kharlamov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz and Steffen Lamparter and Gulnar Mehdi and Martin Ringsquandl and Yavor Nenov and Stephan Grimm and Mikhail Roshchin and Ian Horrocks", year = "2016", booktitle = "Proc. of International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)", month = "October", series = "LNCS", url = "http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/isg/tools/SOMM/", volume = "9981", }
@article{DBLP:journals/jair/ZhouGNKH15, title = "PAGOdA: Pay-As-You-Go Ontology Query Answering Using a Datalog Reasoner", author = "Yujiao Zhou and Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Yavor Nenov and Mark Kaminski and Ian Horrocks", year = "2015", journal = "J. Artif. Intell. Res. {(JAIR)}", pages = "309--367", volume = "54", doi = "10.1613/jair.4757", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/semweb/NenovPMHWB15, title = "RDFox: {A} Highly-Scalable {RDF} Store", author = "Yavor Nenov and Robert Piro and Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks and Zhe Wu and Jay Banerjee", year = "2015", booktitle = "The Semantic Web - {ISWC} 2015 - 14th International Semantic Web Conference, Bethlehem, PA, USA, October 11-15, 2015, Proceedings, Part {II}", pages = "3--20", doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-25010-6_1", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ore/ZhouNGH15, title = "Ontology-based Query Answering with PAGOdA", author = "Yujiao Zhou and Yavor Nenov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Ian Horrocks", year = "2015", booktitle = "Informal Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on {OWL} Reasoner Evaluation {(ORE-2015)} co-located with the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics {(DL} 2015), Athens, Greece, June 6, 2015.", pages = "1--7", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ijcai/MotikNPH15, title = "Combining Rewriting and Incremental Materialisation Maintenance for Datalog Programs with Equality", author = "Boris Motik and Yavor Nenov and Robert Piro and Ian Horrocks", year = "2015", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI} 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25-31, 2015", pages = "3127--3133", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/dlog/ZhouGNH15, title = "PAGOdA: Pay-as-you-go ABox Reasoning", author = "Yujiao Zhou and Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Yavor Nenov and Ian Horrocks", year = "2015", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics, Athens,Greece, June 7-10, 2015.", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aaai/MotikNPH15a, title = "Incremental Update of Datalog Materialisation: the Backward/Forward Algorithm", author = "Boris Motik and Yavor Nenov and Robert Edgar Felix Piro and Ian Horrocks", year = "2015", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, January 25-30, 2015, Austin, Texas, {USA.}", pages = "1560--1568", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aaai/MotikNPH15, title = "Handling Owl: sameAs via Rewriting", author = "Boris Motik and Yavor Nenov and Robert Edgar Felix Piro and Ian Horrocks", year = "2015", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, January 25-30, 2015, Austin, Texas, {USA.}", pages = "231--237", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/dlog/ZhouNGH14, title = "Pay-as-you-go Ontology Query Answering Using a Datalog Reasoner", author = "Yujiao Zhou and Yavor Nenov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Ian Horrocks", year = "2014", booktitle = "Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, Vienna, Austria, July 17-20, 2014.", pages = "352--364", }
@inproceedings{conf/aaai/ZhouNGH14, title = "Pay-As-You-Go {OWL} Query Answering Using a Triple Store", author = "Yujiao Zhou and Yavor Nenov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Ian Horrocks", year = "2014", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 27 -31, 2014, Qu{\'{e}}bec City, Qu{\'{e}}bec, Canada.", pages = "1142--1148", }
@inproceedings{conf/aaai/KaminskiNG14, title = "Datalog Rewritability of Disjunctive Datalog Programs and its Applications to Ontology Reasoning", author = "Mark Kaminski and Yavor Nenov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau", year = "2014", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 27 -31, 2014, Qu{\'{e}}bec City, Qu{\'{e}}bec, Canada.", pages = "1077--1083", }
@inproceedings{conf/rr/KaminskiNG14, title = "Computing Datalog Rewritings for Disjunctive Datalog Programs and Description Logic Ontologies", author = "Mark Kaminski and Yavor Nenov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau", year = "2014", booktitle = "Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 8th International Conference, {RR} 2014, Athens, Greece, September 15-17, 2014. Proceedings", pages = "76--91", doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-11113-1_6", }
@inproceedings{conf/dlog/KaminskiNG14, title = "Datalog Rewriting Techniques for Non-Horn Ontologies", author = "Mark Kaminski and Yavor Nenov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau", year = "2014", booktitle = "Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, Vienna, Austria, July 17-20, 2014.", pages = "209--220", }
@inproceedings{conf/dlog/MotikNPHO14, title = "Parallel {OWL} 2 {RL} Materialisation in Centralised, Main-Memory {RDF} Systems", author = "Boris Motik and Yavor Nenov and Robert Piro and Ian Horrocks and Dan Olteanu", year = "2014", booktitle = "Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, Vienna, Austria, July 17-20, 2014.", pages = "311--323", }
@inproceedings{conf/aaai/MotikNPHO14, title = "Parallel Materialisation of Datalog Programs in Centralised, Main-Memory {RDF} Systems", author = "Boris Motik and Yavor Nenov and Robert Piro and Ian Horrocks and Dan Olteanu", year = "2014", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 27 -31, 2014, Qu{\'{e}}bec City, Qu{\'{e}}bec, Canada.", pages = "129--137", }
@article{DBLP:journals/tocl/KontchakovNPZ13, title = "Topological Logics with Connectedness over Euclidean Spaces", author = "Roman Kontchakov and Yavor Nenov and Ian Pratt{-}Hartmann and Michael Zakharyaschev", year = "2013", journal = "{ACM} Trans. Comput. Log.", number = "2", pages = "13", volume = "14", doi = "10.1145/2480759.2480765", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/semweb/ZhouNGH13, title = "Complete Query Answering over Horn Ontologies Using a Triple Store", author = "Yujiao Zhou and Yavor Nenov and Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Ian Horrocks", year = "2013", booktitle = "The Semantic Web - {ISWC} 2013 - 12th International Semantic Web Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, October 21-25, 2013, Proceedings, Part {I}", pages = "720--736", doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-41335-3_45", }
@inproceedings{ijcai/KontchakovNPZ11, title = "On the Decidability of Connectedness Constraints in 2D and 3D Euclidean Spaces", author = "Roman Kontchakov and Yavor Nenov and Ian Pratt{-}Hartmann and Michael Zakharyaschev", year = "2011", booktitle = "{IJCAI} 2011, Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, July 16-22, 2011", pages = "957--962", }
@phdthesis{thesis/YNenov, title = "Computability of Euclidean Spatial Logics", author = "Yavor Nenov", year = "2011", address = "Manchester, UK", school = "School of Computer Science, University of Manchester", }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/csl/NenovP10, title = "On the Computability of Region-Based Euclidean Logics", author = "Yavor Nenov and Ian Pratt{-}Hartmann", year = "2010", booktitle = "Computer Science Logic, 24th International Workshop, {CSL} 2010, 19th Annual Conference of the EACSL, Brno, Czech Republic, August 23-27, 2010. Proceedings", pages = "439--453", doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-15205-4_34", }
@inproceedings{csl/NenovP10, title = "On the Computability of Region-Based Euclidean Logics", author = "Yavor Nenov and Ian Pratt-Hartmann", year = "2010", booktitle = "CSL", pages = "439-453", }
@inproceedings{aiml/NenovV08, title = "Modal logics for mereotopological relations", author = "Yavor Nenov and Dimiter Vakarelov", year = "2008", booktitle = "Advances in Modal Logic 7, papers from the seventh conference on "Advances in Modal Logic," held in Nancy, France, 9-12 September 2008", pages = "249--272", }