Prakash has made major contributions across a remarkably wide range of topics, including probabilistic and concurrent computation, logics and duality, and quantum information and computation. His work is characterised by the qualities of elegance, clarity and concern for fundamentals, and has been instrumental in making connections between different research areas and communities. Equally important for his many friends has been the infectious enthusiasm and enjoyment he brings to his scientific work, and the generous and sustained support and encouragement he has given to many junior colleagues.The conference will feature talks by many of Prakash's friends and collaborators. We anticipate that this will be a very enjoyable event, blending fun and science - how could a meeting for Prakash be otherwise! We warmly invite everyone to participate. Information on how to register can be found below.
This event is twinned with a Spring School in Quantum Structures in Physics and Computer Science, to be held on the dates 19--22 May 2014 at the University of Oxford: http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/ss2014.
The event poster PDF file.
Horizons of the Mind -- A Tribute to Prakash Panangaden
A volume of essays dedicated to Prakash Panangaden. Hard copies are available from Destiny Chen, at £10/copy plus P&P. You can find information about it at http://www.springer.com/978-3-319-06879-4 or access the online version at http://link.springer.com/openurl.asp?genre=issue&issn=0302-9743&volume=8464Registration & Costs
Please contact Destiny Chen by 5pm 5th May 2014 if you wish to participate.The basic conference fee is £25. There is an additional charge of £25 for the conference reception and buffet dinner, to be held at St Anne’s College. Cash (in sterling pounds) payable at the arrival registration on 23rd May 2014.
Limited funding is available for students and young researchers, on travel, accommodation and subsistance, out of EPSRC (Grant Reg: EP/I03596X/1). Please contact Destiny Chen for further details prior to your booking.