Schedule of Modules
- Software Engineering Mathematics (SEM)
- Specification and Design (SDE)
- Concurrency and Distributed Systems (CDS)
- Model Checking (MCH)
- Performance Modelling (PMO)
- Software Development Management (SDM)
- Agile Methods (AGM)
- Interaction Design (IDE)
- Requirements Engineering (REN)
- Management of Risk and Quality (MRQ)
- Process Quality and Improvement (PRO)
- Safety Critical Systems (SCS)
- Enterprise Architecture (EAR)
- Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
- Quantum Computing (QUC)
- Classical Machine Learning (CML)
- Computer Vision (VIS)
- Software Testing (STE)
- Database Design (DAT)
- Functional Programming (FPR)
- Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
- Concurrent Programming (CPR)
- Agile Engineering Practices (APE)
- Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Mobile and Sensor Networks (MOB)
- Agile Engineering Practices (APE)
- Semantic Technologies (STC)
- Algorithms (ALG)
- Robust Programming (ROP)
- Knowledge Graphs (KGS)
- Structured Data (STR)
- Cloud Computing and Big Data (CLO)
- Embedded Software and Systems (ESS)
- Things of the Internet (TOI)
- Object Orientation (OOR)
- Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Design Patterns (DPA)
- Service Oriented Architectures (SOA)
- Security Principles (SPR)
- Secure and Robust Programming (SRO)
- Trusted Computing Infrastructure (TCI)
- Design for Security (DES)
- Risk Analysis and Management (RIS)
- People and Security (PAS)
- Network Security (NES)
- Cloud Security (CLS)
- Forensics (FOR)
- Safety Critical Systems (SCS)
- Security and Incident Management (SIM)
- Data Security and Privacy (DAS)
- Building Information Governance (BIG)
- Mobile Systems Security (MSS)
- Security in Wireless Networks (SWN)
- Understanding and Mitigating Malware (MAL)
- Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)