Most of the courses are taught by University lecturers, with assistance from dedicated teams of researchers and administrators:
- academic staff: Reuben Binns, Alessandra Cavarra, Ronald Clark, Jim Davies, Ivan Flechais, Jeremy Gibbons, Stefano Gogioso, Christopher Hargreaves, Andrew Markham, Andrew Martin, Ivan Martinovic, Kasper Rasmussen, Andrew Simpson, Niki Trigoni, Max Van Kleek.
- programme administrators: Shirley Sardar, Henry Dartnall, Tracy Marshall, Sarah Wakefield.
- MSc Project Supervisors: Peter Bloodsworth, Petar Radanliev.
There are also a number of subject specialists who teach courses in their particular areas of expertise:
- specialists: Craig Anslow, Rick Avis, Francesco Cesarini, Rob Collins, David Grawrock, Jonathan Lusthaus, Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Ralf Hinze, Nigel Kermode, David King, Nigel Mehdi, Ivan Moore, Steve Moyle, Tim Muller, Emanuel Sallinger, Seyyed Shah, Scott Wlaschin, Andrew Paverd, Lianlong Wu
The students come from a wide range of organisations: software companies; healthcare providers; finance houses; government agencies; bioinformatics start-ups; management consultants; power companies; car manufacturers. A significant number are self-employed, or work for small enterprises. They share an awareness of software engineering practice, and a desire to learn more about the underlying principles.