Trustworthy Logging for Distributed Virtual Organisations: Publications
Conference papers
Towards a Trustable Virtual Organisation
Jun Ho Huh and Andrew Martin
Pages 425−431. Los Alamitos‚ CA‚ USA. November, 2009. IEEE Computer Society.
Details about Towards a Trustable Virtual Organisation | BibTeX data for Towards a Trustable Virtual Organisation | DOI (10.1109/ISPA.2009.72)
Trustworthy Log Reconciliation for Distributed Virtual Organisations
Jun Ho Huh and John Lyle
In Liqun Chen‚ Chris J. Mitchell and Andrew Martin, editors, Trust '09: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trusted Computing. Pages 169−182. Berlin‚ Heidelberg. April, 2009. Springer−Verlag.
Details about Trustworthy Log Reconciliation for Distributed Virtual Organisations | BibTeX data for Trustworthy Log Reconciliation for Distributed Virtual Organisations | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-00587-9_11)
Trusted Logging for Grid Computing
Jun Ho Huh and Andrew Martin
In Third Asia−Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference. Pages 30−42. Los Alamitos‚ CA‚ USA. October, 2008. IEEE Computer Society.
Details about Trusted Logging for Grid Computing | BibTeX data for Trusted Logging for Grid Computing | DOI (10.1109/APTC.2008.9)