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Recruiting Our Students

The Department of Computer Science encourages the use of the Careers Service's CareerConnect facility to advertise vacancies or internships to the students in our department or, wider still, to students throughout the University.

Advertising your vacancies

New to the site?

If you haven't registered with the Careers Service, you will need to sign-up to the CareerConnect site. Your vacancies and internships can be made available directly to members and students of the Department of Computer Science: when entering your vacancy information, choose "IT and Computing" as one of the categories.

Further information can be found at the information for recruiters page. There is a PDF guide about using the CareerConnect site on this page under "Guide for recruiters".

Any enquiries should be directed to the Employers Relation Team:, +44 (0)1865 274663

Once you have registered you can return by signing-in here.

Recruiter and careers fairs

The Careers Service organises regular fairs for recruiters, employers and students to meet up and discuss opportunities. The up-coming careers fairs in Oxford can be found on the careers fairs page.

If you are interested in attending any of these events, please contact the Employer Relations Team at

Industry Relations

The Department of Computer Science is a teaching and research centre, and benefits from the participation and interest shown by our industry relations. If you feel you would like to become involved with the department or you are just curious, register with us. The benefits of being an industry sponsor include: invitations to events; access to research and researchers; having your say and giving feedback; and ensuring the department's goals are in-line with the industry's future.

Inspired Research: the Computer Science Industry Newsletter

Inspired Research is the twice-yearly newsletter published by the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford.

To sign up to receive notifications that a new edition has been published please email If you have already signed up as an industry partner you will receive a copy automatically - there is no need to re-register.