Navigating the Data Avalanche: Towards Supporting Developers in Developing Privacy−Friendly Children’s Apps
Anirudh Ekambaranathan‚ Jun Zhao and George Chalhoub
In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive‚ Mobile‚ Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT 2023). June, 2023.
Details about Navigating the Data Avalanche: Towards Supporting Developers in Developing Privacy−Friendly Children’s Apps | BibTeX data for Navigating the Data Avalanche: Towards Supporting Developers in Developing Privacy−Friendly Children’s Apps | Download (pdf) of Navigating the Data Avalanche: Towards Supporting Developers in Developing Privacy−Friendly Children’s Apps | DOI (10.1145/3596267)
"You are you and the app. There’s nobody else.": Building Worker−Designed Data Institutions within Platform Hegemony
Jake Stein‚ Vidminas Vizgirda‚ Max Van Kleek‚ Reuben Binns‚ Jun Zhao‚ Rui Zhao‚ Naman Goel‚ George Chalhoub‚ Wael Albayaydh and Nigel Shadbolt.
In 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023). April, 2023.
Details about "You are you and the app. There’s nobody else.": Building Worker−Designed Data Institutions within Platform Hegemony | BibTeX data for "You are you and the app. There’s nobody else.": Building Worker−Designed Data Institutions within Platform Hegemony | Download (pdf) of "You are you and the app. There’s nobody else.": Building Worker−Designed Data Institutions within Platform Hegemony | DOI (10.1145/3544548.3581114)
Responsible innovation; responsible data. A case study in autonomous driving
C Ten Holter‚ Lars Kunze‚ Jo−Ann Pattinson‚ Pericle Salvini and Marina Jirotka
In Journal of Responsible Technology. Vol. 11. Pages 100038. 2022.
Details about Responsible innovation; responsible data. A case study in autonomous driving | BibTeX data for Responsible innovation; responsible data. A case study in autonomous driving | Link to Responsible innovation; responsible data. A case study in autonomous driving
From Spoken Thoughts to Automated Driving Commentary: Predicting and Explaining Intelligent Vehicles' Actions
Daniel Omeiza‚ Sule Anjomshoae‚ Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka and Lars Kunze
In arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.09109. 2022.
Details about From Spoken Thoughts to Automated Driving Commentary: Predicting and Explaining Intelligent Vehicles' Actions | BibTeX data for From Spoken Thoughts to Automated Driving Commentary: Predicting and Explaining Intelligent Vehicles' Actions | Link to From Spoken Thoughts to Automated Driving Commentary: Predicting and Explaining Intelligent Vehicles' Actions
Data Protection at a Discount: Investigating the UX of Data Protection from User‚ Designer‚ and Business Leader Perspectives
George Chalhoub and Ivan Flechais
In The 25th ACM Conference On Computer−Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW 2022). ACM. November, 2022.
Details about Data Protection at a Discount: Investigating the UX of Data Protection from User‚ Designer‚ and Business Leader Perspectives | BibTeX data for Data Protection at a Discount: Investigating the UX of Data Protection from User‚ Designer‚ and Business Leader Perspectives | Download (pdf) of Data Protection at a Discount: Investigating the UX of Data Protection from User‚ Designer‚ and Business Leader Perspectives | DOI (10.1145/3555537)
"It’s Freedom to Put Things Where My Mind Wants": Understanding and Improving the User Experience of Structuring Data in Spreadsheets
George Chalhoub and Advait Sarkar
In 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022). ACM. May, 2022.
Details about "It’s Freedom to Put Things Where My Mind Wants": Understanding and Improving the User Experience of Structuring Data in Spreadsheets | BibTeX data for "It’s Freedom to Put Things Where My Mind Wants": Understanding and Improving the User Experience of Structuring Data in Spreadsheets | Download (pdf) of "It’s Freedom to Put Things Where My Mind Wants": Understanding and Improving the User Experience of Structuring Data in Spreadsheets | DOI (10.1145/3491102.3501833) | Link to "It’s Freedom to Put Things Where My Mind Wants": Understanding and Improving the User Experience of Structuring Data in Spreadsheets
Governing AI safety through independent audits
Alan Winfield & Zee Kin Yeong Gregory Falco Ben Shneiderman Julia Badger Ryan Carrier Anton Dahbura David Danks Martin Eling Alwyn Goodloe Jerry Gupta Christopher Hart Marina Jirotka Henric Johnson Cara LaPointe Ashley J. Llorens Alan K. Mackworth Carsten Maple Sigurður Emil Pálsson Frank Pasquale
In Nature Machine Intelligence. 2021.
Details about Governing AI safety through independent audits | BibTeX data for Governing AI safety through independent audits | DOI (10.1038/s42256-021-00370-7) | Link to Governing AI safety through independent audits
Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
Daniel Omeiza; Helena Webb; Marina Jirotka; Lars Kunze
In IEEE. 2021.
Details about Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey | BibTeX data for Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey | DOI (10.1109/TITS.2021.3122865) | Link to Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
Why not explain? effects of explanations on human perceptions of autonomous driving
Daniel Omeiza‚ Konrad Kollnig‚ Helena Web‚ Marina Jirotka and Lars Kunze
In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO). Pages 194–199. IEEE. 2021.
Details about Why not explain? effects of explanations on human perceptions of autonomous driving | BibTeX data for Why not explain? effects of explanations on human perceptions of autonomous driving | Link to Why not explain? effects of explanations on human perceptions of autonomous driving
Towards accountability: providing intelligible explanations in autonomous driving
Daniel Omeiza‚ Helena Web‚ Marina Jirotka and Lars Kunze
In 2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). Pages 231–237. IEEE. 2021.
Details about Towards accountability: providing intelligible explanations in autonomous driving | BibTeX data for Towards accountability: providing intelligible explanations in autonomous driving | Link to Towards accountability: providing intelligible explanations in autonomous driving
Robot accident investigation: a case study in responsible robotics
Alan FT Winfield‚ Katie Winkle‚ Helena Webb‚ Ulrik Lyngs‚ Marina Jirotka and Carl Macrae
In Software engineering for robotics. Pages 165−187. Springer. 2021.
Details about Robot accident investigation: a case study in responsible robotics | BibTeX data for Robot accident investigation: a case study in responsible robotics | Link to Robot accident investigation: a case study in responsible robotics
Reading the road: challenges and opportunities on the path to responsible innovation in quantum computing
Marina Jirotka
Details about Reading the road: challenges and opportunities on the path to responsible innovation in quantum computing | BibTeX data for Reading the road: challenges and opportunities on the path to responsible innovation in quantum computing | Link to Reading the road: challenges and opportunities on the path to responsible innovation in quantum computing
Creating a responsible quantum future: the case for a dedicated national resource for responsible quantum computing
C Ten Holter‚ M Jirotka and P Inglesant
Details about Creating a responsible quantum future: the case for a dedicated national resource for responsible quantum computing | BibTeX data for Creating a responsible quantum future: the case for a dedicated national resource for responsible quantum computing | Link to Creating a responsible quantum future: the case for a dedicated national resource for responsible quantum computing
Anticipatory governance in the technology sector: processes‚ critiques and principles for addressing grand challenges in computing
Kelly Widdicks‚ Bran Knowles‚ Gordon Blair‚ Carolyn Ten Holter‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Federica Lucivero‚ Gabrielle Samuel and Helena Webb
In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Pages 1–5. 2021.
Details about Anticipatory governance in the technology sector: processes‚ critiques and principles for addressing grand challenges in computing | BibTeX data for Anticipatory governance in the technology sector: processes‚ critiques and principles for addressing grand challenges in computing | Link to Anticipatory governance in the technology sector: processes‚ critiques and principles for addressing grand challenges in computing
Reading the road: challenges and opportunities on the path to responsible innovation in quantum computing
Philip Inglesant & Marina Jirotka C Ten Holter
In Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 2021.
Details about Reading the road: challenges and opportunities on the path to responsible innovation in quantum computing | BibTeX data for Reading the road: challenges and opportunities on the path to responsible innovation in quantum computing | DOI (10.1080/09537325.2021.1988070) | Link to Reading the road: challenges and opportunities on the path to responsible innovation in quantum computing
Asleep at the wheel? Responsible Innovation in quantum computing
Philip Inglesant‚ Carolyn Ten Holter and Marina Jirotka Carolyn Ten Holter and Marina Jirotka & Robin Williams
In Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2021.
Details about Asleep at the wheel? Responsible Innovation in quantum computing | BibTeX data for Asleep at the wheel? Responsible Innovation in quantum computing | DOI (10.1080/09537325.2021.1988557) | Link to Asleep at the wheel? Responsible Innovation in quantum computing
Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
Daniel Omeiza‚ Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka and Lars Kunze
In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 23. Pages 10142 − 10162. 2021.
Details about Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey | BibTeX data for Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey | DOI (10.1109/TITS.2021.3122865) | Link to Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
Understanding user perceptions of trustworthiness in e−recruitment systems
Gideon Ogunniye‚ Benedicte Legastelois‚ Michael Rovatsos‚ Liz Dowthwaite‚ Virginia Portillo‚ Elvira Perez Vallejos‚ Jun Zhao and Marina Jirotka
In IEEE Internet Computing. 2021.
Details about Understanding user perceptions of trustworthiness in e−recruitment systems | BibTeX data for Understanding user perceptions of trustworthiness in e−recruitment systems | Link to Understanding user perceptions of trustworthiness in e−recruitment systems
"It did not give me an option to decline": A Longitudinal Analysis of the User Experience of Security and Privacy in Smart Home Products
George Chalhoub‚ Martin J. Kraemer‚ Norbert Nthala and Ivan Flechais
In 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021). ACM. May, 2021.
Details about "It did not give me an option to decline": A Longitudinal Analysis of the User Experience of Security and Privacy in Smart Home Products | BibTeX data for "It did not give me an option to decline": A Longitudinal Analysis of the User Experience of Security and Privacy in Smart Home Products | Download (pdf) of "It did not give me an option to decline": A Longitudinal Analysis of the User Experience of Security and Privacy in Smart Home Products | DOI (10.1145/3411764.3445691)
" It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies
Liz Dowthwaite‚ Helen Creswick‚ Virginia Portillo‚ Jun Zhao‚ Menisha Patel‚ Elvira Perez Vallejos‚ Ansgar Koene and Marina Jirotka
In Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference. Pages 121–134. 2020.
Details about " It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies | BibTeX data for " It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies | DOI ( | Link to " It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies
'I Just Want to Hack Myself to Not Get Distracted' Evaluating Design Interventions for Self−Control on Facebook
Ulrik Lyngs‚ Kai Lukoff‚ Petr Slovak‚ William Seymour‚ Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Jun Zhao‚ Max Van Kleek and Nigel Shadbolt
In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Pages 1–15. 2020.
Details about 'I Just Want to Hack Myself to Not Get Distracted' Evaluating Design Interventions for Self−Control on Facebook | BibTeX data for 'I Just Want to Hack Myself to Not Get Distracted' Evaluating Design Interventions for Self−Control on Facebook | Link to 'I Just Want to Hack Myself to Not Get Distracted' Evaluating Design Interventions for Self−Control on Facebook
"What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" Logging HRI Data for Robot Accident Investigation
Katie Winkle‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Ulrik Lyngs‚ Carl Macrae‚ Helena Webb and Alan Winfield
In Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human−Robot Interaction. Pages 517–519. 2020.
Details about "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" Logging HRI Data for Robot Accident Investigation | BibTeX data for "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" Logging HRI Data for Robot Accident Investigation | Link to "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" Logging HRI Data for Robot Accident Investigation
"It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies
Liz Dowthwaite‚ Helen Creswick‚ Virginia Portillo‚ Jun Zhao‚ Menisha Patel‚ Elvira Perez Vallejos‚ Ansgar Koene and Marina Jirotka
In Proceedings of the interaction design and children conference. Pages 121−134. 2020.
Details about "It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies | BibTeX data for "It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies | Link to "It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies
From collaborative to institutional reflexivity: Calibrating responsibility in the funding process
Barbara Grimpe‚ Bernd Carsten Stahl‚ Carolyn Ten Holter‚ Philip Inglesant‚ Grace Eden‚ Menisha Patel and Marina Jirotka
In Science and Public Policy. Vol. 47. No. 5. Pages 720–732. 2020.
Details about From collaborative to institutional reflexivity: Calibrating responsibility in the funding process | BibTeX data for From collaborative to institutional reflexivity: Calibrating responsibility in the funding process | Link to From collaborative to institutional reflexivity: Calibrating responsibility in the funding process
The need for responsible technology
Marina Jirotka and Bernd Carsten Stahl
In Journal of Responsible Technology. Vol. 1. Pages 100002. 2020.
Details about The need for responsible technology | BibTeX data for The need for responsible technology | Link to The need for responsible technology
12 − RRI intensity − A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects
De Heaver‚ Martin‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Margherita Nulli‚ Bernd Carsten Stahl and Carolyn Ten Holter
In Assessment of Responsible Innovation. Pages 297. 2020.
Details about 12 − RRI intensity − A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects | BibTeX data for 12 − RRI intensity − A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects | Link to 12 − RRI intensity − A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects
Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots
Martim Brandao‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Helena Webb and Paul Luff
In Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 282. Pages 103259. 2020.
Details about Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots | BibTeX data for Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots | Link to Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots
Data−driven unsustainability? An interdisciplinary perspective on governing the environmental impacts of a data−driven society
Federica Lucivero‚ Gabrielle Samuel‚ Gordon Blair‚ Sarah J Darby‚ Tina Fawcett‚ Mike Hazas‚ Carolyn Ten Holter‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Michael Parker‚ Helena Webb and others
In An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Governing the Environmental Impacts of a Data−Driven Society. 2020.
Details about Data−driven unsustainability? An interdisciplinary perspective on governing the environmental impacts of a data−driven society | BibTeX data for Data−driven unsustainability? An interdisciplinary perspective on governing the environmental impacts of a data−driven society | Link to Data−driven unsustainability? An interdisciplinary perspective on governing the environmental impacts of a data−driven society
RRI intensity: A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects
De Heaver‚ Martin‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Margherita Nulli‚ Bernd Carsten Stahl and Carolyn Ten Holter
In Assessment of Responsible Innovation. Pages 297–315. Routledge. 2020.
Details about RRI intensity: A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects | BibTeX data for RRI intensity: A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects | Link to RRI intensity: A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects
Emergent‚ situated and prospective ethics for child−computer interaction research
Alissa N Antle‚ Christopher Frauenberger‚ Monica Landoni‚ Jerry Alan Fails‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Helena Webb and Nalin Tutiyaphuengprasert
In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts. Pages 54–61. 2020.
Details about Emergent‚ situated and prospective ethics for child−computer interaction research | BibTeX data for Emergent‚ situated and prospective ethics for child−computer interaction research | Link to Emergent‚ situated and prospective ethics for child−computer interaction research
"Alexa‚ are you spying on me?": Exploring the Effect of User Experience on the Security and Privacy of Smart Speaker Users
George Chalhoub and Ivan Flechais
In 22nd International Conference on Human−Computer Interaction (HCII 2020). Springer. July, 2020.
Details about "Alexa‚ are you spying on me?": Exploring the Effect of User Experience on the Security and Privacy of Smart Speaker Users | BibTeX data for "Alexa‚ are you spying on me?": Exploring the Effect of User Experience on the Security and Privacy of Smart Speaker Users | Download (pdf) of "Alexa‚ are you spying on me?": Exploring the Effect of User Experience on the Security and Privacy of Smart Speaker Users | DOI (10.1007/978-3-030-50309-3_21)
Innovation Inaction or In Action? The Role of User Experience in the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Cameras
George Chalhoub‚ Ivan Flechais‚ Norbert Nthala and Ruba Abu−Salma
In Sixteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2020). USENIX Association. August, 2020.
Details about Innovation Inaction or In Action? The Role of User Experience in the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Cameras | BibTeX data for Innovation Inaction or In Action? The Role of User Experience in the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Cameras | Download (pdf) of Innovation Inaction or In Action? The Role of User Experience in the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Cameras | Link to Innovation Inaction or In Action? The Role of User Experience in the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Cameras
Factoring User Experience into the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Devices: A Case Study
George Chalhoub‚ Ivan Flechais‚ Norbert Nthala‚ Ruba Abu−Salma and Elie Tom
In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA 2020). ACM. April, 2020.
Details about Factoring User Experience into the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Devices: A Case Study | BibTeX data for Factoring User Experience into the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Devices: A Case Study | Download (pdf) of Factoring User Experience into the Security and Privacy Design of Smart Home Devices: A Case Study | DOI (10.1145/3334480.3382850)
The UX of Things: Exploring UX Principles to Inform Security and Privacy Design in the Smart Home
George Chalhoub
In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA 2020). ACM. April, 2020.
Details about The UX of Things: Exploring UX Principles to Inform Security and Privacy Design in the Smart Home | BibTeX data for The UX of Things: Exploring UX Principles to Inform Security and Privacy Design in the Smart Home | Download (pdf) of The UX of Things: Exploring UX Principles to Inform Security and Privacy Design in the Smart Home | DOI (10.1145/3334480.3381436)
“It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm”: opening up algorithmic interpretability and transparency
Helena Webb‚ Menisha Patel‚ Michael Rovatsos‚ Alan Davoust‚ Sofia Ceppi‚ Ansgar Koene‚ Liz Dowthwaite‚ Virginia Portillo‚ Marina Jirotka and Monica Cano
In Journal of Information‚ Communication and Ethics in Society. 2019.
Details about “It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm”: opening up algorithmic interpretability and transparency | BibTeX data for “It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm”: opening up algorithmic interpretability and transparency | Link to “It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm”: opening up algorithmic interpretability and transparency
A Responsive Engagement Approach to Promote the Development of ‘Fairer’Algorithms
Helena Webb‚ Alan Davoust‚ Michael Rovatsos‚ Menisha Patel‚ Ansgar Koene and Marina Jirotka
In ECIAIR 2019 European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Pages 349. Academic Conferences and publishing limited. 2019.
Details about A Responsive Engagement Approach to Promote the Development of ‘Fairer’Algorithms | BibTeX data for A Responsive Engagement Approach to Promote the Development of ‘Fairer’Algorithms | Link to A Responsive Engagement Approach to Promote the Development of ‘Fairer’Algorithms
The role of civil society organisations in European responsible research and innovation
Petra Ahrweiler‚ Nigel Gilbert‚ Benjamin Schrempf‚ Barbara Grimpe and Marina Jirotka
In Journal of Responsible Innovation. Vol. 6. No. 1. Pages 25–49. 2019.
Details about The role of civil society organisations in European responsible research and innovation | BibTeX data for The role of civil society organisations in European responsible research and innovation | Link to The role of civil society organisations in European responsible research and innovation
A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies
Rob Procter‚ Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Pete Burnap‚ William Housley‚ Adam Edwards and Matt Williams
In arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11732. 2019.
Details about A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies | BibTeX data for A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies | Link to A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies
Lab Hackathons to Overcome Laboratory Equipment Shortages in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges
Helena Webb‚ Jason RC Nurse‚ Louise Bezuidenhout and Marina Jirotka
In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Pages 1–8. 2019.
Details about Lab Hackathons to Overcome Laboratory Equipment Shortages in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges | BibTeX data for Lab Hackathons to Overcome Laboratory Equipment Shortages in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges | Link to Lab Hackathons to Overcome Laboratory Equipment Shortages in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges
Human−robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots
Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Alan FT Winfield and Katie Winkle
In Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019. Pages 1–7. 2019.
Details about Human−robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots | BibTeX data for Human−robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots | Link to Human−robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots
Human Centred Computing approaches to embed responsible innovation in HCI
Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Philip Inglesant and Menisha Patel
Details about Human Centred Computing approaches to embed responsible innovation in HCI | BibTeX data for Human Centred Computing approaches to embed responsible innovation in HCI | Link to Human Centred Computing approaches to embed responsible innovation in HCI
Harnessing interdisciplinarity to promote the ethical design of AI systems
Menisha Patel‚ Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Alan Davoust‚ Ross Gales‚ Michael Rovatsos and Ansgar Koene
In ECIAIR 2019 European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics‚ Oxford: UK. Vol. 246. 2019.
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Anticipation in Cyber−security
J Ahrend and MDA Jirotka
Details about Anticipation in Cyber−security | BibTeX data for Anticipation in Cyber−security | Link to Anticipation in Cyber−security
‘I make up a silly name': Understanding Children's Perception of Privacy Risks Online
Jun Zhao‚ Ge Wang‚ Carys Dally‚ Petr Slovak‚ Julian Childs‚ Max Van Klee and Nigel Shadbolt
In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019)‚ May 4–9‚ 2019‚ Glasgow‚ Scotland Uk. 2019.
Details about ‘I make up a silly name': Understanding Children's Perception of Privacy Risks Online | BibTeX data for ‘I make up a silly name': Understanding Children's Perception of Privacy Risks Online | DOI (10.1145/3290605.3300336) | Link to ‘I make up a silly name': Understanding Children's Perception of Privacy Risks Online
Exploring communal technology use in the home: uncovering household group−efficacy
Martin J Kraemer‚ Ivan Flechais and Helena Webb
In Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019. ACM. 2019.
Details about Exploring communal technology use in the home: uncovering household group−efficacy | BibTeX data for Exploring communal technology use in the home: uncovering household group−efficacy | Download (pdf) of Exploring communal technology use in the home: uncovering household group−efficacy
Ethical Governance is essential to building Trust in Robotics and AI Systems
A. F. Winfield and M Jirotka
In Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical‚ Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2018.
Details about Ethical Governance is essential to building Trust in Robotics and AI Systems | BibTeX data for Ethical Governance is essential to building Trust in Robotics and AI Systems
The Case for an Ethical Black Box
A. F. Winfield and M Jirotka
In In: Gao Y.‚ Fallah S.‚ Jin Y.‚ Lekakou C. (eds) Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science‚ vol 10454. Springer‚ Cham. 2018.
Details about The Case for an Ethical Black Box | BibTeX data for The Case for an Ethical Black Box
Third party tracking in the mobile ecosystem
Reuben Binns‚ Ulrik Lyngs‚ Max van Kleek‚ Jun Zhao‚ Timothy Libert and Nigel Shadbolt
In Proceedings of the 10th International ACM Web Science Conference 2018. 2018.
Details about Third party tracking in the mobile ecosystem | BibTeX data for Third party tracking in the mobile ecosystem | DOI (10.1145/3201064.3201089) | Download (pdf) of Third party tracking in the mobile ecosystem
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Power Network Electromagnetic Field
Chris Xiaoxuan Lu‚ Yang Li‚ Peijun Zhao‚ Changhao Chen‚ Linhai Xie‚ Hongkai Wen‚ Rui Tan and Niki Trigoni
In Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom). 2018.
Details about Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Power Network Electromagnetic Field | BibTeX data for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Power Network Electromagnetic Field | Download slides.key of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Power Network Electromagnetic Field | Download [MobiCom2018]emr_slam.pdf of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Power Network Electromagnetic Field
Preserving Privacy in Smart Homes: A Socio−Cultural Approach
Martin J Kraemer
In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Pages to appear. ACM. 2018.
Details about Preserving Privacy in Smart Homes: A Socio−Cultural Approach | BibTeX data for Preserving Privacy in Smart Homes: A Socio−Cultural Approach
Researching Privacy in Smart Homes: A Roadmap of Future Research Directions and Research Methods
Martin J Kraemer and Ivan Flechais
In Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT. Pages to appear. IET. 2018.
Details about Researching Privacy in Smart Homes: A Roadmap of Future Research Directions and Research Methods | BibTeX data for Researching Privacy in Smart Homes: A Roadmap of Future Research Directions and Research Methods | Download (pdf) of Researching Privacy in Smart Homes: A Roadmap of Future Research Directions and Research Methods
'It's Reducing a Human Being to a Percentage'; Perceptions of Justice in Algorithmic Decisions
Reuben Binns‚ Max Van Kleek‚ Michael Veale‚ Ulrik Lyngs‚ Jun Zhao and Nigel Shadbolt
In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2018.
Details about 'It's Reducing a Human Being to a Percentage'; Perceptions of Justice in Algorithmic Decisions | BibTeX data for 'It's Reducing a Human Being to a Percentage'; Perceptions of Justice in Algorithmic Decisions
X−ray refine: Supporting the exploration and refinement of information exposure resulting from smartphone apps
M Van Kleek‚ RDP Binns‚ J Zhao‚ A Slack‚ S Lee‚ D Ottewell and N Shadbolt
In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2018.
Details about X−ray refine: Supporting the exploration and refinement of information exposure resulting from smartphone apps | BibTeX data for X−ray refine: Supporting the exploration and refinement of information exposure resulting from smartphone apps
If you can't understand it‚ you can't properly assess it! The reality of assessing security risks in Internet of Things systems
Jason R. C. Nurse‚ Petar Radanliev‚ Sadie Creese and David De Roure
In Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT Conference. IET. 2018.
To appear
Details about If you can't understand it‚ you can't properly assess it! The reality of assessing security risks in Internet of Things systems | BibTeX data for If you can't understand it‚ you can't properly assess it! The reality of assessing security risks in Internet of Things systems | Download (pdf) of If you can't understand it‚ you can't properly assess it! The reality of assessing security risks in Internet of Things systems
An Ethics Framework for Research into Heterogeneous Systems
Jassim Happa‚ Jason R C Nurse‚ Michael Goldsmith‚ Sadie Creese and Rebecca Williams
In Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT Conference. IET. 2018.
To appear
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My Bank Already Gets this Data: Exposure Minimisation and Company Relationships in Privacy Decision−Making
Reuben Binns‚ Jun Zhao‚ Max Van Kleek‚ Nigel Shadbolt‚ Ilaria Liccardi and Daniel Weitzner
In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Pages 2403–2409. ACM. 2017.
Details about My Bank Already Gets this Data: Exposure Minimisation and Company Relationships in Privacy Decision−Making | BibTeX data for My Bank Already Gets this Data: Exposure Minimisation and Company Relationships in Privacy Decision−Making
Better the devil you know: Exposing the data sharing practices of smartphone apps
Van Kleek‚ Max‚ Ilaria Liccardi‚ Reuben Binns‚ Jun Zhao‚ Daniel J Weitzner and Nigel Shadbolt
In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Pages 5208–5220. ACM. 2017.
Details about Better the devil you know: Exposing the data sharing practices of smartphone apps | BibTeX data for Better the devil you know: Exposing the data sharing practices of smartphone apps
An Assessment of the Security and Transparency Procedural Components of the Estonian Internet Voting System
Jason R.C. Nurse; Ioannis Agrafiotis; Arnau Erola; Maria Bada; Taylor Roberts; Meredydd Williams; Michael Goldsmith; Sadie Creese
In International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security‚ Privacy and Trust at the 19th International Conference on Human−Computer Interaction (HCII). Springer. 2017.
Details about An Assessment of the Security and Transparency Procedural Components of the Estonian Internet Voting System | BibTeX data for An Assessment of the Security and Transparency Procedural Components of the Estonian Internet Voting System | Download (pdf) of An Assessment of the Security and Transparency Procedural Components of the Estonian Internet Voting System | DOI (10.1007/978-3-319-58460-7_26)
ToARist: An Augmented Reality Tourism App created through User−Centred Design
Meredydd Williams‚ Kelvin Yao and Jason R. C. Nurse
In 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference (BHCI). BCS. 2017.
Details about ToARist: An Augmented Reality Tourism App created through User−Centred Design | BibTeX data for ToARist: An Augmented Reality Tourism App created through User−Centred Design | Download (pdf) of ToARist: An Augmented Reality Tourism App created through User−Centred Design | Download (pdf) of ToARist: An Augmented Reality Tourism App created through User−Centred Design
Unwinding Ariadne's Identity Thread: Privacy Risks with Fitness Trackers and Online Social Networks
Angeliki Aktypi‚ Jason R.C. Nurse and Michael Goldsmith
In Proceedings of the 2017 International Workshop on Multimedia Privacy and Security (MPS '17). ACM. October, 2017.
Details about Unwinding Ariadne's Identity Thread: Privacy Risks with Fitness Trackers and Online Social Networks | BibTeX data for Unwinding Ariadne's Identity Thread: Privacy Risks with Fitness Trackers and Online Social Networks | Download (pdf) of Unwinding Ariadne's Identity Thread: Privacy Risks with Fitness Trackers and Online Social Networks | DOI (10.1145/3137616.3137617)
Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms
M. Koene A. Perez Vallejos E. Webb H. Patel M. Ceppi S. Jirotka and D. McAuley
In Orbit. 2017.
Details about Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms | BibTeX data for Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms
Algorithmic fairness in online information mediating systems.
M. Koene A. Perez Vallejos E. Webb H. Patel M. Jirotka M. Ceppi S. Rovatsos and G Lane
Details about Algorithmic fairness in online information mediating systems. | BibTeX data for Algorithmic fairness in online information mediating systems.
Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations
R Housley W. Webb H. Edwards A. Procter and M. Jirotka
In Discourse & Communication. 2017.
Details about Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations | BibTeX data for Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations
Nuance‚ Societal Dynamics and Responsibility in Addressing Misinformation in the post truth era
H Webb and M Jirotka
In Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 2017.
Details about Nuance‚ Societal Dynamics and Responsibility in Addressing Misinformation in the post truth era | BibTeX data for Nuance‚ Societal Dynamics and Responsibility in Addressing Misinformation in the post truth era
Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data
M Housley W. Webb H. Edwards A. Procter R. and Jirotka
In Qualitative Research‚ Special Issue: Qualitative Methods and Data in Digital Societies. 2017.
Details about Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data | BibTeX data for Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data
The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination
B.C. et al Webb H. Jirotka M. Stahl
Details about The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination | BibTeX data for The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination
Authority as an Interactional Achievement: Exploring Deference to Smart Devices in Hospital−Based Resuscitation
Patel M. Hartswood M. Webb H. Gobbi M. Monger E. and M Jirotka
In Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 2017.
Details about Authority as an Interactional Achievement: Exploring Deference to Smart Devices in Hospital−Based Resuscitation | BibTeX data for Authority as an Interactional Achievement: Exploring Deference to Smart Devices in Hospital−Based Resuscitation
Digital Wildfires: Propagation‚ Verification‚ Regulation‚ and Responsible Innovation
Helena Webb‚ Pete Burnap‚ Rob Procter‚ Omer Rana‚ Bernd Carsten Stahl‚ Matthew Williams‚ William Housley‚ Adam Edwards and Marina Jirotka
In ACM Trans. Inf. Syst.. Vol. 34. No. 3. Pages 15:1–15:23. April, 2016.
Details about Digital Wildfires: Propagation‚ Verification‚ Regulation‚ and Responsible Innovation | BibTeX data for Digital Wildfires: Propagation‚ Verification‚ Regulation‚ and Responsible Innovation | DOI (10.1145/2893478) | Link to Digital Wildfires: Propagation‚ Verification‚ Regulation‚ and Responsible Innovation
The Ethical Implications of HCI's Turn to the Cultural
Steve Benford‚ Chris Greenhalgh‚ Bob Anderson‚ Rachel Jacobs‚ Mike Golembewski‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Bernd Carsten Stahl‚ Job Timmermans‚ Gabriella Giannachi‚ Matt Adams‚ Ju Row Farr‚ Nick Tandavanitj and Kirsty Jennings
In ACM Transactions on Computer−Human Interaction (TOCHI). Vol. 22. No. 5. Pages 24:1–24:37. August, 2015.
Details about The Ethical Implications of HCI's Turn to the Cultural | BibTeX data for The Ethical Implications of HCI's Turn to the Cultural | Download (pdf) of The Ethical Implications of HCI's Turn to the Cultural | DOI (10.1145/2775107)
Digital Wildfires: a challenge to the governance of social media?
B. et al. Webb H. Jirotka M. Carsten Stahl
In Proceedings of the 2105 ACM Web Science conference. 2015.
Details about Digital Wildfires: a challenge to the governance of social media? | BibTeX data for Digital Wildfires: a challenge to the governance of social media?
Digital wildfires: hyper−connectivity‚ havoc and a global ethos to govern social media
B. et al. Webb H. Jirotka M. Carsten Stahl
In Computers and Society 45(3)‚ 193−201. 2015.
Details about Digital wildfires: hyper−connectivity‚ havoc and a global ethos to govern social media | BibTeX data for Digital wildfires: hyper−connectivity‚ havoc and a global ethos to govern social media
From Computer Ethics to Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT: The transition of reference discourses informing ethics−related research in information systems
Bernd Carsten Stahl‚ Grace Eden‚ Marina Jirotka and Mark Coeckelbergh
In Information & Management. 2014.
Details about From Computer Ethics to Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT: The transition of reference discourses informing ethics−related research in information systems | BibTeX data for From Computer Ethics to Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT: The transition of reference discourses informing ethics−related research in information systems | Link to From Computer Ethics to Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT: The transition of reference discourses informing ethics−related research in information systems
Towards a Closer Dialogue between Policy and Practice: Responsible Design in HCI
Barbara Grimpe‚ Mark Hartswood and Marina Jirotka
Pages 2965−2974. ACM. 2014.
Details about Towards a Closer Dialogue between Policy and Practice: Responsible Design in HCI | BibTeX data for Towards a Closer Dialogue between Policy and Practice: Responsible Design in HCI | Link to Towards a Closer Dialogue between Policy and Practice: Responsible Design in HCI
Towards the Ethical Governance of Smart Society
Mark Hartswood‚ Barbara Grimpe‚ Marina Jirotka and Stuart Anderson
In Daniele Miorandi‚ Vincenzo Maltese‚ Michael Rovatsos‚ Anton Nijholt and James Stuart, editors, Social Collective Intelligence. Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smarter Society. Pages 3−30. Springer, Berlin. 2014.
Details about Towards the Ethical Governance of Smart Society | BibTeX data for Towards the Ethical Governance of Smart Society | Link to Towards the Ethical Governance of Smart Society
Responsible Innovation in Financial Markets: A Research Programme
Barbara Grimpe‚ Mark Hartswood‚ Keren Asante‚ Richard Owen and Marina Jirotka
Details about Responsible Innovation in Financial Markets: A Research Programme | BibTeX data for Responsible Innovation in Financial Markets: A Research Programme | Link to Responsible Innovation in Financial Markets: A Research Programme
Embedded Interaction: The Accomplishment of Actions in Everyday and Video−mediated Environments
Paul Luff‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Naomi Yamashita‚ Hideaki Kuzuoka‚ Christian Heath and Grace Eden
In Transactions on Computer−Human Interaction (TOCHI). Vol. 20. Pages 1−22. 2013.
Details about Embedded Interaction: The Accomplishment of Actions in Everyday and Video−mediated Environments | BibTeX data for Embedded Interaction: The Accomplishment of Actions in Everyday and Video−mediated Environments | DOI (10.1145/2442106.2442112)
Towards Ethical Governance of Social Machines
Mark Hartswood‚ Barbara Grimpe and Marina Jirotka
Details about Towards Ethical Governance of Social Machines | BibTeX data for Towards Ethical Governance of Social Machines
Responsible Research and Innovation: Critical reflection into the potential social consequences of ICT
Grace Eden‚ Marina Jirotka and Bernd Stahl
Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS)‚ 2013 Seventh International Conference. 2013.
Details about Responsible Research and Innovation: Critical reflection into the potential social consequences of ICT | BibTeX data for Responsible Research and Innovation: Critical reflection into the potential social consequences of ICT | Link to Responsible Research and Innovation: Critical reflection into the potential social consequences of ICT
Responsible research and innovation in Information and Communication Technology
Bernd Stahl‚ Grace Eden and Marina Jirotka
In R. Owen‚ J. Bessant and M. Heintz, editors, Responsible Innovation. Chichester: Wiley & Sons. 2013.
Details about Responsible research and innovation in Information and Communication Technology | BibTeX data for Responsible research and innovation in Information and Communication Technology
Supporting Scientific Collaboration: Methods‚ Tools and Concepts
Marina Jirotka‚ Charlotte P. Lee and Gary M. Olson
In Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Vol. 22. No. 4−6. Pages 667−715. 2013.
Details about Supporting Scientific Collaboration: Methods‚ Tools and Concepts | BibTeX data for Supporting Scientific Collaboration: Methods‚ Tools and Concepts | DOI (10.1007/s10606-012-9184-0) | Link to Supporting Scientific Collaboration: Methods‚ Tools and Concepts
Interpreting digital images beyond just the visual: crossmodal practices in medieval musicology
Grace Eden‚ Marina Jirotka and Eric Meyer
In Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 37(1)‚ special issue in Computational Picturing. Pages 69−85. 2012.
Details about Interpreting digital images beyond just the visual: crossmodal practices in medieval musicology | BibTeX data for Interpreting digital images beyond just the visual: crossmodal practices in medieval musicology
Position Paper on Responsible Research and Innovation
Marina Jirotka‚ Grace Eden and Bernd Stahl
March, 2012.
Details about Position Paper on Responsible Research and Innovation | BibTeX data for Position Paper on Responsible Research and Innovation | Link to Position Paper on Responsible Research and Innovation
Digital images of medieval music documents: transforming research processes and knowledge production in musicology.
Grace Eden and Marina Jirotka
January, 2012.
Details about Digital images of medieval music documents: transforming research processes and knowledge production in musicology. | BibTeX data for Digital images of medieval music documents: transforming research processes and knowledge production in musicology.
Interactional Validity: Assessing technologies to support embodied activities
Paul Luff‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Naomi Yamashita‚ Hideaki Kuzuoka‚ Grace de la Flor and Christian Heath
Details about Interactional Validity: Assessing technologies to support embodied activities | BibTeX data for Interactional Validity: Assessing technologies to support embodied activities | Download (pdf) of Interactional Validity: Assessing technologies to support embodied activities
Talk and sound: audible phenomena and the design of novel technologies for collaboration
Grace de la Flor and Marina Jirotka
Working with sound: language‚ music and beyond‚ 5 March 2011‚ Phonetics Laboratory‚ Oxford University.. March, 2011.
Details about Talk and sound: audible phenomena and the design of novel technologies for collaboration | BibTeX data for Talk and sound: audible phenomena and the design of novel technologies for collaboration | Link to Talk and sound: audible phenomena and the design of novel technologies for collaboration
Accessing Medieval Music: from material codex to digital specimen
Grace de la Flor‚ Marina Jirotka and Eric T. Meyer
March, 2011.
Details about Accessing Medieval Music: from material codex to digital specimen | BibTeX data for Accessing Medieval Music: from material codex to digital specimen | Link to Accessing Medieval Music: from material codex to digital specimen
The Case of the Disappearing Ox: Seeing Through Digital Images to an Analysis of Ancient Texts
Grace de la Flor‚ Paul Luff‚ Marina Jirotka‚ John Pybus‚ Ruth Kirkham and Annamaria Carusi
Pages 473−482. April, 2010.
Details about The Case of the Disappearing Ox: Seeing Through Digital Images to an Analysis of Ancient Texts | BibTeX data for The Case of the Disappearing Ox: Seeing Through Digital Images to an Analysis of Ancient Texts | DOI (10.1145/1753326.1753397) | Link to The Case of the Disappearing Ox: Seeing Through Digital Images to an Analysis of Ancient Texts
Reconfiguring practice: the interdependence of experimental procedure and computing infrastructure in distributed earthquake engineering
Grace de la Flor‚ Mobin Ojaghi‚ Ignacio Lamata Martínez‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Martin S. Williams and Anthony Blakeborough
In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical‚ Physical and Engineering Sciences. Vol. 368. No. 1926. Pages 4073−4088. 2010.
Details about Reconfiguring practice: the interdependence of experimental procedure and computing infrastructure in distributed earthquake engineering | BibTeX data for Reconfiguring practice: the interdependence of experimental procedure and computing infrastructure in distributed earthquake engineering | DOI (10.1098/rsta.2010.0140) | Link to Reconfiguring practice: the interdependence of experimental procedure and computing infrastructure in distributed earthquake engineering
Transforming scholarly practice: embedding technological interventions to support the collaborative analysis of ancient texts
Grace de la Flor‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Paul Luff‚ John Pybus and Ruth Kirkham
In Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work‚ 19(3/4). Pages 309−334. 2010.
Details about Transforming scholarly practice: embedding technological interventions to support the collaborative analysis of ancient texts | BibTeX data for Transforming scholarly practice: embedding technological interventions to support the collaborative analysis of ancient texts | Link to Transforming scholarly practice: embedding technological interventions to support the collaborative analysis of ancient texts
Embedding e−Research Applications: Designing for Usability
Grace de la Flor‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Sharon Lloyd and Andrew Warr
In Dutton‚ W. and Jeffreys‚ P. (eds). World Wide Research: Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities. Cambridge‚ MA: MIT Press. 2010.
Details about Embedding e−Research Applications: Designing for Usability | BibTeX data for Embedding e−Research Applications: Designing for Usability
Blurring the distinction between software design and work practice
Grace de la Flor and Marina Jirotka
In 2nd International Symposium on End User Development. March 2−4 2009‚ Siegen‚ Germany. March, 2009.
Details about Blurring the distinction between software design and work practice | BibTeX data for Blurring the distinction between software design and work practice | Link to Blurring the distinction between software design and work practice
Communicating requirements in multidisciplinary teams
Grace de la Flor‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Dimitrina Spencer and Sharon Lloyd
In The Oxford eResearch Conference 2008. 11−13 September 2008. Oxford‚ UK. 2008.
Details about Communicating requirements in multidisciplinary teams | BibTeX data for Communicating requirements in multidisciplinary teams
On the Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for eScience and Integrated Health Record
P. D'Agostino‚ C. Hinds‚ M. Jirotka‚ C. Meyer‚ M. Rahman‚ T. Piper and D. Vaver
In Health Informatics Journal. 2007.
Accepted for publication in special issue on Integrated Care Records
Details about On the Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for eScience and Integrated Health Record | BibTeX data for On the Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for eScience and Integrated Health Record
Usability in e−Science: The eDiaMoND Case Study
A. Warr‚ Grace de la Flor‚ M. Jirotka and S. Lloyd
In CHI International Workshop on Increasing the Impact of Usability Work in Software Development. April 28th – May 3rd. San Jose‚ CA. April, 2007.
Details about Usability in e−Science: The eDiaMoND Case Study | BibTeX data for Usability in e−Science: The eDiaMoND Case Study
Usability in e−Science: The eDiaMoND Case Study.
Andrew Warr‚ Grace de la Flor‚ Marina Jirotka and Sharon Lloyd
In CHI 2007‚ 28 April − 03 May 2007‚ San Jose‚ California. April, 2007.
Details about Usability in e−Science: The eDiaMoND Case Study. | BibTeX data for Usability in e−Science: The eDiaMoND Case Study.
Realising and Supporting Collaboration in e−Research Workshop
A. Voss‚ R. Procter‚ M. Poschen‚ T. Rodden‚ G. Olson‚ R. Slack‚ M. Hartswood‚ M. Jirotka‚ A. Carusi and S. Budweg
In ECSCW 07. Limerick‚ Ireland. 2007.
Details about Realising and Supporting Collaboration in e−Research Workshop | BibTeX data for Realising and Supporting Collaboration in e−Research Workshop
Project Management in e−Science.
Andy Warr‚ Sharon Lloyd‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Grace de la Flor‚ Ralph Schroeder and Mustie Rahman
Oxford e−Research Centre‚ Oxford University‚ UK. 2007.
Details about Project Management in e−Science. | BibTeX data for Project Management in e−Science. | Download (pdf) of Project Management in e−Science.
Embedding e−Science Applications: Challenges from the eDiaMoND Case Study.
Andy Warr‚ Grace de la Flor‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Sharon Lloyd‚ Ralph Schroeder and Mustie Rahman
Oxford e−Research Centre‚ Oxford University‚ UK. 2007.
Details about Embedding e−Science Applications: Challenges from the eDiaMoND Case Study. | BibTeX data for Embedding e−Science Applications: Challenges from the eDiaMoND Case Study. | Download (pdf) of Embedding e−Science Applications: Challenges from the eDiaMoND Case Study.
e−Research Infrastructure Development and Community Engagement
A. Voss‚ M. Mascord‚ M. Fraser‚ M. Jirotka‚ R. Procter‚ P. Halfpenny‚ D. Fergusson‚ M. Atkinson‚ S. Dunn‚ T. Blanke‚ L. Hughes and S. Anderson
In All Hands Meeting. 2007.
Details about e−Research Infrastructure Development and Community Engagement | BibTeX data for e−Research Infrastructure Development and Community Engagement
Designing software in support of workplace activities − embedding e−science applications.
Grace de la Flor‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Andrew Warr and Sharon Lloyd
In Third International Conference on e−Social Science. October 7−9‚ 2007‚ Ann Arbor‚ Michigan. October, 2007.
Details about Designing software in support of workplace activities − embedding e−science applications. | BibTeX data for Designing software in support of workplace activities − embedding e−science applications. | Download (pdf) of Designing software in support of workplace activities − embedding e−science applications.
IP Rights in Medical Data in a Grid Environment (IMaGE): Challenges to Copyright Law
G. D'Agostino‚ C. Hinds‚ M. Jirotka‚ C. Meyer‚ T. Piper and D. Vaver
In The First International Conference on Legal‚ Privacy and Security Issues in IT. Hamburg‚ Germany. April, 2006.
Details about IP Rights in Medical Data in a Grid Environment (IMaGE): Challenges to Copyright Law | BibTeX data for IP Rights in Medical Data in a Grid Environment (IMaGE): Challenges to Copyright Law
The IMaGE Project: IP Rights in Medical Data in a Grid Environment
G. D'Agostino‚ C. Hinds‚ M. Jirotka‚ C. Meyer‚ T. Piper and D. Vaver
In KnowRight Conference. Vienna. 2006.
Details about The IMaGE Project: IP Rights in Medical Data in a Grid Environment | BibTeX data for The IMaGE Project: IP Rights in Medical Data in a Grid Environment
Post−Genomic Science: Cross−disciplinary and Large−Scale Collaborative Research and its Organisational and Technological Implications for the Scientific Research Process
M. Jirotka‚ E. Welsh and D. Gavaghan
In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Vol. 364. No. 1843. Pages 1533−1549. 2006.
Details about Post−Genomic Science: Cross−disciplinary and Large−Scale Collaborative Research and its Organisational and Technological Implications for the Scientific Research Process | BibTeX data for Post−Genomic Science: Cross−disciplinary and Large−Scale Collaborative Research and its Organisational and Technological Implications for the Scientific Research Process | DOI (10.1098/rsta.2006.1785) | Link to Post−Genomic Science: Cross−disciplinary and Large−Scale Collaborative Research and its Organisational and Technological Implications for the Scientific Research Process
Special Issue on Collaboration in eResearch
M. Jirotka‚ R. Procter‚ Rodden T. and G. Bowker
In Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 2006.
Details about Special Issue on Collaboration in eResearch | BibTeX data for Special Issue on Collaboration in eResearch
Supporting Requirements with Video−based Analysis
Marina Jirotka and Paul Luff
In IEEE Software Magazine. Vol. 23. No. 3. Pages 42−44. 2006.
Details about Supporting Requirements with Video−based Analysis | BibTeX data for Supporting Requirements with Video−based Analysis
Collaboration and trust in healthcare innovation: the eDiaMoND case study
M. Jirotka‚ M. Procter‚ R. Hartswood‚ C. Slack‚ A. C. Simpson‚ C. Coopmans‚ C. Hinds and A. Voss
In Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Vol. 14. Pages 369–398. 2006.
Details about Collaboration and trust in healthcare innovation: the eDiaMoND case study | BibTeX data for Collaboration and trust in healthcare innovation: the eDiaMoND case study
Usability Research Challenges for Cyberinfrastructure and Tools
Rob Procter‚ Christine Borgman‚ Geof Bowker‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Gary Olsen‚ Cherri Pancake‚ Tom Rodden and M.C. Schraefel
In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems‚ Workshops‚ Vol. 2. Pages 1675−1678. 2006.
Details about Usability Research Challenges for Cyberinfrastructure and Tools | BibTeX data for Usability Research Challenges for Cyberinfrastructure and Tools
Ethical‚ Legal and Institutional Dynamics of the e−Sciences
W.D. Dutton‚ M. Jirotka and R. Schroeder
University of Oxford. 2006.
Submitted to NCeSS Working Paper Series
Details about Ethical‚ Legal and Institutional Dynamics of the e−Sciences | BibTeX data for Ethical‚ Legal and Institutional Dynamics of the e−Sciences
Designing for e−Health : Recurring Scenarios in Developing Grid−based Medical Imaging Systems
Jenny Ure‚ John Geddes‚ Clare Mackay‚ Sharon Lloyd‚ Andrew Simpson‚ David Power‚ Douglas Russell‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Mila Katzarova‚ Martin Rossor‚ Nick Fox‚ Jonathon Fletcher‚ Derek Hill‚ Kate McLeish‚ Yu Chen‚ Joseph V Hajnal‚ Stephen Lawrie‚ Dominic Job‚ Andrew McIntosh‚ Joanna Wardlaw‚ Peter Sandercock‚ Jeb Palmer‚ Dave Perry‚ Robert Procter‚ Mark Hartswood‚ Roger Slack‚ Alexander Voss‚ Kate Ho‚ Philip Bath‚ Wim Clarke and Graham Watson
In HealthGrid. June, 2006.
Details about Designing for e−Health : Recurring Scenarios in Developing Grid−based Medical Imaging Systems | BibTeX data for Designing for e−Health : Recurring Scenarios in Developing Grid−based Medical Imaging Systems
Building Virtual Research Environments and User Engagement
A. Carusi and M. Jirotka
In Second International Conference on e−Social Science. Manchester‚ UK. June, 2006.
Details about Building Virtual Research Environments and User Engagement | BibTeX data for Building Virtual Research Environments and User Engagement
Collaboration and trust in healthcare innovation: the eDiaMoND case study
M. Jirotka‚ M. Procter‚ R. Hartswood‚ C. Slack‚ A. C. Simpson‚ C. Coopmans‚ C. Hinds and A. Voss
In Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Vol. 14. Pages 369–398. 2006.
Details about Collaboration and trust in healthcare innovation: the eDiaMoND case study | BibTeX data for Collaboration and trust in healthcare innovation: the eDiaMoND case study
Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in Medical Data in Collaborative Computing Environments
C. Hinds‚ M. Jirotka‚ D. Vaver‚ C. Mayer‚ G. d'Agostine and T. Piper
In First International Conference on e−Social Science. Manchester. June, 2005.
Details about Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in Medical Data in Collaborative Computing Environments | BibTeX data for Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in Medical Data in Collaborative Computing Environments
Digital mammography: a world without film?
S. Lloyd‚ M. Jirotka‚ A. C. Simpson‚ R. P. Highnam‚ D. J. Gavaghan‚ D. Watson and J. M. Brady
In Methods of Information in Medicine. Vol. 44. No. 2. Pages 168–169. 2005.
Details about Digital mammography: a world without film? | BibTeX data for Digital mammography: a world without film?
Collaboration and Trust in Healthcare Innovation: The eDiaMoND Case Study
Marina Jirotka‚ Rob Procter‚ Mark Hartswood‚ Roger Slack‚ Andrew Simpson‚ Catelijne Coopmans‚ Chris Hinds and Alex Voss
In Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Vol. 14. No. 4. Pages 369−398. 2005.
Details about Collaboration and Trust in Healthcare Innovation: The eDiaMoND Case Study | BibTeX data for Collaboration and Trust in Healthcare Innovation: The eDiaMoND Case Study | DOI (10.1007/s10606-005-9001-0)
Working IT Out in e−Science: Experiences of Requirements Capture in a HealthGrid Project
M. Hartswood‚ M. Jirotka‚ R. Procter‚ R. Slack‚ A. Voss and S. Lloyd
In Proceedings of HealthGrid Oxford. 2005.
Details about Working IT Out in e−Science: Experiences of Requirements Capture in a HealthGrid Project | BibTeX data for Working IT Out in e−Science: Experiences of Requirements Capture in a HealthGrid Project
e−DiaMoND: the UK's national digital mammography database
J. M. Brady‚ F. Gilbert‚ S. Lloyd‚ M. Jirotka‚ D. J. Gavaghan‚ A. C. Simpson‚ R. P. Ralph Highnam‚ T. Bowles‚ D. Schottlander‚ D. McCabe‚ D. Watson‚ B. Collins‚ J. Williams‚ A. Knox‚ M. Oevers and P. Taylor
In Proceedings of IWDM 2004. 2004.
Details about e−DiaMoND: the UK's national digital mammography database | BibTeX data for e−DiaMoND: the UK's national digital mammography database
Requirements for Trust in Healthcare Innovation
M. Jirotka‚ C. Hinds‚ S. Lloyd‚ R. Procter and R. Soutter
In Proceedings of the 2004 UK e−Science All Hands Meeting. 2004.
Details about Requirements for Trust in Healthcare Innovation | BibTeX data for Requirements for Trust in Healthcare Innovation
Digital mammography: a world without film?
S. Lloyd‚ M. Jirotka‚ A. C. Simpson‚ R. P. Highnam‚ D. J. Gavaghan‚ D. Watson and J. M. Brady
In Proceedings of HealthGrid 2004‚ Claremont‚ France. 2004.
Details about Digital mammography: a world without film? | BibTeX data for Digital mammography: a world without film?
Communicating Sequential Activities: An Investigation into the Modelling of Collaborative Action for System Design
Marina Jirotka and Paul Luff
In B. Gorayska and J.L. May, editors, Cognition and Technology: Co−Existence‚ Conversion‚ Co−Evolution. John Benjamin Publishing Company, Amsterdam. 2004.
Details about Communicating Sequential Activities: An Investigation into the Modelling of Collaborative Action for System Design | BibTeX data for Communicating Sequential Activities: An Investigation into the Modelling of Collaborative Action for System Design
Grid−Based Mammography Training
M. Jirotka‚ J. Soutter‚ J. Campos‚ M. Hartswood‚ R. Procter‚ R. Slack and P. Taylor
In Hospital. Vol. 5. No. 6. 2003.
Details about Grid−Based Mammography Training | BibTeX data for Grid−Based Mammography Training
Social Thinking − Software Practice
Yvonne Dittrich‚ Christiane Floyd and Ralf Klischewski, editors
Details about Social Thinking − Software Practice | BibTeX data for Social Thinking − Software Practice
Representing and Modeling Collaborative Practices for Systems Development
Marina Jirotka and Paul Luff
In Social Thinking − Software Practice. Pages 111−139. 2002.
Details about Representing and Modeling Collaborative Practices for Systems Development | BibTeX data for Representing and Modeling Collaborative Practices for Systems Development
Technological Support for Co−present and Distributed Collaborative Work
Marina Jirotka
21st Century Command. March, 2001.
Details about Technological Support for Co−present and Distributed Collaborative Work | BibTeX data for Technological Support for Co−present and Distributed Collaborative Work
Supporting Command Competencies
Marina Jirotka
21st Century Command. March, 2001.
Details about Supporting Command Competencies | BibTeX data for Supporting Command Competencies
Surveying the scene: technologies for everyday awareness and monitoring in control rooms
Paul Luff‚ Christian Heath and Marina Jirotka
In Interacting with Computers. Vol. 13. No. 2. Pages 193−228. 2000.
Details about Surveying the scene: technologies for everyday awareness and monitoring in control rooms | BibTeX data for Surveying the scene: technologies for everyday awareness and monitoring in control rooms
Analysing the Workplace and User Requirements: Challenges for the Development of Methods for Requirements Engineering
Marina Jirotka and Lincoln Wallen
In Paul Luff‚ Jon Hindmarsh and Christian Heath, editors, Work‚ Interaction and Technology. Cambridge University Press. 2000.
Details about Analysing the Workplace and User Requirements: Challenges for the Development of Methods for Requirements Engineering | BibTeX data for Analysing the Workplace and User Requirements: Challenges for the Development of Methods for Requirements Engineering
Understanding Collaborative Environments
Marina Jirotka
In Smith Institute Workshop on Collaborative Environments. April, 1999.
Details about Understanding Collaborative Environments | BibTeX data for Understanding Collaborative Environments
The Evaluation of Collaborative Virtual Environments for Joint Battlespace Digitisation: An Ethnographic Approach
Richard Tolcher and Marina Jirotka
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). December, 1999.
Details about The Evaluation of Collaborative Virtual Environments for Joint Battlespace Digitisation: An Ethnographic Approach | BibTeX data for The Evaluation of Collaborative Virtual Environments for Joint Battlespace Digitisation: An Ethnographic Approach
Supporting Collaborative Work
Marina Jirotka
In DERA Workshop on Collaborative Systems. March, 1999.
Details about Supporting Collaborative Work | BibTeX data for Supporting Collaborative Work
Re−presenting Work Practice
Marina Jirotka
In Dagstuhl−Seminar 99361. Social Thinking–Software Practice. September, 1999.
Details about Re−presenting Work Practice | BibTeX data for Re−presenting Work Practice
Overview of User−Centred and Ethnographic Methods with Conditions of Use
Owen Daly−Jones‚ Nigel Bevan‚ Lincoln Wallen‚ Peter Houghton and Marina Jirotka
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). March, 1999.
Details about Overview of User−Centred and Ethnographic Methods with Conditions of Use | BibTeX data for Overview of User−Centred and Ethnographic Methods with Conditions of Use
Feasibility Study for Electronic Panel Meetings
Marina Jirotka and Lincoln Wallen
The Smith Group Limited. April, 1999.
Details about Feasibility Study for Electronic Panel Meetings | BibTeX data for Feasibility Study for Electronic Panel Meetings
Tutorial on Video Supported Ethnography for Requirements Capture and Analysis
Marina Jirotka
In International Conference on Requirements Engineering (ICRE98). Colorado Springs‚ USA. April, 1998.
Details about Tutorial on Video Supported Ethnography for Requirements Capture and Analysis | BibTeX data for Tutorial on Video Supported Ethnography for Requirements Capture and Analysis
Tutorial on Video Supported Ethnography for Requirements Capture and Analysis
Marina Jirotka
In CEIRE Conference on European Industrial Requirements Engineering. London‚ UK. October, 1998.
Details about Tutorial on Video Supported Ethnography for Requirements Capture and Analysis | BibTeX data for Tutorial on Video Supported Ethnography for Requirements Capture and Analysis
Review of 19k11 Findings and Method of the Joint Operational Picture
Marina Jirotka and Lincoln Wallen
No. CSM(1053). DERA. March, 1998.
Details about Review of 19k11 Findings and Method of the Joint Operational Picture | BibTeX data for Review of 19k11 Findings and Method of the Joint Operational Picture
Interactional Resources for the Support of Collaborative Activities: Common Problems in the Design of Technologies to Support Groups and Communities
Paul Luff and Marina Jirotka
In Community Computing and Support Systems. Pages 249−266. 1998.
Details about Interactional Resources for the Support of Collaborative Activities: Common Problems in the Design of Technologies to Support Groups and Communities | BibTeX data for Interactional Resources for the Support of Collaborative Activities: Common Problems in the Design of Technologies to Support Groups and Communities | Link to Interactional Resources for the Support of Collaborative Activities: Common Problems in the Design of Technologies to Support Groups and Communities
Community Computing and Support Systems‚ Social Interaction in Networked Communities [the book is based on the Kyoto Meeting on Social Interaction and Communityware‚ held in Kyoto‚ Japan‚ in June 1998]
Toru Ishida, editor
Details about Community Computing and Support Systems‚ Social Interaction in Networked Communities [the book is based on the Kyoto Meeting on Social Interaction and Communityware‚ held in Kyoto‚ Japan‚ in June 1998] | BibTeX data for Community Computing and Support Systems‚ Social Interaction in Networked Communities [the book is based on the Kyoto Meeting on Social Interaction and Communityware‚ held in Kyoto‚ Japan‚ in June 1998]
Analyses of Call−Taking and Requirements for System Support
Marina Jirotka
BT. March, 1996.
Details about Analyses of Call−Taking and Requirements for System Support | BibTeX data for Analyses of Call−Taking and Requirements for System Support
Ethnography by Video for Requirements Capture
Marina Jirotka‚ Christian Heath and Paul Luff
In RE. Pages 190−193. 1995.
Details about Ethnography by Video for Requirements Capture | BibTeX data for Ethnography by Video for Requirements Capture | Link to Ethnography by Video for Requirements Capture
A Handbook for Video Based Requirements Elicitation
Marina Jirotka and Martin Aylett
Oxford University Computing Laboratory. 1995.
Details about A Handbook for Video Based Requirements Elicitation | BibTeX data for A Handbook for Video Based Requirements Elicitation
Unpacking Collaboration: the Interactional Organisation of Trading in a City Dealing Room
Christian Heath‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Paul Luff and Jon Hindmarsh
In Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Vol. 3. No. 2. Pages 147−165. 1994.
Details about Unpacking Collaboration: the Interactional Organisation of Trading in a City Dealing Room | BibTeX data for Unpacking Collaboration: the Interactional Organisation of Trading in a City Dealing Room
Video Based Requirements Elicitation: A Friendly Guide
Marina Jirotka and Martin Aylett
Oxford University Computing Laboratory. March, 1994.
Details about Video Based Requirements Elicitation: A Friendly Guide | BibTeX data for Video Based Requirements Elicitation: A Friendly Guide
Requirements Engineering: Social and Technical Issues
Marina Jirotka and Joseph Goguen, editors
Academic Press. 1994.
Details about Requirements Engineering: Social and Technical Issues | BibTeX data for Requirements Engineering: Social and Technical Issues
Requirements Engineering as the Reconciliation of Social and Technical Issues
Joseph Goguen
Pages 165−199. 1994.
Details about Requirements Engineering as the Reconciliation of Social and Technical Issues | BibTeX data for Requirements Engineering as the Reconciliation of Social and Technical Issues
Marina Jirotka and Joseph Goguen
Pages 1−13. 1994.
Requirements for Technology in Complex Environments: Tasks and Interactions in a City Dealing Room
Marina Jirotka‚ Paul Luff and Christian C. Heath
In ACM SIGOIS Bulletin. Vol. 14. No. 2. December, 1993.
Details about Requirements for Technology in Complex Environments: Tasks and Interactions in a City Dealing Room | BibTeX data for Requirements for Technology in Complex Environments: Tasks and Interactions in a City Dealing Room
Video Based Requirements Elicitation
Marina Jirotka and Jon Hindmarsh
Oxford University Computing Laboratory. August, 1993.
Details about Video Based Requirements Elicitation | BibTeX data for Video Based Requirements Elicitation
Unpacking Collaboration: The Interactional Organisation of Trading in a City Dealing Room
Christian Heath‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Paul Luff and Jon Hindmarsh
In ECSCW. Pages 163−. 1993.
Details about Unpacking Collaboration: The Interactional Organisation of Trading in a City Dealing Room | BibTeX data for Unpacking Collaboration: The Interactional Organisation of Trading in a City Dealing Room
Techniques for Requirements Elicitation
Joseph Goguen and Charlotte Linde
In Requirements Engineering. Pages 152−164. IEEE. 1993.
Details about Techniques for Requirements Elicitation | BibTeX data for Techniques for Requirements Elicitation
Tasks and Social Interaction: the Relevance of Naturalistic Analyses of Conduct for Requirements Engineering
Paul Luff‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Christian C. Heath and David Greatbatch
In Requirements Engineering. Pages 187−190. IEEE. 1993.
Details about Tasks and Social Interaction: the Relevance of Naturalistic Analyses of Conduct for Requirements Engineering | BibTeX data for Tasks and Social Interaction: the Relevance of Naturalistic Analyses of Conduct for Requirements Engineering
Social Issues in Requirements Engineering
Joseph Goguen
In Requirements Engineering. Pages 194−195. IEEE. 1993.
Details about Social Issues in Requirements Engineering | BibTeX data for Social Issues in Requirements Engineering
Guidelines for Handling Audio Visual Data
Marina Jirotka
Oxford University Computing Laboratory. March, 1993.
Details about Guidelines for Handling Audio Visual Data | BibTeX data for Guidelines for Handling Audio Visual Data
A Practitioner's Handbook of Requirements Engineering Methods
Matthew Bickerton
Oxford University Computing Laboratory. 1992.
Details about A Practitioner's Handbook of Requirements Engineering Methods | BibTeX data for A Practitioner's Handbook of Requirements Engineering Methods
On the Social Organisation of Organisations
Marina Jirotka‚ Paul Luff and G. Nigel Gilbert
In Journal of Computer Supported Co−operative Work. Vol. 1. Pages 95−118. 1992.
Details about On the Social Organisation of Organisations | BibTeX data for On the Social Organisation of Organisations
Making a Big Deal Out of Ethnography
Marina Jirotka‚ Paul Luff and Christian C. Heath
In CSCW92 Workshop on Ethnographic Studies of Work and CSCW System Design. Toronto. 1992.
Details about Making a Big Deal Out of Ethnography | BibTeX data for Making a Big Deal Out of Ethnography
Participation frameworks for computer mediated communication
Marina Jirotka‚ Paul Luff and Nigel Gilbert
In Liam Bannon‚ Mike Robinson and Kjeld Schmidt, editors, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computer−Supported Cooperative Work − ECSCW 91. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1991.
Details about Participation frameworks for computer mediated communication | BibTeX data for Participation frameworks for computer mediated communication
Planning Procedural Advice
G. Nigel Gilbert and Marina Jirotka
In Interacting with Computers. Vol. 2. No. 3. Pages 313−329. 1990.
Details about Planning Procedural Advice | BibTeX data for Planning Procedural Advice
Providing Advice Through Dialogue
N. Gilbert‚ S. Buckland‚ D. Frohlich‚ Marina Jirotka and Paul Luff
In ECAI. Pages 301−307. 1990.
Details about Providing Advice Through Dialogue | BibTeX data for Providing Advice Through Dialogue
The ORBIT Journal−An Online Journal for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT
Bernd Stahl and Marina Jirotka
Details about The ORBIT Journal−An Online Journal for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT | BibTeX data for The ORBIT Journal−An Online Journal for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT | Link to The ORBIT Journal−An Online Journal for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT