- Chaste Chaste - Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment
- Enzyme e-map Modernising Electrochemical Enzymology to Map Electron Transfer (Enzyme e-map)
- Human in silico clinical trials in post myocardial infarction Human in silico clinical trials in post myocardial infarction: mechanistic investigations into phenotypic electromechanical variability and response to treatment
- Accelerating Cancer Research Using Semantics-Driven Technology
- Adaptive finite element computations of nonlinear elasticity problems
- Advanced Fetal Brain Imaging using MRI-informed Ultrasound
- AirPROM Airway Disease Predicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational Modelling
- ARCHER RAP Novel risk-stratification biomarkers from HPC simulations in patients with inherited diseased conditions
- British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellowship In-silico investigation of structural and electrophysiological substrates for sudden cardiac death in human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Cancer Bioinformatics International collaboration in data standards & software engineering for cancer bioinformatics
- CancerGrid CancerGrid: A consortium to develop open standards for clinical cancer informatics
- Chaste Chaste: Developing software for realistic heart simulations
- CompBioMed CompBiomed High Performance Centre of Research Excellence in Computational Biomedicine
- CompBioMed-X Computational Biomedicine at the Exascale (CompBioMed-X)
- CompBioMed2
- Computer to Clinic: Personalised Fluid-Mechanical Models Applied to Heart Failure
- Dissecting heart failure mechanisms Dissecting heart failure mechanisms by integrating in vivo and in vitro data within customised in silico models
- euHeart euHeart: Integration of Cardiovascular Models for the Improved Management of In Silico Disease
- Evolving Health Informatics Evolving Health Informatics: semantic frameworks and metadata-driven architectures
- Generic Infrastructure for Medical Informatics GIMI: Generic Infrastructure for Medical Informatics
- Hospital of the Future Hospital of the Future: Integrated Patient Management in the Digital Hospital
- Image Segmentation Hierarchical Segmentations with Watershed and Waterfall
- Integrating Biological Simulations
- Integrative 3D modelling of ion and proton transport in a heart cell
- Integrative Biology
- Knee MRI segmentation Unsupervised 3D segmentation of knee MRI
- Mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis and defibrillation in ischaemia Integrative computational and experimental study of arrhythmogenesis and defibrillation in acute myocardial ischaemia
- millipede A Decision-Support System for (Renal) Cancer Imaging
- Modelling the Cellular Cardiac-Neural Axis in the control of Myocardial Excitability
- Molecular modelling Stratagems for Effective Function Evaluation in Computational Chemistry
- NC3Rs Infrastructure for Impact Award In Silico human-based methodologies for evaluation of drug safety and efficacy
- NeuroGrid
- OxMedIS Oxford Medical Image Segmentation
- Parametrising biological models with PINTS
- Perfusion control mechanisms in the pulmonary circulation Investigation of perfusion control mechanisms in the pulmonary circulation via a computational model
- PersonalizeAF PersonalizeAF - Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach
- PIC Personalised in Silico Cardiology
- PRACE Project Access In silico drug trials in the beating ischaemic human heart
- preDiCT Computational prediction of drug cardiac toxicity
- Quantitative Systems Toxicology Quantitative Systems Toxicology: Modelling and simulation of cardiac contractility - Development and validation of a computational tool to replace Langendorff isolated heart experiments
- REOL Reasoning for Expressive Ontology Languages
- Research software engineering to facilitate knowledge transfer Case Study. Providing research software engineering to facilitate knowledge transfer: analysis of need and a test case
- Synergy – COPD Modelling and simulation environment for systems medicine (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -COPD- as a use case)
- The Cardiac Electrophysiology Web Lab
- Translating Biochemical Modelling into the Heart of the Clinic
- TransQST Translational quantitative systems toxicology
- TUMOR Transatlantic TUmour MOdel Repositories
- ULICE ULICE: Union of Light-Ion Centres in Europe
- Vaccines Data Management
- VPH NoE Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence
- Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship Safety and efficacy of anti-arrhythmic drug therapy in acute myocardial ischaemia in human. An integrative, multiscale and mechanistic investigation