Trains, cars and planes - security in the fast lane: The increasing relevance of cyber security to connected transport technology
- 14:00 20th May 2016 ( Trinity Term 2016 )Tony Hoare Room, Robert Hooke Building
Some recent quotes from the transport sector sum up the general themes that will be discussed in this talk:
“With the introduction of SESAR and the possibility for the air traffic control to directly give instructions to the aircraft control system, the risks will be multiplied. We need to put in place a structure for alerting airlines on cyber-attacks” - Director, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
“Currently it is far too difficult to carry out a cyber attack which would have a significant impact on the running of the railway, but we recognise that won’t always be the case. The physical threat will remain, but cyber security will be a major issue in the next three to five years.” - Head of cyber security, Network Rail
"It is essential that safety and cybersecurity work together to address possible attacks on electronic vehicles systems." - Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
I will discuss examples of the risks that the transport sector will face in the coming years from different attacker groups with often very different motivations. The talk will then propose secure development approaches rather than bolt-on security solutions that will be needed to address many of these issues.