Modeling and Co-design of Control Tasks over Wireless Networking Protocols: State of the Art and Challenges
Alessandro D’Innocenzo ( University of L’Aquila )
- 14:00 3rd May 2016 ( week 2, Trinity Term 2016 )Room 051
Wireless networked control systems are the integration of physical processes with wireless networked computing units. The co-design of control policies and network configuration must take into account the joint dynamics of operating systems, communication protocols/media and physical devices/processes. In this talk we first give a brief overview of the state-of-the-art on wireless networked control systems. Then we present some recent advances in the co-design of control tasks over wireless networking protocols subject to long term (e.g. failures, malicious attacks, etc) and short term (e.g. dynamic routing, packet drops) networking non-idealities.