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Why the Era of Quantum Utility Must Also be the Era of Responsible Quantum Computing

Dr. Mira L. Wolf-Bauwens ( IBM )

Title: Why the Era of Quantum Utility Must Also be the Era of Responsible Quantum Computing

Abstract: Now that we’ve entered the era of quantum utility, we are using quantum computers as computational tools to access a computational world we’ve never had access to before. This talk is set in the context of the advancements made last year where we were able to to run a circuit beyond the reach of brute-force classical simulations,1 and a suite of other utility-scale experiments followed. As it is expected for this advancement to accelerate similar experiments, the talk reflects on the impact thereof from a societal perspective. Introducing a new technology into the world requires us to be thoughtful — we must research and develop responsibly. This talk discusses initial findings from the research on what responsible quantum computing entails, how it can be operationalised at different levels, and to what extent we can learn from existing responsible computing approaches. 



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