How can users can gain better control over their data?
- 17:00 4th December 2013 ( week 8, Michaelmas Term 2013 )Tony Hoare Room, Robert Hooke Building
In the age of Web 2.0, cloud computing and big data, an increasing amount of personal data are processed and users often have no or little insight or control over what happens with their personal data. This presentation will first briefly discuss emerging privacy issues and will then present how usable privacy-preserving transparency-enhancing tools can provide users with better control over their personal spheres.
Speaker bio
Simone Fischer-Hübner has been a Full Professor at the Computer Science Department of Karlstad University, Sweden, since June 2000, where she is the head of the PriSec (Privacy & Security) research group. She received a Diploma Degree in Computer Science with a minor in Law (1988), and Doctoral (1992) and Habilitation (1999) Degrees in Computer Science from Hamburg University. Her research interests include IT-security, privacy and privacy-enhancing technologies. She was a research assistant/assistant professor at Hamburg University (1988-2000) and a Guest Professor at the Copenhagen Business School (1994-1995) and at Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology (1998-1999). She is the chairperson of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) Working Group 11.6 on “Identity Management” and the Swedish IFIP TC11 representative. Besides, she is member of the NordSec (Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems) steering committee, steering committee member of STINT (the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education), coordinator of the Swedish IT Secure Network for PhD students (funded by MSB in Sweden), and member of the International Editorial Board of the Springer International Journal of Information Security & the Springer International Journal of Trust Management. She has been appointed by the Swedish government as a member of the advisory board the Swedish Data Protection Commissioner- Besides, she is member of the IT Security Advisory Board of the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency).She has contributed to several privacy and security-related national and European Research projects, including the EU Celtic project BUGYO, the FP6 projects PRIME, FIDIS and Newcom and the FP7 projects PrimeLife, Newcom++, A4Cloud and SmartSociety.
She received the Silver Core Award by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in 2001 for her services rendered to IFIP.