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Ana Minchole gave a talk at the 9th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations.

Ana Minchole gave a talk at the 9th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations.

Posted 04/04/2016

Ana Minchole gave a talk on "Human whole-ventricle simulations of transmural reentry promoted by early afterdepolarizations in acute myocardial ischaemia" at the 9th International Conference on Biological Oscillations, that took place in Lancaster, UK, from the 10th-14th of April. 

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk at the conference "Systems Biology – From data to models – A multiscale view on living"

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk at the conference "Systems Biology – From data to models – A multiscale view on living"

Posted 01/03/2016

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk in "What is multi-scale? How to go multi-scale? Why go multi-scale?" at the conference "Systems Biology – From data to models – A multiscale view on living" organised by the Federations in Biology of the University of Lyon (Visalys) and BioSyL. It was held on the 22nd of March at Lyon, France.  

Pablo Laguna from the University of Zaragoza visited us last week.

Pablo Laguna from the University of Zaragoza visited us last week.

Posted 01/03/2016

Pablo Laguna is a Full Professor of Signal Processing and Communications at the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Engineering School, and a Researcher at the Aragón Institute for Engineering Research (I3A), both at the University of Zaragoza. He is also a member of the Spanish Center for Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterial and Nano-medicine Research CIBER-BBN. He is the  head of the Biomedical Signal Interpretation & Computational Simulation (BSICoS) Group at the same University.

He was visiting us on the week of the 1st of Marchs. We presented him the latest researh of our group and we had the opportunity to discuss future joint research. 


Dr Adriano Henney gave a talk at the Department of Computer  Science

Dr Adriano Henney gave a talk at the Department of Computer Science

Posted 03/03/2016

Dr Adriano Henney (Director of the Virtual Physiological Human Institute and Executive Director of the industrial-research partnership Avicenna Alliance for Predictive Medicine, see attached bio) gave a talk entitled "The VPH Institute and the Avicenna Alliance: Advancing Predictive Medicine” on the 7th of March at the Department of Computer Science. 

The talk provided an overview of the joint work by the VPHi and the Avicenna Alliance in shaping the EU Framework Programme for Computational Medicine, and in developing international policy frameworks to support the use of these technologies in medicine. 

Oliver Britton gave a talk at the Oxford 3Rs Research Day

Oliver Britton gave a talk at the Oxford 3Rs Research Day

Posted 01/03/2016

Oliver Britton gave a talk on "In silico human modelling: an alternative to animal experimentation in arrhythmia research and safety pharmacology" at the Oxford 3Rs Research Day. 

The event was held on the 26th of February and it was organised by the Department of Biomedical Services. It covered advances in reduction, refinement and replacement, and featured both local and national speakers. This year it was a focus on experimental design.


The Royal Society International Exchanges

Posted 03/03/2016

We have been awarded The Royal Society International Exchanges grant on “Personalised electro-mechanic cardiac simulation with High Performance Computing” to work together with the High Performance Computational Mechanics Department at The Barcelona Supercomputing Centre.

We have been awarded an ARCHER Leadership Project.

We have been awarded an ARCHER Leadership Project.

Posted 01/03/2016

The Computational Cardiovascular Science team has been awarded an Archer Leadership Project entitled "Safety of anti-arrhythmic drug therapy in response to coronary occlusion, aging and gender: A whole system and multiscale investigation for the pre-competitive development of in silico clinical trials in human". The project started the 1st of January 2016 and it will give us access to the UK's national supercomputing facility ARCHER.

Michelangelo Paci, from the Tampere University of Technology (TUT), visited us on February.

Michelangelo Paci, from the Tampere University of Technology (TUT), visited us on February.

Posted 01/03/2016

Michelangelo Paci, from the Tampere University of Technology (TUT), visited us from the 2nd to the 29th of February. We had the opportunity to work together and define future collaborations within our research groups.

He also gave a talk on "In silico modelling of human stem cell-derived cardiac cells"

Thanks Michelangelo!

Congratulations to Alfonso Bueno-Orovio!

Congratulations to Alfonso Bueno-Orovio!

Posted 01/03/2016
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio has received a Recurrent Award for Excellence from the Department of Computer Science. 
These Awards for Excellence are designed to reward staff who have performed well in all the key areas of their jobs AND have consistently demonstrated excellent performance significantly above what would have been expected for their grade.
Congratulations Alfonso!
Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk at the meeting "Towards a digital mouse" held in Portugal.

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk at the meeting "Towards a digital mouse" held in Portugal.

Posted 16/12/2015

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio gave a talk entitled "Bridging the gap from mouse and human: In silico approaches for translational cardiovascular research" at the Working Group 4 (WG4) that was held in Lisbon, Portugal, 23-24 Nov 2015.

The WG4 was chaired by Ralph Müller and was focused on cardiovascular system and the Novel Technologies and Future Developments. It covered topics on continuous development of technologies which accelerate testing, reduce costs and improve quality of data and animal welfare. Imaging technologies and multiscale predictive models of organisms are emerging as areas of strength in Europe, which can fulfil these needs.

If you have news or events that you would like to be added to this website, please email us details. If possible, please include a picture and links to further information.