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Alex Zhavoronkov gave a talk on Monday

Alex Zhavoronkov gave a talk on Monday

Posted 07/07/2016

Alex Zhavoronkov from In SilicoMedicine, visited us on Monday 11th of July.

There was a Computational Biology Seminar given by him on applications of deep learning to aging research and drug discovery providing a high-level overview of the most promising directions and some approaches published this year. The title of the talk was "Accelerating ageing research and drug discovery using advances in deep learning".

EU referendum: Latest University statements

Posted 07/07/2016

The Chair and Director General of the Russell Group have issued a joint statement on the consequences of voting to leave the European Union.

John Walmsley gave a talk at the Department of Computer Science

John Walmsley gave a talk at the Department of Computer Science

Posted 17/06/2016

John Walmsley gave a talk on Friday the 24th of June entitled "Electromechanical substrate characterization in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: a combined imaging and simulation approach" at the Department of Computer Science.

He is a former DPhil student of the group and he is now working at CARIM, the School for Cardiovascular Diseases, Masstricht, The Netherlands.

Blanca Rodriguez will be giving a talk at Cardiostim

Blanca Rodriguez will be giving a talk at Cardiostim

Posted 07/06/2016

Blanca Rodriguez will give a talk on "Inter-Subject Variability in Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Ion Channel to the Electrocardiogram" on Thursday 9th of June at Cardiostim.

Cardiostim is a world congress in cardiac electrophysiology & cardiac techniques that will be held in Nize on June 8-11 2016. The goals of the congress are to propose education, translation, and academic information of basic science to practice in all facets of the specialty. 

Anna Muszkiewicz presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference.

Anna Muszkiewicz presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference.

Posted 19/09/2016

Anna Muszkiewicz presented a poster on "Investigating the role of ionic current changes induced by nNOS on human atrial action potential using an in silico population of models calibrated with experimental data", A. Muszkiewicz, X. Liu, A. Bueno-Orovio, J. F. Rodriguez, B. Casadei, B. Rodriguez at the Gordon Research Seminar and the Gordon Research Conference, that were held at the Colby Sawyer College, on June. 

The Gordon Research Conferences provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in the biological, chemical, and physical sciences, and their related technologies. The Gordon Research Seminars are a series of highly successful and unique meetings that enable young researchers to share in the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) experience. Each seminar is held in conjunction with a related GRC and begins the weekend immediately prior to the GRC. Graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education come together in a highly-stimulating environment to discuss their current research and build informal networks with their peers that may lead to a lifetime of collaboration and scientific achievement. 

Blanca Rodriguez gave a talk at the 1st Barcelona VPH Summer School

Blanca Rodriguez gave a talk at the 1st Barcelona VPH Summer School

Posted 06/06/2016

Blanca Rodriguez gave a talk at the 1st Barcelona VPH Summer School, May 30th - June 3rd 2016.

This Summer School provides a thorough overview and hands-on experience in state-of-the-art Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) research. The key concepts of this methodological and technological framework were presented using illustrative cases and enriched with hands-on analysis under supervision of the experts.

The School is jointly organised by the Philips - UPF CardioFunXion Marie Curie European Industrial Doctorate Program and The Virtual Physiological Human Institute, and the support of the Spanish Network of Excellence in Biomechanics.

Ana Muszkiewicz wins the Research Speaker Prize

Ana Muszkiewicz wins the Research Speaker Prize

Posted 26/05/2016

Anna Muszkiewicz won the Research Spotlight Speaker Prize at the 12th London Hopper Colloquium on Wednesday 25 May 2016. The prize includes a 1-year membership of BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT - provided by BCSWomen, and an invitation to be a speaker in the next year's London Hopper event.

The Research Spotlight Competition provides a forum for communicating the essence of one's research via a 3.5-minute presentation to other postgraduate students and postdocs.

The 12th London Hopper Colloquium was sponsored by IBM and BCS, and organized by the BCS Academy and University College London. It took place at the BCS headquarters in London. This one-day event featured women speakers talking about their research, a spotlight competition open to postgraduate students, and opportunities to network with other new researchers in computing.

Dr Jordi Heijman will be visiting us next week

Dr Jordi Heijman will be visiting us next week

Posted 18/05/2016
Dr Jordi Heijman from the Department of Cardiology, Maastricht University Medical Centre, will be visiting us this week and we will give a talk at the department of Computer Science, room 051, on Wednesday the 25th of May at 1 pm.
Anna Muszkiewicz has been awarded the EPSRC Doctoral Prize

Anna Muszkiewicz has been awarded the EPSRC Doctoral Prize

Posted 11/05/2016

Anna is finishing her D.Phil (PhD) project in the Computational Cardiovascular Science group, under the supervision of Prof. Blanca Rodriguez and Dr Alfonso Bueno-Orovio (Computer Science, Oxford), as well as Prof. Barbara Casadei (Cardiovascular Medicine, Oxford). During her DPhil project, Anna has constructed multi-scale models of human atrial muscle cells and whole atria to investigate the role of the nNOS protein in human atrial electrophysiology. The goal of this work is to investigate the ability of in silico drug trials to explain, identify, and predict different outcomes of pharmacological therapies for AF. The work is expected to have clinical and pharmaceutical applications. 

The purpose of the EPSRC Doctoral Prize scheme is to help universities retain and recruit the best PhD students receiving EPSRC support to increase the impact of their PhD, and to improve retention of the very best students in research careers.

Congratulations Anna!

Xin Zhou presented her work at the Heart Rhythm Society's 37th Annual Scientific Sessions

Xin Zhou presented her work at the Heart Rhythm Society's 37th Annual Scientific Sessions

Posted 09/05/2016

Xin Zhou presented a poster at the Heart Rhythm Society's 37th Annual Scientific Sessions, held in San Francisco, CA, May 4 -7, 2016. The poster was entitled “How can a gain-of-function mutation in KCNQ1 lead to action potential prolongation?” X. Zhou, S. Harmer, A. Bueno-Orovio, K. Burrage, A. Tinker, B. Rodriguez.

If you have news or events that you would like to be added to this website, please email us details. If possible, please include a picture and links to further information.