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Francesc Levrero-Florencio won the silver award in the HPC challenge

Francesc Levrero-Florencio won the silver award in the HPC challenge

Posted 30/08/2017

The eighth International HPC summer school took place from June 25 to June 30, 2017 in Boulder, Colorado, United States. Leading computational scientists and HPC technologists from the U.S., Europe, Japan and Canada offered instructions on a variety of topics and also provide advanced mentoring.

Francesc Levrero-Florencio won the silver award in the HPC Challenge of the International High Performance Computing Summer School!

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio is an invited speaker at the QSP UK Satellite Meeting

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio is an invited speaker at the QSP UK Satellite Meeting

Posted 16/06/2017

A one day QSP UK Satellite Meeting on ‘Quantitative Systems Pharmacology: Is there a case for model reduction?’ is held on Thursday June 29, 2017. The meeting is organised by the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics of the University of Oxford. 

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio is an invited speaker at the session “What are the benefits of building a non-identifiable model?” The talk is entitled: “Responders vs non-responders to anti-arrhythmic drug therapy: In silico approaches for efficacy stratify-cation.”

Peter Marinov is presenting at the Basic Sciences Summer School

Peter Marinov is presenting at the Basic Sciences Summer School

Posted 16/06/2017

The Basic Sciences Summer School is held in Sophia, 18-22, 2017. The summer school is organised by the Council on Basic Science with the goal of inspiring a new generation of basic cardiovascular science leaders taken from among the most gifted science and medical graduates.

Peter Marinov is presenting a poster entitled "Regulation of human ventricular conduction velocity by the Ina-Ik1 macromolecular complex under hypo/hyper Kalemic conditions" P. Marinov, B. Rodriguez, A. Bueno-Orovio. 

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio is an invited speaker at the Ion Channel Symposium

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio is an invited speaker at the Ion Channel Symposium

Posted 14/06/2017

The Ion Channel Group, Department of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Copenhagen is organising "The Ion Channel Symposium" that takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark 31 May - 2 June, 2017. The focus is on cardiac arrhythmia spanning from molecular mechanisms to clinical insights. 

Alfonso Bueno-Orovio is presenting at the Symposium our work on “Sudden death in the young: Decoding cellular profiles of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.” 


We are presenting at the EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2017

We are presenting at the EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2017

Posted 12/06/2017

The EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM Congress and the 41th Official Meeting of the European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology will take place in conjunction on 18-19 June 2017 in Vienna – Austria. 

Aurore Lyon is presenting a poster on “Unravelling the ionic mechanisms responsible for specific ECG-based phenotypes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using personalized computer simulations” A. Lyon, R. Ariga, A. Minchole,  M. Mahmod, E. Ormondroyd, P. Laguna, N. de Freitas, S. Neubauer, H. Watkins and B. Rodriguez.

Cristian Trovato is also preseting a poster on “In Silico Trials in Human Ventricular and Purkinje Cell Models Predict Safety and Efficacy of 10 Antiarrhythmic Drugs” C. Trovato, E. Passini, A. Tissier, N. Nagy, A. Varro, S. Severi, R. Rodriguez. 


Aurore Lyon and Cristian Trovato are presenting at the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference

Posted 09/06/2017

The joint conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC) take place in Tampere, Finland, in June 2017. These two long running conferences are now combined for the first time with aim to build a truly cross-discipline conference. 

The scientific and social program at EMBEC’17 & NBC’17 provides a platform for engineers, physicists, biologists, and clinical experts to enhance the knowledge and scientific achievements by bridging complementary disciplines and new findings into an interactive forum.

Aurore Lyon is presenting a poster on “Risk stratification in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using ECG-based clustering and personalized computer simulations” Lyon A, Ariga R, Minchole A, Zacur E, Laguna P, Grau P, Neubauer S, Watkins H, Rodriguez B and Cristian Trovato is presenting a poster on “A Novel Model of Human Cardiac Purkinje Action Potential”. Trovato C, Passini E, Nagy N, Varro A, Severi S, Rodriguez B.

The Oxford Computer Science Conference 2017

The Oxford Computer Science Conference 2017

Posted 09/06/2017

The Oxford Computer Science Conference 2017 is held at the Department of Computer Science on Friday the 9th of June 2017. 

Hector Martinez is presenting a poster on " High arrhythmic risk and low ST segment elevation in subendocardial compared to transmural acute ischemia" by H. Martinez, A. Minchole, A. Bueno and B. Rodriguez, and Crisitan Trovato is presenting a poster on "A Novel Model of Human Cardiac Purkinje Action Potential", C. Trovato, E. Passini, N. Nagy, A. Varro, S. Severi and B. Rodriguez.

Adam McCarthy has been awarded a Microsoft Azure Research Award.

Adam McCarthy has been awarded a Microsoft Azure Research Award.

Posted 01/06/2017

Microsoft Azure for Research awards offer large allocations of cloud computing for research projects. Adam McCarthy has been awarded a Microsoft Azure Research Award that works out at 30,000 hours of GPU time and is up to USD $20,000.00 .

Congratulations Adam!

Anna Muszkiewicz has received a Travel grant to attend the EWGCCE MEETING

Anna Muszkiewicz has received a Travel grant to attend the EWGCCE MEETING

Posted 01/06/2017

The 41th Official Meeting of the European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology will take place in conjunction with EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM Congress SUNDAY 18  - MONDAY 19 JUNE 2017 in Vienna – Austria. The EWGCCE Annual Meeting is the combination of the best lectures given by renowned international experts and a stimulating environment. 

Anna Muszkiewicz is presenting a poster on: "Whole atria mechanisms of inducibility and persistence of atrial arrhythmias by depletion of nNOS in human”, Muszkiewicz A, Liu X, Bueno-Orovio A. Rodriguez JF, Casadei B, Rodriguez B. Se has also received a Travel grant to attend this meeting.

Congratulations Anna!

Alejandro Liberos´ paper has been selected as a finalist in the Young Investigator Award competition in Computing in Cardiology.

Alejandro Liberos´ paper has been selected as a finalist in the Young Investigator Award competition in Computing in Cardiology.

Posted 01/06/2017

Computing in Cardiology is an international scientific conference that has been held annually since 1974. CinC provides a forum for scientists and professionals from the fields of medicine, physics, engineering and computer science to discuss their current research in topics pertaining to computing in clinical cardiology and cardiovascular physiology.

Attendees present and learn about leading-edge work at the interface of clinical practice, engineering, and basic research during three days of plenary, parallel, and poster sessions. The 250+ papers presented every year at CinC meetings are published in Computing in Cardiology, available freely. The meeting of CinC will take place 24-27 September 2017 in Rennes, France.

The paper on Balance between Sodium and Calcium Currents Underlying Chronic Atrial Fibrillation Termination: An In Silico Inter–subject Variability Study” A. Liberos, A. Bueno-Orovio, M. Rodrigo, U. Ravens, I. Hernandez-Romero, F. Fernandez-Aviles, M.S. Guillem, B. Rodriguez*, A.M. Climent* (*Equal Contribution as senior authors) can be found here

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