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Computer Science students vie for victory at International Collegiate Programming Contest


A team of Computer Science students represented the University of Oxford in the 2024 World Finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), the world’s most prestigious competitive programming competition for students.

The team consisted of Viktor Kozhuharov (Magdalen College; graduated in 2024), Harris Leung (Merton College; 4th year M&CS), and Thien Udomsrirungruang (Keble College; 4th year CS). They solved 7 out of 12 problems, taking 20th place out of 141 teams competing. Solving just one more problem would have been enough to take home a medal but, unlike their gold medal in Egypt last year, this time it was not to happen. The winning team, from Peking University, solved 9 problems.

The final scoreboard for the event held in Astana, Kazakhstan, on 19 September can be found at:, and the problem set at

Viktor and Harris have now represented Oxford in two World Finals and, according to ICPC regulations, will no longer be eligible to participate in ICPC competitions. We are proud of what they achieved, both here in Astana and last year in Egypt.

Photo showing competition entrants Viktor, Thien, Harris, and acting coach Radostin Chonev (l-r), posing with the event mascot.
Viktor, Thien, Harris, and acting coach Radostin Chonev (l-r), pose with the event mascot.

Our competitive programming teams are proudly supported by OxFORD Asset Management, a technology driven investment firm.