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Gernot Plank : Publications

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  title = "Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation",
  author = "Trayanova, N.A., G. Plank",
  year = "2009",
  booktitle = "Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside",
  editor = "Zipes, D., Jalife, J.",
  isbn = "ISBN: 9781416059738",
  url = "",
  title = "Bidomain Model of Defibrillation",
  author = "Trayanova, N.A., G. Plank",
  year = "2009",
  booktitle = "Cardiac Bioelectric Therapy.",
  editor = "Efimov, I.R., M.W. Kroll, P.J. Tchou",
  isbn = "978-0-387-79402-0",
  pages = "85-110",
  url = "",
  title = "Near-real-time simulations of biolelectric activity in small mammalian hearts using graphical processing units.",
  author = "Vigmond EJ, Boyle PM, Leon L, Plank G.",
  year = "2009",
  title = "Purkinje-mediated Effects in the Response of Quiescent Ventricles to Defibrillation Shocks.",
  author = "Boyle PM, Deo M, Plank G, Vigmond EJ.",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Ann Biomed Eng.",
  volume = "[Epub ahead of print]",
  title = "Development of an anatomically detailed MRI-derived rabbit ventricular model and assessment of its impact on simulations of electrophysiological function.",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Plank G, Burton RA, Schneider JE, Gavaghan DJ, Grau V, Kohl P.",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.",
  number = "2",
  pages = "H699-718",
  volume = "298",
  title = "Image-Based models of cardiac structure in health and disease",
  author = "Vadakkumpadan, F., H. Arevalo, A.J. Prassl, J. Chen, F. Kickinger, G. Plank, N.A. Trayanova",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Systems Biology in Medicine",
  title = "Arrhythmogenic mechanisms of the Purkinje system during electric shocks: a modeling study",
  author = "Deo M., P. Boyle, G. Plank, E.J. Vigmond",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Heart Rhythm, ePub ahead of print",
  title = "Numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology",
  author = "Chamakuri, N., G. Plank, K. Kunisch",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Computational Optimization and Applications",
  title = "Solving the coupled system improves computational efficiency of the bidomain equations",
  author = "Southern, J., G. Plank, E.J. Vigmond, J. Whiteley",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering",
  title = "Generation of histo-anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application",
  author = "Plank, G. R.A.B. Burton, P. Hales, M. Bishop, T. Mansoori, M.O. Bernabeu, A. Garny, A.J. Prassl, C. Bollensdorff, F. Mason, F. Mahmood, B. Rodriguez, V. Grau, J.E. Schneider, D. Gavaghan, P. Kohl",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Phil. Trans. A",
  title = "Towards Predictive Modeling of the Electrophysiology of the Heart",
  author = "Vigmond E, Vadakkumpadan F, Gurev V, Arevalo H, Deo M, Plank G, Trayanova NA.",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Exp. Physiol.",
  title = "Image-Based Models of Cardiac Structure with Applications in Arrhythmia and Defibrillation Studies.",
  author = "Vadakkumpadan, F.,  L.J. Rantner, B. Tice, P. Boyle, A.J. Prassl, E.J. Vigmond, G. Plank, N.A. Trayanova",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "J. Electrocardiol.",
  title = "Generation of histo-anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application.",
  author = "Plank, G., R.A.B. Burton, P. Hales, M. Bishop, T. Mansoori, M. Bernabeu, A. Garny, A.J. Prassl, C. Bollensdorff, F. Mason, F. Mahmood, B. Rodriguez, V. Grau, J.E. Schneider, D. Gavaghan, P. Kohl.",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci.",
  title = "Feedback Control of Resonant Drift in a Bidomain Model.",
  author = "Morgan, S., G. Plank, I.V. Biktasheva, V.N. Biktashev",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "Biophysical Journal",
  title = "Automatically generated, anatomically accurate Meshes for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations.",
  author = "A. Prassl, F. Kickinger, H. Ahammer, E. Hofer, J.E. Schneider, E.J. Vigmond, N.A. Trayanova, G. Plank",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering",
  title = "Second order numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology.",
  author = "Chamakuri, N., K. Kunisch, G. Plank",
  year = "2009",
  isbn = "978-80-227-3032-7",
  pages = "202-211",
  title = "A finite element formulation for atrial tissue monolayer.",
  author = "Wieser, L. H. RIchter, B. Pfeifer, G. Plank, B. Tilg, G. Fischer",
  year = "2008",
  title = "Solvers for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations.",
  author = "Vigmond, E.J.,  R. Weber dos Santos, S. Bauer, A.J. Prassl, M. Deo, G. Plank.",
  year = "2008",
  title = "From mitochondtrial ionic channels to arrhythmias in the heart: computational techniques to bridge the spatio-temporal scales.",
  author = "G. Plank, J. Greenstein, L.  Zhou, S. Cortassa, R. Winslow, B.  O?Rourke, and N. Trayanova.",
  year = "2008",
  journal = "Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci.",
  pages = "3381-409",
  volume = "366",
  title = "Evaluating Intramural Virtual Electrodes in the Myocardial Wedge Preparation: Simulations of Experimental Conditions",
  author = "G. Plank, A.J. Prassl, E. Hofer, N.A. Trayanoa",
  year = "2008",
  journal = "Biophysical Journal",
  pages = "1904-1915",
  volume = "94",
  title = "A Hilbert-order multiplication scheme for unstructured sparse matrices",
  author = "Haase, G. M. Liebmann, G. Plank",
  year = "2007",
  title = "Algebraic multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model",
  author = "Plank, G., M. Liebmann, R. Weber dos Santos, E.J. Vigmond, G. Haase.",
  year = "2007",
  title = "Reduced order preconditioning for large linear systems.",
  author = "Deo, M., G. Plank, E.J. vigmond",
  year = "2007",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering",
  pages = "938-942",
  volume = "54",
  title = "A novel floating sensor array to detect electric nearfields of beating heart preparations",
  author = "Hofer, E., F. Kepplinger, T. THurner, T. Wiener, G. Plank",
  year = "2006",
  title = "What have we learned from mathematical models of defibrillation and postshock arrhythmogenesis? Application of bidomain simulations",
  author = "Trayanova, N.A., G. Plank, B. Rodriguez",
  year = "2006",
  title = "3-dimensional models of individual cardiac histo-anatomy: tools and challenges",
  author = "Burton, A.B.R., G. Plank, J. Schneider, V. Grau, H. Ahammer, S.L. Keeling, J.L. Lee, N. Smith, N.A. Trayanova, P. Kohl",
  year = "2006",
  title = "Defibrillation depends on conductivity fluctuations and the degree of disorganization in reentry patterns",
  author = "Plank, G., L.J. Leon, S. Kimber, E.J. Vigmond",
  year = "2005",
  title = "Shock energy necessary for successful defibrillation depends on the degree of disorganization of reentrant activation pattern.",
  author = "Plank, G., E.J. Vigmond, L.J. Leon",
  year = "2004",
  title = "Parallel multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model",
  author = "Weber dos Santos, R., G. Plank, S. Bauer, E.J. Vigmond",
  year = "2004",
  title = "Preconditioning techniques for the bidomain equations",
  author = "Weber dos Santos, R., G. Plank, S. Bauer, E.J. Vigmond",
  year = "2004",
  title = "The use of cardiac near-field measurements to determine activation times.",
  author = "G. Plank, E. Hofer",
  year = "2003",
  title = "Cardiac near-field morphology during conduction around a microscopic obstacle - a computer simulation study",
  author = "G. Plank, E.J. Vigmond, L.J. Leon, E. Hofer",
  year = "2003",
  title = "Computational tools for modeling electrical activity in cardiac tissue",
  author = "Vigmond, E.J., M. Hughes, G. Plank, L.J. Leon",
  year = "2003",
  title = "Model study of vector-loop morphology during electrical mapping of microscopic conduction in cardiac tissue.",
  author = "G. Plank, E. Hofer",
  year = "2000",
  title = "Comparison between the role of discontinuities in cardiac conduction and in a one-dimensional hardware model",
  author = "de Castro, M. E. Hofer, A.P. Munuzuri, M. Gomez-Gesteira, G. Plank, I. Schafferhofer, V. Perez-Munuzuri",
  year = "1998",
  title = "A new real-time mapping system to detect microscopic cardiac excitation patterns.",
  author = "Mohr, G., E. Hofer, G. Plank",
  year = "1998",