Joe Pitt-Francis : Publications
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@article{pak2024mathematical, title = "A mathematical framework for the emergence of winners and losers in cell competition", author = "Pak, Thomas F and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Baker, Ruth E", year = "2024", journal = "Journal of Theoretical Biology", pages = "111666", publisher = "Academic Press", volume = "577", }
@article{ben2022structural, title = "Structural Features of Microvascular Networks Trigger Blood Flow Oscillations", author = "Ben-Ami, Yaron and Atkinson, George W and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Maini, Philip K and Byrne, Helen M", year = "2022", journal = "Bulletin of Mathematical Biology", number = "8", pages = "85", publisher = "Springer US New York", volume = "84", }
@article{kory2022dependence, title = "Dependence of cell-free-layer width on rheological parameters: Combining empirical data on flow separation at microvascular bifurcations with geometrical considerations", author = "K{\"o}ry, Jakub and Maini, Philip K and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Byrne, Helen M", year = "2022", journal = "Physical Review E", number = "1", pages = "014414", publisher = "American Physical Society", volume = "105", }
@article{celora2022dna, title = "A DNA-structured mathematical model of cell-cycle progression in cyclic hypoxia", author = "Celora, Giulia L and Bader, Samuel B and Hammond, Ester M and Maini, Philip K and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Byrne, Helen M", year = "2022", journal = "Journal of Theoretical Biology", pages = "111104", publisher = "Academic Press", volume = "545", }
@article{cooper2020chaste, title = "Chaste: cancer, heart and soft tissue environment", author = "Cooper, Fergus R and Baker, Ruth E and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Bordas, Rafel and Bowler, Louise and Bueno-Orovio, Alfonso and Byrne, Helen M and Carapella, Valentina and Cardone-Noott, Louie and Jonatha, Cooper and others", year = "2020", journal = "Journal of Open Source Software", number = "47", publisher = "Europe PMC Funders", volume = "5", }
@article{pak2020pakman, title = "Pakman: a modular, efficient and portable tool for approximate Bayesian inference", author = "Pak, Thomas and Baker, Ruth and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2020", journal = "Journal of Open Source Software", number = "47", publisher = "Open Journals", volume = "5", }
@article{bernabeu2020abnormal, title = "Abnormal morphology biases hematocrit distribution in tumor vasculature and contributes to heterogeneity in tissue oxygenation", author = "Bernabeu, Miguel O and K{\"o}ry, Jakub and Grogan, James A and Markelc, Bostjan and Beardo, Albert and d�Avezac, Mayeul and Enjalbert, Romain and Kaeppler, Jakob and Daly, Nicholas and Hetherington, James and others", year = "2020", journal = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", number = "45", pages = "27811--27819", publisher = "National Academy of Sciences", volume = "117", }
@article{frost2018cooperation, title = "Cooperation, competition and antibiotic resistance in bacterial colonies", author = "Frost, Isabel and Smith, William PJ and Mitri, Sara and Millan, Alvaro San and Davit, Yohan and Osborne, James M and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and MacLean, R Craig and Foster, Kevin R", year = "2018", journal = "The ISME journal", number = "6", pages = "1582--1593", publisher = "Nature Publishing Group UK London", volume = "12", }
@article{grogan2018importance, title = "The importance of geometry in the corneal micropocket angiogenesis assay", author = "Grogan, James A and Connor, Anthony J and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Maini, Philip K and Byrne, Helen M", year = "2018", journal = "PLoS computational biology", number = "3", pages = "e1006049", publisher = "Public Library of Science", volume = "14", }
@article{collis2017bayesian, title = "Bayesian calibration, validation and uncertainty quantification for predictive modelling of tumour growth: a tutorial", author = "Collis, Joe and Connor, Anthony J and Paczkowski, Marcin and Kannan, Pavitra and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Byrne, Helen M and Hubbard, Matthew E", year = "2017", journal = "Bulletin of mathematical biology", pages = "939--974", publisher = "Springer US", volume = "79", }
@article{grogan2017microvessel, title = "Microvessel chaste: an open library for spatial modeling of vascularized tissues", author = "Grogan, James A and Connor, Anthony J and Markelc, Bostjan and Muschel, Ruth J and Maini, Philip K and Byrne, Helen M and Pitt-Francis, Joe M", year = "2017", journal = "Biophysical Journal", number = "9", pages = "1767--1772", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "112", }
@article{smith2017cell, title = "Cell morphology drives spatial patterning in microbial communities", author = "Smith, William PJ and Davit, Yohan and Osborne, James M and Kim, Wook and Foster, Kevin R and Pitt-Francis, Joe M", year = "2017", journal = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", number = "3", pages = "E280--E286", publisher = "National Academy of Sciences", volume = "114", }
@article{osborne2017comparing, title = "Comparing individual-based approaches to modelling the self-organization of multicellular tissues", author = "Osborne, James M and Fletcher, Alexander G and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Maini, Philip K and Gavaghan, David J", year = "2017", journal = "PLoS computational biology", number = "2", pages = "e1005387", publisher = "Public Library of Science", volume = "13", }
@article{grogan2016predicting, title = "Predicting the influence of microvascular structure on tumor response to radiotherapy", author = "Grogan, James A and Markelc, Bostjan and Connor, Anthony J and Muschel, Ruth J and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Maini, Philip K and Byrne, Helen M", year = "2016", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering", number = "3", pages = "504--511", publisher = "IEEE", volume = "64", }
@article{reddy2016veni, title = "VENI, VIDI, Voronoi: Attacking Viruses with Spherical Voronoi Diagrams", author = "Reddy, Tyler and Hemsley, Ross and Edmondson, Edd and Nowaczyk, Nikolai and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Sansom, Mark SP", year = "2016", journal = "Biophysical Journal", number = "3", pages = "36a", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "110", }
@article{bordas2015development, title = "Development and analysis of patient-based complete conducting airways models", author = "Bordas, Rafel and Lefevre, Christophe and Veeckmans, Bart and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Fetita, Catalin and Brightling, Christopher E and Kay, David and Siddiqui, Salman and Burrowes, Kelly S", year = "2015", journal = "PloS one", number = "12", pages = "e0144105", publisher = "Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA", volume = "10", }
@article{rubinacci2015cognac, title = "Cognac: a chaste plugin for the multiscale simulation of gene regulatory networks driving the spatial dynamics of tissues and cancer", author = "Rubinacci, Simone and Graudenzi, Alex and Caravagna, Giulio and Mauri, Giancarlo and Osborne, James and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Antoniotti, Marco", year = "2015", journal = "Cancer informatics", pages = "CIN--S19965", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England", volume = "14", }
@article{connor2015integrated, title = "An integrated approach to quantitative modelling in angiogenesis research", author = "Connor, Anthony J and Nowak, Rados{\l}aw P and Lorenzon, Erica and Thomas, Markus and Herting, Frank and Hoert, Stefan and Quaiser, Tom and Shochat, Eliezer and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Cooper, Jonathan and others", year = "2015", journal = "Journal of The Royal Society Interface", number = "110", pages = "20150546", publisher = "The Royal Society", volume = "12", }
@article{harvey2015parallel, title = "A parallel implementation of an off-lattice individual-based model of multicellular populations", author = "Harvey, Daniel G and Fletcher, Alexander G and Osborne, James M and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2015", journal = "Computer Physics Communications", pages = "130--137", publisher = "North-Holland", volume = "192", }
@article{Walmsley2015, title = "Application of stochastic phenomenological modelling to cell-to-cell and beat-to-beat electrophysiological variability in cardiac tissue", author = "Walmsley, John and Mirams, Gary R and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Rodriguez, Blanca and Burrage, Kevin", year = "2015", journal = "Journal of theoretical biology", pages = "325--336", publisher = "Academic Press", volume = "365", doi = "10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.10.029", }
@misc{knapp2015ten, title = "Ten simple rules for a successful cross-disciplinary collaboration", author = "Knapp, Bernhard and Bardenet, R{\'e}mi and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Bordas, Rafel and Bruna, Maria and Calderhead, Ben and Cooper, Jonathan and Fletcher, Alexander G and Groen, Derek and Kuijper, Bram and others", year = "2015", journal = "PLoS Computational Biology", number = "4", pages = "e1004214", publisher = "Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA", volume = "11", }
@article{bernabeu2014ten, title = "Ten simple rules for effective computational research", author = "Bernabeu, Miguel and Bruna, Maria and Cooper, Jonathan and Dunn, Sara-Jane and Fletcher, Alexander and Gavaghan, David and McInerny, Greg and Mirams, Gary and Osborne, James and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2014", journal = "PLoS Computational Biology", number = "3", publisher = "PLoS Computational Biology", volume = "10", }
@article{bordas2014clinical, title = "Clinical validation of a CT-based impulse oscillometry model", author = "Bordas, Rafel and Gonem, Sherif and Lefevre, Christophe and Veeckmans, Bart and Hartley, Ruth and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Fetita, Catalin and Brightling, Chris and Owers-Bradley, John and Kay, David and others", year = "2014", journal = "European Respiratory Journal", number = "Suppl 58", publisher = "European Respiratory Society", volume = "44", }
@article{bordas2014relationship, title = "Relationship between heterogeneous bronchoconstriction and impulse oscillometry resistance: A simulation study", author = "Bordas, Rafel and Gonem, Sherif and Vos, Wim and Hartley, Ruth and Pitt-Francis, Joe and De Backer, Jan and Brightling, Chris and Owers-Bradley, John and Kay, David and Siddiqui, Salman and others", year = "2014", journal = "European Respiratory Journal", number = "Suppl 58", publisher = "European Respiratory Society", volume = "44", }
@article{sadrieh2014multiscale, title = "Multiscale cardiac modelling reveals the origins of notched T waves in long QT syndrome type 2", author = "Sadrieh, Arash and Domanski, Luke and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Mann, Stefan A and Hodkinson, Emily C and Ng, Chai-Ann and Perry, Matthew D and Taylor, John A and Gavaghan, David and Subbiah, Rajesh N and others", year = "2014", journal = "Nature communications", number = "1", pages = "5069", publisher = "Nature Publishing Group UK London", volume = "5", }
@article{bernabeu2014chaste, title = "Chaste: a case study of parallelisation of an open source finite-element solver with applications to computational cardiac electrophysiology simulation", author = "Bernabeu, Miguel O and Southern, James and Wilson, Nicholas and Strazdins, Peter and Cooper, Jonathan and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2014", journal = "The International journal of high performance computing applications", number = "1", pages = "13--32", publisher = "Sage Publications Sage UK: London, England", volume = "28", }
@article{Osborne2014TenSimple, title = "Ten simple rules for effective computational research", author = "Osborne, James M and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Bruna, Maria and Calderhead, Ben and Cooper, Jonathan and Dalchau, Neil and Dunn, Sara-Jane and Fletcher, Alexander G and Freeman, Robin and Groen, Derek and others", year = "2014", journal = "PLoS Computational Biology", number = "3", pages = "e1003506", publisher = "Public Library of Science San Francisco, USA", volume = "10", doi = "10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003506", }
@inproceedings{grogan2014simulating, title = "Simulating tumour vasculature at multiple scales", author = "Grogan, James A and Maini, Philip K and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Byrne, Helen M", year = "2014", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2014 6th International Advanced Research Workshop on In Silico Oncology and Cancer Investigation-The CHIC Project Workshop (IARWISOCI)", organization = "IEEE", pages = "1--4", }
@article{davit2013hydrodynamic, title = "Hydrodynamic dispersion within porous biofilms", author = "Davit, Yohan and Byrne, Helen and Osborne, J and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Gavaghan, David and Quintard, Michel", year = "2013", journal = "Physical Review E", number = "1", pages = "012718", publisher = "American Physical Society", volume = "87", }
@article{davit2013validity, title = "Validity of the Cauchy-Born rule applied to discrete cellular-scale models of biological tissues", author = "Davit, Yohan and Osborne, James M and Byrne, HM and Gavaghan, David and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2013", journal = "Physical Review E", number = "4", pages = "042724", publisher = "American Physical Society", volume = "87", }
@article{zemzemi2013computational, title = "Computational assessment of drug-induced effects on the electrocardiogram: from ion channel to body surface potentials", author = "Zemzemi, Nejib and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Saiz, Javier and Cooper, Jonathan and Pathmanathan, Pras and Mirams, Gary R and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Rodriguez, Blanca", year = "2013", journal = "British journal of pharmacology", number = "3", pages = "718--733", volume = "168", }
@article{Bernabeu10022013, title = "Chaste: a case study of parallelisation of an open source finite-element solver with applications to computational cardiac electrophysiology simulation", author = "Bernabeu, Miguel O and Southern, James and Wilson, Nicholas and Strazdins, Peter and Cooper, Jonathan and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2013", journal = "International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications", doi = "10.1177/1094342012474997", }
@article{MiramsChaste2013, title = "Chaste: an open source C++ library for computational physiology and biology", author = "Mirams, Gary R and Arthurs, Christopher J and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Bordas, Rafel and Cooper, Jonathan and Corrias, Alberto and Davit, Yohan and Dunn, Sara-Jane and Fletcher, Alexander G and Harvey, Daniel G and others", year = "2013", journal = "PLoS computational biology", number = "3", pages = "e1002970", publisher = "Public Library of Science San Francisco, USA", volume = "9", doi = "10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002970", }
@article{Zemzemi2012, title = "Computational assessment of drug-induced effects on the electrocardiogram: from ion channel block to body surface potentials", author = "N Zemzemi and MO Bernabeu and J Saiz and J Cooper and P Pathmanathan and GR Mirams and J Pitt-Francis and B Rodriguez", year = "2013", journal = "British Journal of Pharmacology", number = "3", pages = "718-733", volume = "168", doi = "10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.02200.x", }
@article{walmsley2012stochasticity, title = "Stochasticity in action potential duration enhances dispersion of repolarisation at fast pacing rates", author = "Walmsley, John and Burrage, Kevin and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Mirams, Gary R and Rodriguez, Blanca", year = "2012", journal = "Biophysical Journal", number = "3", pages = "592a--593a", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "102", }
@article{davit2012solute, title = "Solute transport within porous biofilms: diffusion or dispersion?", author = "Davit, Y and Byrne, H and Osborne, J and Pitt-Francis, J and Gavaghan, D and Quintard, M", year = "2012", }
@article{southern2010anisotropic, title = "Anisotropic mesh adaptivity for cardiac electrophysiology", author = "Southern, James and Gorman, Gerard J and Piggott, MD and Farrell, Patrick E and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2010", journal = "Procedia Computer Science", number = "1", pages = "935--944", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "1", }
@article{bernabeu2010stimulus, title = "Stimulus protocol determines the most computationally efficient preconditioner for the bidomain equations", author = "Bernabeu, Miguel O and Pathmanathan, Pras and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Kay, David", year = "2010", journal = "IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering", number = "12", pages = "2806--2815", publisher = "IEEE", volume = "57", }
@article{southern2010simulating, title = "Simulating cardiac electrophysiology using anisotropic mesh adaptivity", author = "Southern, James and Gorman, Gerard J and Piggott, MD and Farrell, Patrick E and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2010", journal = "Journal of computational science", number = "2", pages = "82--88", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "1", }
@article{abramson2010high, title = "High-throughput cardiac science on the Grid", author = "Abramson, David and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Bethwaite, Blair and Burrage, Kevin and Corrias, Alberto and Enticott, Colin and Garic, Slavisa and Gavaghan, David and Peachey, Tom and Pitt-Francis, Joe and others", year = "2010", journal = "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences", number = "1925", pages = "3907--3923", publisher = "The Royal Society Publishing", volume = "368", }
@article{4020, title = "Simulating cardiac electrophysiology using anisotropic mesh adaptivity", author = "J Southern, GJ Gorman, MD Piggott, PE Farrell, MO Bernabeu, J Pitt-Francis", year = "2010", journal = "Journal of computational science", number = "1", pages = "82-88", }
@article{3745, title = "Stimulus protocol determines the most computationally-efficient preconditioner for the bidomain equations", author = "M. Bernabeu, P. Pathmanathan, J. Pitt-Francis, D. Kay", year = "2010", journal = "Transactions of Biomedical Engineering", number = "12", pages = "2806-15", volume = "57", doi = "10.1109/TBME.2010.2078817", }
@article{3940, title = "A numerical guide to the solution of the bidomain equations of cardiac electrophysiology", author = "Pathmanathan, Pras and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Bordas, Rafel and Cooper, Jonathan and Garny, Alan and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Whiteley, Jonathan P and Gavaghan, David J", year = "2010", journal = "Progress in biophysics and molecular biology", number = "2-3", pages = "136--155", publisher = "Pergamon", volume = "102", doi = "10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2010.05.006", }
@proceedings{f20ea014d69194f, title = "High-throughput cardiac science on the Grid", author = "Abramson, D. and Bernabeu, MO and Bethwaite, B. and Burrage, K. and Corrias, A. and Enticott, C. and Garic, S. and Gavaghan, DJ and Peachey, T. and Pitt-Francis, J. and Pueyo, E. and Rodriguez, B. and Sher, A. and Tan, J.", year = "2010", keywords = "ca2+", number = "1925", pages = "3907--3923", series = "PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES ", volume = "368", }
@article{Chaste2, title = "Chaste: Incorporating a Novel Multiscale Spatial and Temporal Algorithm into a Large Scale Open Source Library", author = "Bernabeu, M.O. and Bordas, R. and Pathmanathan, P. and Pitt-Francis, J. and Cooper, J. and Garny, A. and Gavaghan, D.J. and Rodriguez, B. and Southern, J.A. and Whiteley, J.P.", year = "2009", journal = "Phil Trans Roy Soc (A)", month = "May", number = "1895", pages = "1907-1930", volume = "367", doi = "10.1098/rsta.2008.0309", }
@article{chapman2009integrative, title = "An integrative computational model for intestinal tissue renewal", author = "Chapman, Jon and Cooper, Jonathan and Fletcher, Alexander and Gavaghan, David and Maini, Philip and Mirams, Gary and Osborne, James and Pathmanathan, Pras and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Whiteley, Jonathan", year = "2009", journal = "Cell Proliferation", publisher = "Cell Proliferation", volume = "42", }
@article{pathmanathan2009computational, title = "A computational study of discrete mechanical tissue models", author = "Pathmanathan, P and Cooper, Jonathan and Fletcher, Alexander and Mirams, Gary and Murray, P and Osborne, J and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Walter, Alex and Chapman, SJ", year = "2009", journal = "Physical biology", number = "3", pages = "036001", publisher = "IOP Publishing", volume = "6", }
@article{4051, title = "Grid Computing Simulations of Ion Channel Block Effects on the ECG Using 3D Anatomically-Based Models", author = "Bernabeu MO, Corrias A, Pitt-Francis J, Rodriguez B, Bethwaite B, Enticott C, Garic S, Peachey T, Tan J, Abramson D, Gavaghan D", year = "2009", journal = "Computers in Cardiology", }
@article{ChasteCPC09, title = "Chaste: a test-driven approach to software development for biological modelling", author = "Pitt-Francis, Joe and Pathmanathan, Pras and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Bordas, Rafel and Cooper, Jonathan and Fletcher, Alexander G and Mirams, Gary R and Murray, Philip and Osborne, James M and Walter, Alex and others", year = "2009", journal = "Computer Physics Communications", number = "12", pages = "2452--2471", publisher = "North-Holland", volume = "180", doi = "10.1016/j.cpc.2009.07.019", }
@article{chaste_dtm, title = "A computational study of discrete mechanical tissue models", author = "P Pathmanathan and J Cooper and A Fletcher and G Mirams and P Murray and J Osborne and J Pitt-Francis and A Walter and S J Chapman", year = "2009", journal = "Physical Biology", number = "3", volume = "6", doi = "10.1088/1478-3975/6/3/036001", }
@article{HPC, title = "Simulation of cardiac electrophysiology on next-generation high-performance computers", author = "Bordas, Rafel and Carpentieri, Bruno and Fotia, Giorgio and Maggio, Fabio and Nobes, Ross and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Southern, James", year = "2009", journal = "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences", number = "1895", pages = "1951--1969", publisher = "The Royal Society London", volume = "367", doi = "10.1098/rsta.2008.0298", }
@article{cancerchaste1, title = "An integrative computational model for intestinal tissue renewal", author = "Van Leeuwen and Ingeborg MM and Mirams, GR and Walter, Alex and Fletcher, A and Murray, P and Osborne, J and Varma, S and Young, SJ and Cooper, J and Doyle, B and others", year = "2009", journal = "Cell proliferation", number = "5", pages = "617--636", publisher = "Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK", volume = "42", doi = "10.1111/j.1365-2184.2009.00627.x", }
@inproceedings{bernabeu2009grid, title = "Grid computing simulations of ion channel block effects on the ECG using 3D anatomically-based models", author = "Bernabeu, MO and Corrias, A and Pitt-Francis, J and Rodriguez, B and Bethwaite, B and Enticott, C and Garic, S and Peachey, T and Tan, J and Abramson, D and others", year = "2009", booktitle = "2009 36th Annual Computers in Cardiology Conference (CinC)", organization = "IEEE", pages = "213--216", }
@article{CompCardiol2008, title = "High performance computer simulations for the study of biological function in 3D heart models incorporating fibre orientation and realistic geometry at para-cellular resolution", author = "Bernabeu MO, Bishop MJ, Pitt-Francis J, Gavaghan DJ, Grau V, Rodriguez B", year = "2008", journal = "Computers in Cardiology", }
@article{southern2008multi, title = "Multi-scale computational modelling in biology and physiology", author = "Southern, James and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Whiteley, Jonathan and Stokeley, Daniel and Kobashi, Hiromichi and Nobes, Ross and Kadooka, Yoshimasa and Gavaghan, David", year = "2008", journal = "Progress in biophysics and molecular biology", number = "1-3", pages = "60--89", publisher = "Pergamon", volume = "96", }
@article{Chaste.08:Chaste, title = "Chaste: using agile programming techniques to develop computational biology software", author = "Pitt-Francis, Joe and Bernabeu, Miguel O and Cooper, Jonathan and Garny, Alan and Momtahan, Lee and Osborne, James and Pathmanathan, Pras and Rodriguez, Blanca and Whiteley, Jonathan P and Gavaghan, David J", year = "2008", journal = "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences", number = "1878", pages = "3111--3136", publisher = "The Royal Society London", volume = "366", doi = "10.1098/rsta.2008.0096", }
@inproceedings{bernabeu2008high, title = "High performance computer simulations for the study of biological function in 3D heart models incorporating fibre orientation and realistic geometry at para-cellular resolution", author = "Bernabeu, MO and Bishop, MJ and Pitt-Francis, J and Gavaghan, DJ and Grau, V and Rodriguez, B", year = "2008", booktitle = "2008 Computers in Cardiology", organization = "IEEE", pages = "721--724", }
@article{lloyd2007integrative, title = "Integrative Biology�the challenges of developing a collaborative research environment for heart and cancer modelling", author = "Lloyd, Sharon and Gavaghan, Dave and Simpson, Andrew and Mascord, Matthew and Seneurine, Clint and Williams, Geoff and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Boyd, David and Mac Randal, Damian and Sastry, Lakshmi and others", year = "2007", journal = "Future Generation Computer Systems", number = "3", pages = "457--465", publisher = "North-Holland", volume = "23", }
@article{pitt2006multimodal, title = "Multimodal imaging techniques for the extraction of detailed geometrical and physiological information for use in multi-scale models of colorectal cancer and treatment of individual patients", author = "Pitt-Francis, Joe and Chen, Dan and Slaymaker, Mark and Simpson, Andrew and Brady, Michael and Van Leeuwen, Ingeborg and Reddington, Fiona and Quirke, Phil and Brown, Gina and Gavaghan, David", year = "2006", journal = "Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine", number = "2-3", pages = "177--188", publisher = "Taylor \& Francis Group", volume = "7", }
@article{pitt2006enabling, title = "Enabling computer models of the heart for high-performance computers and the grid", author = "Pitt-Francis, Joe and Garny, Alan and Gavaghan, David", year = "2006", journal = "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences", number = "1843", pages = "1501--1516", publisher = "The Royal Society London", volume = "364", }
@article{drobnjak2006development, title = "Development of a functional magnetic resonance imaging simulator for modeling realistic rigid-body motion artifacts", author = "Drobnjak, Ivana and Gavaghan, David and S{\"u}li, Endre and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Jenkinson, Mark", year = "2006", journal = "Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine", number = "2", pages = "364--380", publisher = "Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company Hoboken", volume = "56", }
@inproceedings{gavaghan2004gathering, title = "Gathering requirements for an Integrative Biology project", author = "Gavaghan, David and Whiteley, Jonathan and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Slaymaker, Mark and Boyd, David and Mac Randal, Damian and van Dam, Kerstin Kleese and Sastry, Lakshmi", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proc. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting", pages = "99--105", }
@inproceedings{cameron2002directions, title = "Directions in the use and computation of proximity queries", author = "Cameron, Stephen and Fenton-May, Tristam and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2002", booktitle = "Geometric Modeling and Processing. Theory and Applications. GMP 2002. Proceedings", organization = "IEEE", pages = "43--52", }
@article{cameron2001using, title = "Using oxsim for path planning", author = "Cameron, Stephen and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2001", journal = "Journal of Robotic Systems", number = "8", pages = "421--431", publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons, Inc. New York", volume = "18", }
@article{cameron2000geometric, title = "Geometric Modelling and Robotics", author = "Cameron, Stephen and Pitt-Francis, Joe", year = "2000", journal = "International Journal of Shape Modeling", number = "02", pages = "145--164", publisher = "World Scientific Publishing Company", volume = "6", }
@inproceedings{cameron1998motion, title = "Motion planning for real problems", author = "Cameron, S and Pitt-Francis, J", year = "1998", booktitle = "Advanced robotics: beyond 2000 (Birmingham, 27 April-1 May 1998)", }
@inproceedings{pitt1998automatic, title = "Automatic generation of sphere hierarchies from cad data", author = "Pitt-Francis, Joe and Feathertone, R", year = "1998", booktitle = "Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No. 98CH36146)", organization = "IEEE", pages = "324--329", volume = "1", }
@article{groganimportance, title = "The importance of geometry in the corneal micropocket assay", author = "Grogan, James A and Connor, Anthony J and Pitt-Francis, Joe M and Maini, Philip K and Byrne, Helen M", }
@article{quaizerintegrated, title = "An integrated approach to quantitative modelling in angiogenesis research", author = "Quaizer, Tom and Shochat, Eliezer and Pitt-Francis, Joe and Cooper, Jonathan and Maini, Philip K and Byrne, Helen M", }
@article{pittcomparison, title = "Comparison of parallel solution techniques for the Eikonal equation", author = "Pitt-Francis, Joe and Anderson, James", }