Jun Zhao : Publications
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@article{Nature-2024, title = "Challenges and opportunities in translating ethical AI principles into practice for children", author = "Ge Wang and Jun Zhao and Max Van Kleek and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2024", journal = "Nature Machine Intelligence", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-024-00805-x", }
@inproceedings{zhaoPerennialSemanticData2024, title = "Perennial {{Semantic Data Terms}} of {{Use}} for {{Decentralized Web}}", author = "Zhao, Rui and Zhao, Jun", year = "2024", booktitle = "Proceedings of {{The}} 2024 {{World Wide Web Conference}}", keywords = "/,No DOI found", }
@misc{ruizhaoLibertasPrivacyPreservingComputation2023, title = "Libertas: {{Privacy-Preserving Computation}} for {{Decentralised Personal Data Stores}}", author = "{Rui Zhao} and {Naman Goel} and {Nitin Agrawal} and {Jun Zhao} and {Jake Stein} and {Ruben Verborgh} and {Reuben Binns} and {Tim Berners-Lee} and {Nigel Shadbolt}", year = "2023", keywords = "/,Computer Science - Cryptography and Security,Computer Science - Distributed Parallel and Cluster Computing,Computer Science - Networking and Internet Architecture", month = "sep", number = "arXiv:2309.16365", publisher = "arXiv", doi = "10.48550/arXiv.2309.16365", }
@conference{ekambaranathan_navigating_2023, title = "Navigating the Data Avalanche: Towards Supporting Developers in Developing Privacy-Friendly Children’s Apps", author = "Anirudh Ekambaranathan and Jun Zhao and George Chalhoub", year = "2023", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT 2023)", month = "June", doi = "10.1145/3596267", }
@conference{stein_building_2023, title = ""You are you and the app. There’s nobody else.": Building Worker-Designed Data Institutions within Platform Hegemony", author = "Jake Stein and Vidminas Vizgirda and Max Van Kleek and Reuben Binns and Jun Zhao and Rui Zhao and Naman Goel and George Chalhoub and Wael Albayaydh and Nigel Shadbolt.", year = "2023", booktitle = "2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023)", month = "April", doi = "10.1145/3544548.3581114", }
@article{chi232, title = "‘Treat me as your friend, not a number in your database’: co-designing with children to cope with datafication online", author = "Ge Wang and Jun Zhao and Max Van Kleek and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2023", journal = "Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3580933", }
@article{chi23, title = "12 ways to empower: designing for children's digital autonomy", author = "Ge Wang and Jun Zhao and Max Van Kleek and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2023", journal = "Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3580935", }
@article{ieee2023, title = "“It Sets Boundaries Making Your Life Personal and More Comfortable”: Understanding Young People’s Privacy Needs and Concerns", author = "Rys Farthing and Genevieve Smith-Nunes and Teki Akuetteh and Kadian Camacho and Katja Koren Osljak and Jun Zhao", year = "2023", journal = "IEEE Technology and Society Magazine", doi = "10.1109/MTS.2023.3244554", }
@article{TAS2023, title = "An Exploration of how Trust Online Relates to Psychological and Subjective Wellbeing", author = "Liz Dowthwaite and Elvira Perez Vallejos and Virginia Portillo and Menisha Patel and Jun Zhao and Helen Creswick", year = "2023", journal = "Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3597512.3599708", }
@article{cscw2023, title = "How Can We Design Privacy-Friendly Apps for Children? Using a Research through Design Process to Understand Developers' Needs and Challenges", author = "Anirudh Ekambaranathan and Jun Zhao and Max Van Kleek", year = "2023", journal = "Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (CSCW2)", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3610066", }
@inproceedings{ConPro23, title = "Before and after China's new Data Laws: Privacy in Apps", author = "Konrad Kollnig and Lu Zhang and Jun Zhao and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2023", booktitle = "7th Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection (ConPro ’23)", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.13585", }
@inbook{EdData2022, title = "Call for a new data governance structure for datafied childhood", author = "Jun Zhao", year = "2022", booktitle = "Education Data Futures: Critical, Regulatory and Practical Reflections", url = "https://educationdatafutures.digitalfuturescommission.org.uk/essays/rethinking-data-futures/call-new-data-governance-datafied-childhood", }
@article{15669, title = "‘Don’t make assumptions about me!’: Understanding Children’s Perception of Datafication Online", author = "Ge Wang and Jun Zhao and Max Van Kleek and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2022", journal = "Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction", note = "HONORABLE MENTION AND IMPACT RECONITION", volume = "6", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3555144", }
@article{15668, title = "KOALA Hero: Inform Children of Privacy Risks of Mobile Apps", author = "Jun Zhao and Blanche Duron and Ge Wang", year = "2022", journal = "Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3501712.3535278", }
@inproceedings{10.1145/3491102.3502057, title = "Informing Age-Appropriate AI: Examining Principles and Practices of AI for Children", author = "Wang, Ge and Zhao, Jun and Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel", year = "2022", address = "New York, NY, USA", booktitle = "CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", isbn = "9781450391573", keywords = "AI for children, systematic literature review, age appropriate design", location = "New Orleans, LA, USA", note = "HONORABLE MENTION", publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery", series = "CHI '22", url = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3502057", doi = "10.1145/3491102.3502057", }
@article{10.1145/3476084, title = "Protection or Punishment? Relating the Design Space of Parental Control Apps and Perceptions about Them to Support Parenting for Online Safety", author = "Wang, Ge and Zhao, Jun and Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel", year = "2021", address = "New York, NY, USA", journal = "Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact.", keywords = "parental controls, mobile apps, children online safety, parental mediation", month = "oct", number = "CSCW2", publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery", url = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3476084", volume = "5", doi = "10.1145/3476084", }
@article{14924, title = "Before and after GDPR: tracking in mobile apps", author = "Konrad Kollnig and Reuben Banns and Max Van Kleek and Jun Zhao and Ulrik Lyngs and Claudine Tinsman and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2021", journal = "Internet Policy Review", url = "https://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/and-after-gdpr-tracking-mobile-apps", doi = "10.14763/2021.4.1611", }
@article{reentrust2021, title = "Understanding user perceptions of trustworthiness in e-recruitment systems", author = "Gideon Ogunniye and Benedicte Legastelois and Michael Rovatsos and Liz Dowthwaite and Virginia Portillo and Elvira Perez Vallejos and Jun Zhao and Marina Jirotka", year = "2021", journal = "IEEE Internet Computing", url = "https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:b9740967-82bc-4861-b440-18a64261f54b", }
@article{14641, title = ""Money makes the world go around": identifying barriers to better privacy in children’s apps from developers’ perspectives", author = "Anirudh Ekambaranathan and Jun Zhao and Max Van Kleek", year = "2021", journal = "Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", url = "https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:d124ee3e-f049-4d19-8b20-8ac33985635d/download_file?safe_filename=EkambaranathanetalAAM2021.pdf", }
@article{14299, title = "Developing A Measure of Online Wellbeing and User Trust", author = "Liz Dowthwaite and Elvira Pérez Vallejos and Helen Creswick and Virginia Portillo and Menisha Patel and Jun Zhao", year = "2020", journal = "Paradigm Shifts in ICT Ethics: Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2020", }
@article{doi.org/10.1145/3334480.3383064, title = "Understanding Value and Design Choices Made by Android Family App Developers", author = "Anirudh Ekambaranathan and Jun Zhao and Max Van Kleek", year = "2020", journal = "CHI EA '20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", pages = "1-10", }
@article{doi.org/10.1145/3392063.3394410, title = "" It's your private information. it's your life." young people's views of personal data use by online technologies", author = "Liz Dowthwaite and Helen Creswick and Virginia Portillo and Jun Zhao and Menisha Patel and Elvira Perez Vallejos and Ansgar Koene and Marina Jirotka", year = "2020", journal = "Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference", pages = "121–134", url = "https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:c2845613-2783-493d-821c-a848156693a6/download_file?safe_filename=idc20g-sub1238-cam-i16.pdf&type_of_work=Conference+item", doi = "doi.org/10.1145/3392063.3394410", }
@inproceedings{10.1145/3313831.3376672, title = "“I Just Want to Hack Myself to Not Get Distracted”: Evaluating Design Interventions for Self-Control on Facebook", author = "Lyngs, Ulrik and Lukoff, Kai and Slovak, Petr and Seymour, William and Webb, Helena and Jirotka, Marina and Zhao, Jun and Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel", year = "2020", address = "New York, NY, USA", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", isbn = "9781450367080", keywords = "interruptions, ict non-use, focus, facebook, self-control, distraction, problematic use, addiction", location = "Honolulu, HI, USA", pages = "1–15", publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery", series = "CHI ’20", url = "https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:2dc271df-4863-45a9-946a-fd115341df3e/download_file?file_format=pdf&safe_filename=CHI20_Self_Control_on_FB_camera_ready.pdf&type_of_work=Conference+item", doi = "10.1145/3313831.3376672", }
@article{10.1145/3290605.3300336, title = "`I make up a silly name': Understanding Children's Perception of Privacy Risks Online", author = "Jun Zhao and Ge Wang and Carys Dally and Petr Slovak and Julian Childs and Max Van Klee and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2019", journal = "CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4--9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk", url = "https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:9a4b026c-2ca0-4ebf-a869-0b3d03a7efe3/download_file?file_format=pdf&safe_filename=CHI_Kids_Camera_Ready_New_Template_Updated_Dec.pdf&type_of_work=Conference+item", doi = "10.1145/3290605.3300336", }
@inproceedings{Quinlan_et_al_2019, title = "Connected Vehicles: A Privacy Analysis", author = "Mark Quinlan and Jun Zhao and Andrew Simpson", year = "2019", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Security and Privacy on Internet of Things (SPIoT 2018)", url = "https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:32cf180a-bdab-482f-8e24-62f43484d6c5/download_file?file_format=pdf&safe_filename=main.pdf&type_of_work=Conference+item", }
@techreport{https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.11123, title = "What concerns do Chinese parents have about their children's digital adoption and how to better support them?", author = "Ge Wang and Jun Zhao and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2019", booktitle = "KOALA Project Report 3.5", institution = "University of Oxford", number = "3.5", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.11123", }
@techreport{arXiv:1902.02635, title = "Are Children Fully Aware of Online Privacy Risks and How Can We Improve Their Coping Ability?", author = "Ge Wang and Jun Zhao and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2019", booktitle = "KOALA Project Report 3", journal = "KOALA.03", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.02635", }
@article{Binns2018MobileEcosystem, title = "Third party tracking in the mobile ecosystem", author = "Reuben Binns and Ulrik Lyngs and Max van Kleek and Jun Zhao and Timothy Libert and Nigel Shadbolt", year = "2018", journal = "Proceedings of the 10th International ACM Web Science Conference 2018", url = "https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.03603.pdf", doi = "10.1145/3201064.3201089", }
@article{binns2018measuring, title = "Measuring third party tracker power across web and mobile", author = "Binns, Reuben and Zhao, Jun and Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel", year = "2018", journal = "ACM Transactions on Internet Technology", number = "4", url = "https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:86310ed1-762e-4037-a4d2-80568c5ee7c4", volume = "18", doi = "http://doi.org/10.1145/3176246", }
@conference{2018-petras-iet-snz, title = "A Capability-oriented Approach to Assessing Privacy Risk in Smart Home Ecosystems", author = "Sturgess, Jack and Nurse, Jason R C and Zhao, Jun", year = "2018", booktitle = "Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT Conference", publisher = "IET", doi = "10.1049/cp.2018.0037", }
@inproceedings{van2018x, title = "X-ray refine: Supporting the exploration and refinement of information exposure resulting from smartphone apps", author = "Van Kleek, M and Binns, RDP and Zhao, J and Slack, A and Lee, S and Ottewell, D and Shadbolt, N", year = "2018", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", }
@inproceedings{binns2018s, title = "'It's Reducing a Human Being to a Percentage'; Perceptions of Justice in Algorithmic Decisions", author = "Binns, Reuben and Van Kleek, Max and Veale, Michael and Lyngs, Ulrik and Zhao, Jun and Shadbolt, Nigel", year = "2018", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", }
@techreport{1809.10944, title = "Are Children Well-Supported by Their Parents Concerning Online Privacy Risks, and Who Supports the Parents?", author = "Zhao, Jun", year = "2018", booktitle = "KOALA Project Report 2", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10944", }
@techreport{1809.10841, title = "What privacy concerns do parents have about children's mobile apps, and how can they stay SHARP?", author = "Zhao, Jun and Lyngs, Ulrik and Shadbolt, Nigel", year = "2018", booktitle = "KOALA Project Report 1", howpublished = "Tech Report", institution = "University of Oxford", series = "KOALA Project Report 1", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10841", }
@inproceedings{van2017better, title = "Better the devil you know: Exposing the data sharing practices of smartphone apps", author = "Van Kleek and Max and Liccardi, Ilaria and Binns, Reuben and Zhao, Jun and Weitzner, Daniel J and Shadbolt, Nigel", year = "2017", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", organization = "ACM", pages = "5208--5220", }
@inproceedings{binns2017my, title = "My Bank Already Gets this Data: Exposure Minimisation and Company Relationships in Privacy Decision-Making", author = "Binns, Reuben and Zhao, Jun and Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel and Liccardi, Ilaria and Weitzner, Daniel", year = "2017", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems", organization = "ACM", pages = "2403--2409", }
@techreport{12523, title = "The Digital-Born and Legacy News Media on Twitter during the French Presidential Elections", author = "Silvia Majó-Vázquez and Jun Zhao and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen", year = "2017", institution = "Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism", url = "https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2017-07/Majó-Vázquez%20-%20The%20Digital-Born%20and%20Legacy%20News%20Media%20on%20Twitter.pdf", }
@techreport{12522, title = "Digital-Born and Legacy News Media on Twitter during the UK General Election", author = "Sílvia Majó-Vázquez and Jun Zhao and Jason RC Nurse and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen", year = "2017", affiliation = "Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism", url = "https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2017-11/Digital-Born%20and%20Legacy%20News%20Media%20UK%20Factsheet.pdf", }
@article{wilkinson2016fair, title = "The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship", author = "Wilkinson, Mark D and Dumontier, Michel and Aalbersberg, IJsbrand Jan and Appleton, Gabrielle and Axton, Myles and Baak, Arie and Blomberg, Niklas and Boiten, Jan-Willem and da Silva Santos, Luiz Bonino and Bourne, Philip E and others", year = "2016", journal = "Scientific data", publisher = "Nature Publishing Group", volume = "3", }
@inproceedings{zhao2016privacy, title = "Privacy Languages: Are we there yet to enable user controls?", author = "Zhao, Jun and Binns, Reuben and Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel", year = "2016", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web", pages = "799--806", }
@article{mina2015journal, title = "Journal of Biomedical Semantics", author = "Mina, Eleni and Thompson, Mark and Kaliyaperumal, Rajaram and Zhao, Jun and van der Horst, Eelke and Tatum, Zuotian and Hettne, Kristina M and Schultes, Erik A and Mons, Barend and Roos, Marco", year = "2015", journal = "Journal of Biomedical Semantics", pages = "5", volume = "6", }
@article{di2015rash, title = "The RASH Framework: enabling HTML+ RDF submissions in scholarly venues", author = "Di Iorio and Angelo and Nuzzolese, Andrea Giovanni and Osborne, Francesco and Peroni, Silvio and Poggi, Francesco and Smith, Michael and Vitali, Fabio and Zhao, Jun", year = "2015", }
@article{gonzalez2015peer, title = "From peer-reviewed to peer-reproduced in scholarly publishing: the complementary roles of data models and workflows in bioinformatics", author = "Gonz{\'a}lez-Beltr{\'a}n, Alejandra and Li, Peter and Zhao, Jun and Avila-Garcia, Maria Susana and Roos, Marco and Thompson, Mark and van der Horst, Eelke and Kaliyaperumal, Rajaram and Luo, Ruibang and Lee, Tin-Lap and others", year = "2015", journal = "PloS one", number = "7", pages = "e0127612", publisher = "Public Library of Science", volume = "10", }
@article{mina2015nanopublications, title = "Nanopublications for exposing experimental data in the life-sciences: a Huntington's Disease case study", author = "Mina, Eleni and Thompson, Mark and Kaliyaperumal, Rajaram and Zhao, Jun and van der Horst, Eelke and Tatum, Zuotian and Hettne, Kristina and Schultes, Erik and Mons, Barend and Roos, Marco", year = "2015", journal = "Journal of Biomedical Semantics", number = "5", volume = "6", }
@article{belhajjame2015using, title = "Using a suite of ontologies for preserving workflow-centric research objects", author = "Belhajjame, Khalid and Zhao, Jun and Garijo, Daniel and Gamble, Matthew and Hettne, Kristina and Palma, Raul and Corcho, Oscar and Gomez-Perez, Jose-Manuel and Bechhofer, Sean and Klyne, Graham and others", year = "2015", journal = "Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web", }
@inproceedings{di2015rash, title = "The RASH Framework: Enabling HTML+ RDF Submissions in Scholarly Venues.", author = "Di Iorio and Angelo and Nuzzolese, Andrea Giovanni and Osborne, Francesco and Peroni, Silvio and Poggi, Francesco and Smith, Michael and Vitali, Fabio and Zhao, Jun", year = "2015", booktitle = "International Semantic Web Conference (Posters \& Demos)", }
@incollection{du2015oncaps, title = "ONCAPS: An Ontology-Based Car Purchase Guiding System", author = "Du, Jianfeng and Zhao, Jun and Cheng, Jiayi and Su, Qingchao and Liang, Jiacheng", year = "2015", booktitle = "Web Technologies and Applications", pages = "863--866", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", }
@article{zhao2014proceedings, title = "Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Linked Science 2014-Making Sense Out of Data", author = "Zhao, J and Kessler, C and Kauppinen, T and others", year = "2014", publisher = "CEUR", }
@article{gonzalez2014peer, title = "From peer-reviewed to peer-reproduced: a role for data standards, models and computational workflows in scholarly publishing", author = "Gonzalez-Beltran, Alejandra and Li, Peter and Zhao, Jun and Avila-Garcia, Maria Susana and Roos, Marco and Thompson, Mark and van der Horst, Eelke and Kaliyaperumal, Rajaram and Luo, Ruibang and Lee, Tin-Lap and others", year = "2014", journal = "bioRxiv", pages = "011973", publisher = "Cold Spring Harbor Labs Journals", }
@article{belhajjame2014research, title = "The research object suite of ontologies: Sharing and exchanging research data and methods on the open web", author = "Belhajjame, Khalid and Zhao, Jun and Garijo, Daniel and Hettne, Kristina and Palma, Raul and Corcho, {\'O}scar and G{\'o}mez-P{\'e}rez, Jos{\'e}-Manuel and Bechhofer, Sean and Klyne, Graham and Goble, Carole", year = "2014", journal = "arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.4307", }
@article{hettne2014structuring, title = "Structuring research methods and data with the Research Object model: genomics workflows as a case study", author = "Hettne, Kristina M and Dharuri, Harish and Zhao, Jun and Wolstencroft, Katherine and Belhajjame, Khalid and Soiland-Reyes, Stian and Mina, Eleni and Thompson, Mark and Cruickshank, Don and Verdes-Montenegro, Lourdes and others", year = "2014", journal = "Journal of Biomedical Semantics", number = "41", volume = "5", }
@article{missier2013connect, title = "connect with us", author = "Missier, Paolo and Zhao, Jun and Braganholo, Vanessa and Chapman, Adriane and Cohen-Boulakia, Sarah and Curcin, Vasa and De Nies, Tom and Delcambre, Lois and Dey, Saumen and Fekete, Alan and others", year = "2013", journal = "month", }
@article{mina2013nanopublications, title = "Nanopublications for exposing experimental data in the life-sciences: a Huntington’s Disease case study", author = "Mina, Eleni and Thompson, Mark and Zhao, J and Hettne, K and Schultes, E and Roos, M", year = "2013", journal = "Proc. 6th Int. Semant. Web Appl. Tools Life Sci. Work.(SWAT4LS 2013)", }
@article{lebo2013prov, title = "Prov-o: The prov ontology", author = "Lebo, Timothy and Sahoo, Satya and McGuinness, Deborah and Belhajjame, Khalid and Cheney, James and Corsar, David and Garijo, Daniel and Soiland-Reyes, Stian and Zednik, Stephan and Zhao, Jun", year = "2013", journal = "W3C Recommendation, http://www. w3. org/TR/prov-o/(accessed 30 Apr 2013)", }
@inproceedings{zhao2013checklist, title = "A Checklist-Based Approach for Quality Assessment of Scientific Information", author = "Zhao, Jun and Klyne, Graham and Gamble, Matthew and Goble, Carole", year = "2013", booktitle = "Third Linked Sci. Work. colocated Int. Semant. Web Conf", }
@inproceedings{gomez2013reliable, title = "How Reliable is Your workflow: Monitoring Decay in Scholarly Publications", author = "G{\'o}mez-P{\'e}rez, Jos{\'e} Manuel and Garc{\i}a-Cuesta, Esteban and Zhao, Jun and Garrido, Aleix and Ruiz, Jos{\'e} Enrique", year = "2013", booktitle = "Sepublica2013", }
@inproceedings{belhajjame2013workflow, title = "A workflow PROV-corpus based on taverna and wings", author = "Belhajjame, Khalid and Zhao, Jun and Garijo, Daniel and Garrido, Aleix and Soiland-Reyes, Stian and Alper, Pinar and Corcho, Oscar", year = "2013", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Joint EDBT/ICDT 2013 Workshops", organization = "ACM", pages = "331--332", }
@incollection{gomez2013history, title = "When History Matters-Assessing Reliability for the Reuse of Scientific Workflows", author = "G{\'o}mez-P{\'e}rez, Jos{\'e} Manuel and Garc{\'\i}a-Cuesta, Esteban and Garrido, Aleix and Ruiz, Jos{\'e} Enrique and Zhao, Jun and Klyne, Graham", year = "2013", booktitle = "The Semantic Web--ISWC 2013", pages = "81--97", publisher = "Springer Berlin Heidelberg", }
@article{deus2012translating, title = "Translating standards into practice--one semantic web API for gene expression", author = "Deus, Helena F and Prud’hommeaux, Eric and Miller, Michael and Zhao, Jun and Malone, James and Adamusiak, Tomasz and McCusker, Jim and Das, Sudeshna and Rocca Serra, Philippe and Fox, Ronan and others", year = "2012", journal = "Journal of biomedical informatics", number = "4", pages = "782--794", publisher = "Academic Press", volume = "45", }
@article{marshall2012emerging, title = "Emerging practices for mapping and linking life sciences data using RDF—A case series", author = "Marshall, M Scott and Boyce, Richard and Deus, Helena F and Zhao, Jun and Willighagen, Egon L and Samwald, Matthias and Pichler, Elgar and Hajagos, Janos and Prud’hommeaux, Eric and Stephens, Susie", year = "2012", journal = "Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web", pages = "2--13", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "14", }
@inproceedings{gamble2012mim, title = "MIM: A Minimum Information Model vocabulary and framework for Scientific Linked Data", author = "Gamble, Matthew and Goble, Carole and Klyne, Graham and Zhao, Jun", year = "2012", booktitle = "E-Science (e-Science), 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on", organization = "IEEE", pages = "1--8", }
@inproceedings{page2012workflows, title = "From workflows to Research Objects: an architecture for preserving the semantics of science", author = "Page, Kevin and Palma, Ra{\'u}l and Ho{\textordfeminine}ubowicz, Piotr and Klyne, Graham and Soiland-Reyes, Stian and Cruickshank, Don and Cabero, Rafael Gonz{\'a}lez and Garc{\'\i}a, Esteban and Cuesta, David De Roure and Zhao, Jun and others", year = "2012", booktitle = "2nd International Workshop on Linked Science", }
@inproceedings{zhao2012ro, title = "RO-Manager: A Tool for Creating and Manipulating Research Objects to Support Reproducibility and Reuse in Sciences", author = "Zhao, Jun and Klyne, Graham and Holubowicz, Piotr and Palma, Ra{\'u}l and Soiland-Reyes, Stian and Hettne, Kristina and Ruiz, Jos{\'e} Enrique and Roos, Marco and Page, Kevin and G{\'o}mez-P{\'e}rez, Jos{\'e} Manuel and others", year = "2012", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Linked Science", }
@inproceedings{zhao2012workflows, title = "Why Workflows Break-Understanding and Combating Decay in Taverna Workflows", author = "Zhao, Jun and Gomez-Perez, Jose Manuel and Belhajjame, Khalid and Klyne, Graham and Garcia-Cuesta, Esteban and Garrido, Aleix and Hettne, Kristina and Roos, Marco and De Roure, David and Goble, Carole", year = "2012", booktitle = "IEEE eScience", pages = "To--appear", }
@inproceedings{belhajjame2012workflow, title = "Workflow-centric research objects: First class citizens in scholarly discourse", author = "Belhajjame, Khalid and Corcho, Oscar and Garijo, Daniel and Zhao, Jun and Missier, Paolo and Newman, David and Palma, Ra{\'u}l and Bechhofer, Sean and Garcia-Cuesta, Esteban and Gomez-Perez, Jose-Manuel and others", year = "2012", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ESWC2012 Workshop on the Future of Scholarly Communication in the Semantic Web", }
@inproceedings{zhao2012towards, title = "Towards Interoperable Provenance Publication on the Linked Data Web", author = "Zhao, Jun and Hartig, Olaf", year = "2012", booktitle = "LDOW 2012 at WWW", }
@article{zhao2011extending, title = "Extending semantic provenance into the web of data", author = "Zhao, Jun and Sahoo, Satya S and Missier, Paolo and Sheth, Amit and Goble, Carole", year = "2011", journal = "Internet Computing, IEEE", number = "1", pages = "40--48", publisher = "IEEE", volume = "15", }
@article{luciano2011translational, title = "The Translational Medicine Ontology and Knowledge Base: driving personalized medicine by bridging the gap between bench and bedside", author = "Luciano, Joanne S and Andersson, Bosse and Batchelor, Colin and Bodenreider, Olivier and Clark, Tim and Denney, Christine K and Domarew, Christopher and Gambet, Thomas and Harland, Lee and Jentzsch, Anja and others", year = "2011", journal = "Journal of biomedical semantics", number = "Suppl 2", pages = "S1", publisher = "BioMed Central", volume = "2", }
@incollection{zhao2011escience, title = "eScience", author = "Zhao, Jun and Corcho, Oscar and Missier, Paolo and Belhajjame, Khalid and Newman, David and De Roure, David and Goble, Carole", year = "2011", booktitle = "Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies", publisher = "LNCS Springer", }
@misc{alexander2011describing, title = "Describing Linked Datasets with the VoID Vocabulary", author = "Alexander, Keith and Cyganiak, Richar and Hausenblas, Michael and Zhao, Jun", year = "2011", }
@article{hartig2010integrating, title = "Integrating Provenance into the Web of Data", author = "Hartig, Olaf and Zhao, Jun", year = "2010", journal = "Liliana Cabral (Open University, UK) Tania Tudorache (Stanford University, USA)", pages = "3", }
@article{samwald2010integrating, title = "Integrating findings of traditional medicine with modern pharmaceutical research: the potential role of linked open data", author = "Samwald, Matthias and Dumontier, Michel and Zhao, Jun and Luciano, Joanne S and Marshall, Michael Scott and Cheung, Kei and others", year = "2010", journal = "Chinese medicine", number = "1", pages = "43", publisher = "BioMed Central Ltd", volume = "5", }
@article{ding2010reflections, title = "Reflections on Provenance Ontology Encodings", author = "Ding, Li and Bao, Jie and Michaelis, James and Zhao, Jun and McGuinness, Deborah", year = "2010", journal = "Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes", pages = "198--205", publisher = "Springer", }
@article{miles2010openflydata, title = "OpenFlyData: An exemplar data web integrating gene expression data on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster", author = "Miles, Alistair and Zhao, Jun and Klyne, Graham and White-Cooper, Helen and Shotton, David", year = "2010", journal = "Journal of biomedical informatics", number = "5", pages = "752--761", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "43", }
@article{roos2010linked, title = "A linked data approach to sharing workflows and workflow results", author = "Roos, Marco and Bechhofer, Sean and Zhao, Jun and Missier, Paolo and Newman, David and De Roure, David and Marshall, M", year = "2010", journal = "Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation", pages = "340--354", publisher = "Springer", }
@article{deus2010provenance, title = "Provenance of Microarray Experiments for a Better Understanding of Experiment Results", author = "Deus, Helena F and Prud, E and Zhao, J and Marshall, MS and Samwald, M", year = "2010", journal = "ISWC 2010 SWPM", }
@article{zhao2010publishing, title = "Publishing Chinese medicine knowledge as Linked Data on the Web", author = "Zhao, Jun", year = "2010", journal = "Chinese medicine", number = "1", pages = "1--12", publisher = "Springer", volume = "5", }
@article{zhao2010flyted, title = "FlyTED: the drosophila testis gene expression database", author = "Zhao, Jun and Klyne, Graham and Benson, Elizabeth and Gudmannsdottir, Elin and White-Cooper, Helen and Shotton, David", year = "2010", journal = "Nucleic acids research", number = "suppl 1", pages = "D710", publisher = "Oxford Univ Press", volume = "38", }
@article{missier2010janus, title = "Janus: from workflows to semantic provenance and linked open data", author = "Missier, Paolo and Sahoo, Satya and Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole and Sheth, Amit", year = "2010", journal = "Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes", pages = "129--141", publisher = "Springer", }
@article{hartig2010publishing, title = "Publishing and consuming provenance metadata on the web of linked data", author = "Hartig, Olaf and Zhao, Jun", year = "2010", journal = "Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes", pages = "78--90", publisher = "Springer", }
@inproceedings{zhao2010provenance, title = "Provenance requirements for the next version of rdf", author = "Zhao, Jun and Bizer, Christian and Gil, Yolanda and Missier, Paolo and Sahoo, Satya", year = "2010", booktitle = "W3C Workshop RDF Next Steps", }
@inproceedings{hartig2010automatic, title = "Automatic integration of metadata into the web of linked data", author = "Hartig, Olaf and Zhao, Jun and M{\"u}hleisen, Hannes", year = "2010", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Demo Session at the 2nd Workshop on Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web (SPOT) at ESWC", }
@inproceedings{roure2010evolution, title = "The evolution of myexperiment", author = "Roure, David De and Goble, Carole and Aleksejevs, Sergejs and Bechhofer, Sean and Bhagat, Jiten and Cruickshank, Don and Fisher, Paul and Kollara, Nandkumar and Michaelides, Danius and Missier, Paolo and others", year = "2010", booktitle = "e-Science (e-Science), 2010 IEEE Sixth International Conference on", organization = "IEEE", pages = "153--160", }
@inproceedings{dumontier2010translational, title = "The Translational Medicine Ontology: Driving personalized medicine by bridging the gap from bedside to bench", author = "Dumontier, Michel and Andersson, Bosse and Batchelor, Colin and Denney, Christine and Domarew, Christopher and Jentzsch, A and Luciano, J and Pichler, E and Prud'hommeaux, E and Whetzel, PL and others", year = "2010", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual Bio-Ontologies Meeting, Boston, USA. Bio-ontologies", pages = "120--123", }
@article{zhao2009linked, title = "Linked Data for connecting traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine", author = "Zhao, Jun and Jentzsch, Anja and Samwald, Matthias and Cheung, K", year = "2009", journal = "Poster \& Poster/Demo Abstract Proceedings Data Integration in the Life Sciences: 20-22 July 2009; Manchester", volume = "13", }
@article{zhao2009linked, title = "Linked data and provenance in biological data webs", author = "Zhao, Jun and Miles, Alistair and Klyne, Graham and Shotton, David", year = "2009", journal = "Briefings in bioinformatics", number = "2", pages = "139--152", publisher = "Oxford Univ Press", volume = "10", }
@article{jentzsch2009linking, title = "Linking open drug data", author = "Jentzsch, Anja and Zhao, Jun and Hassanzadeh, Oktie and Cheung, Kei-Hoi and Samwald, Matthias and Andersson, Bo", year = "2009", journal = "Proceedings of the Second Triplification Challenge 2009, Graz, Austria", }
@article{cheung2009journey, title = "A journey to Semantic Web query federation in the life sciences", author = "Cheung, Kei-Hoi and Frost, H Robert and Marshall, M Scott and Prud'hommeaux, Eric and Samwald, Matthias and Zhao, Jun and Paschke, Adrian", year = "2009", journal = "BMC bioinformatics", number = "Suppl 10", pages = "S10", publisher = "BioMed Central Ltd", volume = "10", }
@article{alexander2009describing, title = "Describing Linked Datasets On the Design and Usage of voiD, the “Vocabulary Of Interlinked Datasets", author = "Alexander, Keith and Cyganiak, Richard and Hausenblas, Michael and Zhao, Jun", year = "2009", journal = "Design", publisher = "Citeseer", volume = "19", }
@inproceedings{zhao2009openflydata, title = "OpenFlyData: the way to go for biological data integration", author = "Zhao, Jun and Miles, Alistair and Klyne, Graham and Shotton, David", year = "2009", booktitle = "Data Integration in the Life Sciences", organization = "Springer", pages = "47--54", }
@inproceedings{alexander2009describing, title = "Describing linked datasets", author = "Alexander, Keith and Cyganiak, Richard and Hausenblas, Michael and Zhao, Jun", year = "2009", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2009)", }
@inproceedings{hartig2009using, title = "Using web data provenance for quality assessment", author = "Hartig, Olaf and Zhao, Jun", year = "2009", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web and Provenance Management, Washington DC, USA", }
@article{stevens2008traversing, title = "Traversing the bioinformatics landscape", author = "Stevens, Robert and Fisher, Paul and Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole and Brass, Andrew", year = "2008", publisher = "John Wiley and Sons", }
@article{zhao2008building, title = "Building a Semantic Web image repository for biological research images", author = "Zhao, Jun and Klyne, Graham and Shotton, David", year = "2008", journal = "The Semantic Web: Research and Applications", pages = "154--169", publisher = "Springer", }
@article{missier2008data, title = "Data lineage model for Taverna workflows with lightweight annotation requirements", author = "Missier, Paolo and Belhajjame, Khalid and Zhao, Jun and Roos, Marco and Goble, Carole", year = "2008", journal = "Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes", pages = "17--30", publisher = "Springer", }
@article{zhao2008mining, title = "Mining Taverna's semantic web of provenance", author = "Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole and Stevens, Robert and Turi, Daniele", year = "2008", journal = "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience", number = "5", pages = "463--472", publisher = "Wiley Online Library", volume = "20", }
@article{moreau2008special, title = "Special issue: The first provenance challenge", author = "Moreau, Luc and Lud{\"a}scher, Bertram and Altintas, Ilkay and Barga, Roger S and Bowers, Shawn and Callahan, Steven and Chin Jr, George and Clifford, Ben and Cohen, Shirley and Cohen-Boulakia, Sarah and others", year = "2008", journal = "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience", number = "5", pages = "409--418", publisher = "Wiley Online Library", volume = "20", }
@inproceedings{zhao2008provenance, title = "Provenance and linked data in biological data webs", author = "Zhao, Jun and Klyne, Graham and Shotton, David", year = "2008", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference WWW2008 (Workshop: Linked Data on the Web LDOW2008)", pages = "2008", }
@article{wolstencroft2007knowledge, title = "KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FOR BIOLOGY WITH TAVERNA", author = "Wolstencroft, Carole Goblet Katy and Goderis, Antoon and Hull, Duncan and Zhao, Jun and Alper, Pinar and Lord, Phillip and Wroe, Chris and Belhajjame, Khalid and Turi, Daniele and Stevens, Robert and others", year = "2007", journal = "Semantic web: revolutionizing knowledge discovery in the life sciences", pages = "355", publisher = "Springer Verlag", }
@article{shotton2007images, title = "Images and Repositories: Present Status and Future Possibilities", author = "Shotton, David and Zhao, Jun and Klyne, Graham", year = "2007", }
@article{goble2007knowledge, title = "Knowledge discovery for biology with taverna", author = "Goble, Carole and Wolstencroft, Katy and Goderis, Antoon and Hull, Duncan and Zhao, Jun and Alper, Pinar and Lord, Phillip and Wroe, Chris and Belhajjame, Khalid and Turi, Daniele and others", year = "2007", journal = "Semantic Web", pages = "355--395", publisher = "Springer", }
@article{stevens2007using, title = "Using provenance to manage knowledge of in silico experiments", author = "Stevens, Robert and Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole", year = "2007", journal = "Briefings in bioinformatics", number = "3", pages = "183--194", publisher = "Oxford Univ Press", volume = "8", }
@article{oinn2007taverna, title = "Taverna/my Grid: Aligning a Workflow System with the Life Sciences Community", author = "Oinn, Tom and Li, Peter and Kell, Douglas B and Goble, Carole and Goderis, Antoon and Greenwood, Mark and Hull, Duncan and Stevens, Robert and Turi, Daniele and Zhao, Jun", year = "2007", journal = "Workflows for e-Science", pages = "300--319", publisher = "Springer", }
@phdthesis{zhao2007conceptual, title = "A conceptual model for e-science provenance", author = "Zhao, Jun", year = "2007", school = "the University of Manchester", }
@article{zhao2006identity, title = "An identity crisis in the life sciences", author = "Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole and Stevens, Robert", year = "2006", journal = "Provenance and Annotation of Data", pages = "254--269", publisher = "Springer", }
@inproceedings{zhao2005implications, title = "The implications of Semantic Web technologies for support of the e-Science process", author = "Zhao, Jun and Lord, Phillip and Alper, Pinar and Wroe, Chris and Goble, Carole", year = "2005", booktitle = "Proc UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005", }
@article{zhao2004mygrid, title = "myGrid’s Web of Science Data Holdings", author = "Zhao, J and Stevens, RD and Wroe, CJ and Greenwood, M and Goble, CA", year = "2004", }
@article{stevens2004mygrid, title = "myGrid and the drug discovery process", author = "Stevens, Robert and McEntire, Robin and Goble, Carole and Greenwood, Mark and Zhao, Jun and Wipat, Anil and Li, Peter", year = "2004", journal = "Drug Discovery Today: BIOSILICO", number = "4", pages = "140--148", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "2", }
@article{zhao2004using, title = "Using semantic web technologies for representing e-science provenance", author = "Zhao, Jun and Wroe, Chris and Goble, Carole and Stevens, Robert and Quan, Dennis and Greenwood, Mark", year = "2004", journal = "The Semantic Web--ISWC 2004", pages = "92--106", publisher = "Springer", }
@inproceedings{lord2004semantic, title = "The Semantic Web: Service discovery and provenance in my-Grid", author = "Lord, Phillip and Alper, Pinar and Wroe, Chris and Stevens, Robert and Goble, Carole and Zhao, Jun and Hull, Duncan and Greenwood, Mark", year = "2004", booktitle = "W3C Workshop on Semantic Web for Life Sciences", }
@inproceedings{zhao2004origin, title = "The Origin and History of in-silico Experiments", author = "Zhao, Jun and Stevens, RD and Wroe, CJ and Greenwood, Mark and Goble, CA", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of the UK e-Science all hands meeting", organization = "Citeseer", }
@inproceedings{zhao2004semantic, title = "Semantic web applications to e-science in silico experiments", author = "Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole and Stevens, Robert", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th international world wide web conference on alternate track papers \& posters", organization = "ACM", pages = "284--285", }
@incollection{zhao2004semantically, title = "Semantically linking and browsing provenance logs for e-science", author = "Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole and Stevens, Robert and Bechhofer, Sean", year = "2004", booktitle = "Semantics of a Networked World. Semantics for Grid Databases", pages = "158--176", publisher = "Springer Berlin Heidelberg", }
@inproceedings{goble2003using, title = "Using Semantic Concepts in the myGrid project", author = "Goble, Carole and Wroe, Chris and Lord, Phil and Zhao, Jun and Stevens, Robert", year = "2003", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Global Grid Forum, Semantic Grid Workshop", }
@inproceedings{zhao2003annotating, title = "Annotating, linking and browsing provenance logs for e-Science", author = "Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole and Greenwood, Mark and Wroe, Chris and Stevens, Robert", year = "2003", booktitle = "Proc. of the Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for Searching and Retrieving Scientific Data", pages = "158--176", }
@inproceedings{greenwood2003provenance, title = "Provenance of e-science experiments-experience from bioinformatics", author = "Greenwood, Mark and Goble, Carole and Stevens, Robert and Zhao, Jun and Addis, Matthew and Marvin, Darren and Moreau, Luc and Oinn, Tom", year = "2003", booktitle = "Proceedings of the UK OST e-Science second All Hands Meeting", volume = "4", }
@article{wroe2002automating, title = "Automating Experiments Using Semantic Data on a", author = "Wroe, C and Goble, C and Greenwood, M and Lord, P and Zhao, Jun and Wroe, Chris J and Goble, Carole A and Stevens, Robert and Quan, Dennis and Greenwood, Mark and others", year = "2002", journal = "IEEE Intelligent Systems", pages = "100--107", publisher = "Springer", volume = "20", }
@inbook{15671, }
@article{dellinked, title = "Linked Science", author = "del Garda, Riva and Zhao, Jun and van Erp, Marieke and Ke{\ss}ler, Carsten and Kauppinen, Tomi and van Ossenbruggen, Jacco and van Hage, Willem Robert", }
@article{dharuristructuring, title = "Structuring research methods and data with the Research Object model: genomics workflows as a case study", author = "Dharuri, Harish and Zhao, Jun and Wolstencroft, Katherine and Belhajjame, Khalid and Soiland-Reyes, Stian and Mina, Eleni and Thompson, Mark and Cruickshank, Don and Verdes-Montenegro, Lourdes and Garrido, Julian and others", }
@article{deushealth, title = "Health Care and Life Science (HCLS) Linked Data Guide", author = "Deus, Helena F and Zhao, Jun and Willighagen, Egon L and Samwald, Matthias and Pichler, Elgar and Hajagos, Janos and Aranguren, Mikel Ega{\~n}a and Miller, Michael and Prud’hommeaux, Eric and Dumontier, Michel and others", }
@article{groth3rd, title = "3rd International Workshop on Linked Science 2013-Supporting Reproducibility, Scientific Investigations and Experiments", author = "Groth, Paul and van Erp, Marieke and Kauppinen, Tomi and Zhao, Jun and Ke{\ss}ler, Carsten and Pouchard, Line C and Goble, Carole and Gil, Yolanda and van Ossenbruggen, Jacco", }
@article{citation-60, title = "D4. 1: Workflow Integrity and Authenticity Maintenance Initial Requirements", author = "Co-ordinator, Deliverable and Zhao, Jun", }
@article{zhaosemantic, title = "Semantic Web Applications to E-Science in silico", author = "Zhao, Jun and Goble, Carole and Stevens, Robert", }